Chapter 508: Request

For a couple of weeks, my school days passed peacefully. Nothing much happened, and I continued to train and teach Adrian and Melina, though I was pretty sure they had already learned everything that they needed to know.

At some point, there was no longer any point to teaching, and the only way for them to improve was to go out there and gain actual combat experience. That was the whole point of learning to fight, after all. Staying all sheltered and hiding in a dojo wasn't going to help much. There were things that you could only learn in a real life-and-death battle.

That, and practice. Lots and lots of practice. Fighting, like anything else, was a craft. The only way to hone it was to practice non-stop. The more you practiced, the better you get.

"Good job, you two."

I patted Adrian and Melina's heads after we completed a training session. Melina pouted.

"Geez, Sensei! Stop treating us like kids!"