Chapter 585: Deception

Zhao Zi Jun looked at me guiltily for a moment, and then turned his head away.

"Uh, well…that could be a problem."

"Why?" I asked and crossed my arms, staring at him with a hard look. He gulped and waved his hands frantically.

"I will have trouble verifying the actual threat. I don't have any real evidence that there will be a monster attack tonight. Just…rumors here and there."

"Rumors?" I repeated incredulously. No, worse. "Unsubstantiated rumors?"

"Yeah. So obviously the university won't accept this request of mine, not unless I can provide something more concrete. That's why I have to turn to you. There's no one else I can ask. Nobody believes me."

"You haven't given me any good reason to believe you as well," I pointed out dryly. "First of all, where did you get this information from, exactly? Did you hear it from the Hunter Association? Or some random student?"