Chapter 528: Fire and Blood

Fan Fu Qing slowly turned his head to glance at Teresa Taylor, his eyes narrowed and his hand still clutching the throat of the defeated Zui Qiang.

"Fan Fu Qing."

The cold voice was at odds with the fiery atmosphere, and despite the intense heat, the aged vampire felt a chill run down his spine. Despite his bravado, he knew that he was being judged by the holy flames for all the atrocities he had committed. Behind him, Teresa Taylor stood, her figure illuminated by the white inferno raging at her back.

"I came here to utterly destroy you."

The two old adversaries glared at each other for a second, and then Teresa Taylor made the first move, scraping her foot against the ravaged ground. Before she could lift it, however, three vampires descended upon her from above.


Teresa Taylor glanced up at the trio, who were among the four younglings accompanying Xu Wu Cheng as his elite vanguard earlier.