Chapter 516: Acting

"Are you serious?"

I was staring at Teacher Ai in disbelief. I had originally wanted to report directly to Headmistress Teresa Taylor, but a student did not simply walk into the headmistress's office without any reason. If I had anything to report, it had to go through the teachers first. While some people might deride this, it was perfectly logical. In the military, we called it chain of command. You simply didn't go straight to the top, you had to report to your superior first.

Similarly, the school bureaucracy operated in the same manner. Before I could bring the news to the headmistress, I had to go through the teachers first. So I brought the recording from both my glasses and my smartphone to Teacher Ai, and let her look at it. She did, and then laughed.

"I know about this. Both Xu Wu Cheng and Nan Gong Ji Yan have already informed me of this."

"Huh? They did?" I had stared at her blankly. She had nodded in reply.