Chapter 536: Final Friends

The next morning I woke up early to leave, but not for school. After the devastation the Crimson Blood Demonic Night clan had caused, Teresa Taylor had naturally shut the school down. Parents were too afraid to send their children to Saint Teresa Academy and expressed their concern over their safety following the hideous slaughter.

Never mind a good number of the deaths were caused by social media-obsessed students too busily filming or photographing instead of escaping to safety…

"You sure you're okay?" Dad asked me before I departed my room. I nodded, watching as his image flickered in the holographic screen of my smartphone. Then the picture resolved and I saw the worry on his face. "You should return home."

"I will be, shortly," I assured him. After the catastrophe, my exchange session was cancelled and I was slated to return to Jing Tian City. "But there are a few things I have to do before I return home."