Chapter 550: Pursuit

"I'll kill you! Infinite Blood Hydras!"

Blood-red mana erupted from Xu Wu Cheng's body like an active volcano, billowing outward before solidifying into terrifying shapes.

This had to be his ultimate skill. Abruptly stopping the regeneration, Xu Wu Cheng diverted his mana back into a single, devastating spell. Instead of nine serpents, hundreds of blood serpents materialized and hissed before they darted at me. My whole front view was suddenly obscured by the writhing mass of striking serpents, their red scales glinting in the moonlight that leaked through the holes in the warehouse.


Rossetti panicked and swung her chakrams, sending four fireballs barreling into the approaching mass of serpents, but for all of her efforts, she might as well be vaporizing drops in an ocean. Even though four serpents were incinerated, twelve more took their places, hissing more angrily than ever as they lunged forward with bared fangs.