Chapter 555: Vampire Prince


I winced as Fan Le Lao's spear left a cut on my skin again and staggered back. Fortunately, the wound wasn't too deep or sevre, but that didn't stop the blood from trickling down my arm. As I said, I was suffering a death by a thousand paper cuts. That was Fan Le Lao's strategy. He was taking his sweet time, attacking me in an unharried manner, knowing there was nothing I could do to completely block his attacks now. He knew it wouldn't be long before my consciousness faded from the massive blood loss and I would eventually fall to his attacks.

He was delusional if he thought I was going to let that happen.

"Green Dragon!"

My Celestial Guardian materialized behind me and lashed out with a claw. Fan Le Lao parried the blow, scything down the vines and plants that coiled around him. While he was distracted, Green Dragon struck him with his tail, sending the vampire prince flying.