Chapter 580: Shan Xue Inn

"Have you found anything yet, Zhao Yan?"

Yue Jian was wrapping her arms around herself and shivering uncontrollably, her thick coat unable to completely protect her from the cold. I didn't blame her. Even Bernard seemed ill at ease in the weather, clumps of white snow clinging to his bulk. He turned to sneeze, throwing up a bunch of snowflakes in the distance.

Even though she must feeling the chill as sharply as the rest of us, except me, Zhao Yan did her best not to show it. She was crouching by the ground and studying it for any tracks. After a moment, she shook her head.

"Understandable," I muttered. Honestly, I thought the whole thing a wasted effort and wondered why Zhao Yan even bothered. "The snow would have covered up any tracks the Snow Jade Serpent would have left behind."