Chapter 533: A very bloody battle

Several of the vampires shrieked when their bodies caught fire and combusted spontaneously under the assault. Vermillion Phoenix swooped down and they scattered in panic. Amidst the chaos, Xu Wu Cheng narrowed his eyes and gathered mana into his hands, turning them into demonic blood claws. He knew that the most effective way to fight a summoner was to attack me directly rather than try to defeat a summoned Soul Beast.

So he sacrificed his screaming subordinates to the destructive fires of Vermillion Phoenix while he aimed for me.

"I'll take care of this pest and punish him for his insolence."

Alerted by the danger, I took a step back and drew Hei Yue and Bai Ri, holding them in a defensive stance. Rossetti took up position beside me, her chakrams already gripped in her hands. Flames danced around her.

"I won't let you hurt Richard!"

I nodded my thanks at her. In contrast, Xu Wu Cheng sneered at her.