Chapter 514: Out for Blood

Blood blades. Apparently Xu Wu Cheng had cast some sort of blood magic spell that transformed his blood into weapons, hardening it into a flexible but incredibly sharp blade that could change its shape at a single thought.

The unpredictability of it was what made it so deadly.

Therefore I dodged, diving to the side while deflecting the closest two with both of my swords. However, as I avoided the deadliest of his blows, the ten blades on Xu Wu Cheng's hands shimmered and changed shape, lashing out at supersonic speeds like a whip. Even as I twisted my body out of the way and deflected a couple from my throat and chest, I felt a couple of cuts as the sharp blood whips sliced the skin on my face and arms before retracting.

"Oh? You're good. I didn't expect you to survive that."