Chapter 523: Vampire Attack

Screams rang through the courtyard as the vampires attacked from the north. There was some delay because the barrier of silver crosses turned out to be still active, and they had to waste precious time dismantling the defenses. The zombies they planned to unleash on the school ended up being almost eradicated. Without their undead troops, the vampires had to launch the attack themselves.

The security guards weren't able to put up much of a struggle before being overpowered by the sheer numbers of vampires, who then gleefully sucked their blood dry.

The students who were unfortunate enough to be out in the northern premises of school during that time also fell victim to the invading vampires. Despite the warning my friends and I had broadcasted when we saw the vampires coming, these delusional fools refused to believe us and remained where they were. Now they paid for their idiocy and stubbornness with their lives.