Darkness Is Your Nightmare (Ch. 1)

Ah... A beautiful day in the town of Orujinshinaka. The sun shines, and summer break has arrived. The townsfolk are enjoying the sun; kids are coming out of their homes and enjoying the sunny days with their family and friends. The workers, mostly the construction crew, are rebuilding parts of town that are still damaged from that demon attack months ago destroyed from the sudden demon attack months ago. Some are afraid to even head outside, while others are assured by the government that everything will be safe. In the meantime, the other townsfolk focus their desires on the up and coming town fair coming in a few weeks. Over in the Hardell household, Sonia and her father are having some father-daughter time playing a scary video game named "Devilish Residence Hall 3: Antagonist." Their character, Creon, is currently walking down a dark, metal factory with nothing but a crowbar, a key, some dynamite, and little ammo for his pistol. Sonia and her dad stare intensely into the game as she slowly controls her character across the hall. It was slow, quiet, still... Not even a single.... Single.... Sound.

"SKRREEEEEEEEEEEEE-" a monster yelled as it barged into the area, causing a scream.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH-!!!" Creon shouted as he gets caught by the creature. Sonia wiggles the control stick around to try and free the character but to no avail. Creon was disgustingly torn to pieces as the blood splatters across the screen. Sonia's eyes widen in horror as the blood-curdling screams and yells are covered under the crunches of blood-covered teeth and organs being split apart on the screen. The Game Over screen labeled, "You have Died..." Are what is left, as well as asking if the player wants to continue or load their game. Sonia's dad shudders and says, "Man... Who knew video games from 1999 can still be this scary. At least that stuff ain't real, right hon?" Sonia shudders, knowing that they are real, and awkwardly agrees, "R-right dad... Hehhhh...." Sonia's dad sighs in relief and says, "Well... I think that's enough video games for one day, doncha think? Besides, it's time to do the chores." Sonia makes a silly fake groan and looks at her dad with puppy-dog eyes. Sonia's dad laughs as he hands her the vacuum while handles the duster and the two begin to clean up their house.

"Hey Sonia," her father called.

"Yeah, dad?" Sonia replied.

"I hear the town fair is in a few weeks. Why not say after work on that day, I'll take us there?"

"That'll be awesome!"

"I knew you'd love it."

Meanwhile, in the dark underbelly of another galaxy, the castle of the Dark Lord, Solaria, teeming with conjurings of evil.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOO~!" Solaria yelled in rage. A few lowly demons scurried out of the dark king's throne room as Solaria yelled, "AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU CAN CONJURE A MORE DEVIOUS SCHEME!" The demon king slumped down in his chair and grumbled to himself, "That girl...That....Girl..." Ever since Solaria encountered Sonia months ago, the thought of her began to raid his mind, causing him not to think straight. The tall doors were knocked and Maligra, the skeleton witch, opened the door and floated into the throne room, holding a spellbook in her hand.

"What is it now, wench?" Solaria spoke in disgust, "Your presence rapes my thinking space."

"If thy were being mind-raped, your highness, thou surely would have been downgraded to the demon king's slave," Maligra retorted in her comeback, "I hear the tentacle beasts of Hell are looking forward to demon lords to dominate nowadays." Solaria stayed silent. He narrowed his eyes and zapped Maligra with his demon lasers, causing her body, except her head and the spellbook, to disintegrate. Maligra spoke some magic words, and her skeleton body was reformed.

"Maybe next time you should learn a spell to revitalize your skin, you hag. Now, why are you interrupting my thoughts?" Solaria questioned.

"I have been studying this... Soul-stealing ginger for a few months since the defeat of our avian demon, and found that her mind isn't fully connected," Maligra began, interesting Solaria, "You see. She may look strong and independent, but in reality, she is weak, pathetic, and broken inside." The skeleton witch began to show small visions of Sonia's inner emotion. Each vision showed Sonia's dreams, feelings towards society, her memories, and some of her nightmares. Solaria peeked through each vision until he found a special vision stored by Sonia. The image was covered in energetic particles, symbolizing it as a scar that would haunt Sonia forever. Solaria reached his hand towards it, but the vision was too entranced in the electric particles to be revealed, so it gave Solaria a little shock to his hand. This small shock then gave the demon lord a devilish idea. He smiled grimly as he looked at the skeleton witch, proposing his idea.

"Maligra. I need you to conjure up a demon that can invade the personal minds of any victim," the demon lord commanded.

"But your highness," Maligra began, "Where would we find a vessel to enact such a spell." Solaria slinked around and thought to himself; he then found a lowly soul hiding and cowering under a table. The demon lord grabbed the soul's leg with one of his "tentacles" and pulled the lowly soul and lifted it up to face the evil that is Solaria's dark stare. He peered into the soul's eyes and continued his grim smile accompanied by a dark chuckle. He then turns over to Maligra and throws the soul to her, trapping it within her magical bone-y prison.

"Take this empty soul and make him... WORTHY..." Solaria commanded, making the lowly soul whimper and cower in fear. Maligra bowed, "Hail SOLARIA," and took the soul back to her temple. Within the temple is an array of disgust, defiled body parts entombed in jars and hung against the walls, chemicals, and potions of all sorts. Maligra traps the soul within a dark shield. Maligra then dips her hands in some blood-red goo, spoke some magic words causing her hands to spark a blue flame as she pulls them closer to the soul as it cries for help. The doors close as Maligra laughs darkly, working her black magic. The skeleton witch engulfs the soul within a black abyss of darkness and uses her "claws" to slash the black abyss and then covered it in a mix of purple, black and gray colors and cocooned her "experiment" upon the ceiling.

The "experiment" shook and stirred and tried to fight Maligra's spells as the witch continued to chant her magic upon it. When it was done, the cocoon stopped struggling. The exterior suddenly uncovered from its black abyss as blue eyes envisioned as being on fire suddenly began to glow. Solaria seeped under the doors of Maligra's temple and confronted the witch. The witch simply pointed to her latest creation to which Solaria looked upon the cocoon and observed it. The demon within the cocoon stared deep into Solaria, making the demon lord's mind feel tapped and invaded. Solaria quickly darted his eyes away from the beast but then looked back at it, then hypnotized it to obey the demon lord's every command. The demon in the cocoon closed its eyes, willing to obey.

"Perfect...." Solaria stated darkly, "This specimen will be the little girl's worst nightmare." Solaria and Maligra darkly laughed as the cocoon hatched, ready to be released and invade the earth.