Night of the Living Ginger

Written by Jean-Luc Ottey

Ah… Another quiet, peaceful day in the town of Orujinshinaka. The fall season has come around, the leaves have changed from evergreen to a gentle orange and yellow before gently falling to the ground amongst the quiet fall breeze. Life continued to be peaceful, especially since there had been no sudden mythical attacks for a while. School had recently re-opened for all students, allowing them to restart the lessons current grade they were in from the beginning. While some groaned at the idea, others felt it was a decent idea due to the longevity of the district's closure. Let us go forth to Orville J. Redmonn High, where we find Sonia in an American History class, attempting to not daze out or fall asleep.

During the school's closure, Sonia had been up for the past few nights in some secret training sessions, and had ended up going to bed at such late times. However, she had been up for the past few school nights training as well, so her body isn't 100% there. She's so tired, that as she tries to copy down the notes written on the chalkboard, she ends up scribbling lines all over her notebook while she's trying to kick-start her brain to wake up. Meanwhile, in the back of the classroom, Mellisa, and a few of the other female classmates quietly giggle to one another and whisper some secret plans.

"Can you believe it's almost Halloween, girls?" one girl whispered, "And it's ALSO time for the annual Halloween paaarrtyyyy~."

"Eeeeeee~!" Cammy, Mellisa's Spanish best friend, whispered with joy, "Oh I know Sarah. I just loooooovvvve the annual Halloween party! We should invite the entire school!"

"Qué maravilla, Cammy," Mellisa whispered to Cammy with a smile, but an idea immediately struck her and she asked, "But wait. Do we know who's setting up the party this year?" The girls immediately began to ponder the situation until the teacher tapped on the blackboard to call their attention back.

"Now girls," the teacher called with a little laughter, "I know you like to have your little whisper game back there, but this is class time. Not lunch. Unless you'd like to share it with the class."

"No, Mrs. Theresa," the girls responded with a little laugh and a little embarrassment. The bell rang, dismissing the class, finally waking Sonia up, and having the teacher inform the class about a test coming in early November. Sonia shook her head to wake up whatever's left asleep, and began to pack up. She looked up and saw Mellisa and her other girlfriends giggling and leaving the room which made her think, "What's got them so jolly today?"

It was lunch time, so Sonia headed over to her locker, opened it, and leaned her head in to get her lunch until she suddenly was greeted by a sudden jolly call.

"Hiya Sonia!" Mellisa suddenly greeted, and Sonia immediately jumped and banged her noggin against the top of her locker, making a sudden reverberated CLANG sound. Sonia winced in pain as she pulled her head from out of the locker and greeted the cheery girl with a wince and now a slight headache.

"Say, Sonia, the girls and I are hosting a Halloween party for Halloween this year!"


"Hehe, you should come along and join us on the celebration."

"Ehhh…. I dunno. I might have some plans tonight, and I don't know how long it'll laassst, aaannnd…"

"Oh, but would you pleeeaaaaseeee?"




"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaasssseeeee~ with a little sugar candy on top?" Mellisa asked while giving Sonia the cutesy eyes. Sonia just stared at her with one of her eyebrows lowered, and sighed while looking down with a small chuckle. The ginger responded, "Alright, alright. MAYBE, I'll come. Just maybe."

"You will?!" Mellisa speaks with joy until suddenly hugging Sonia tightly and lifting her some as well, "Oh joy, oh joy, oh joy, oh joy~!"

"GACK…. Okay…. That's nice…." Sonia spoke with a crunched tone as her body can't handle Mellisa's super hugs. "C-can you let me go now?" Mellisa goofily puts Sonia down as the ginger tries to catch her breath.

"So… guhhh… where's this party gonna be at anyway?" Mellisa's mind suddenly went dumbfounded as she had forgotten where the party was gonna be at. Mellisa immediately asks Sonia to stay where she is and she runs around to another area of the halls to ask her friends where the party will be. Sonia, waiting, decides to go and pick up her lunch bag until Mellisa suddenly runs back and says, "Pumpkin Village!" causing Sonia to hit her head again.

"DANG IT!!" Sonia "cussed" as she winced in pain again and rubbed the same place she got hurt from. She then looks at Mellisa with a little peeve and asked, "Where'd you say it was?"

"It's at Pumpkin Village in that old mansion nobody ever lived in," Mellisa explained with glee.

"The Haberdashery Mansion, huh…?" Sonia queried, and Mellisa responded by nodding like a doofus. The cheery girl even gave Sonia her own personal invitation card with the address included. The girls then called for Mellisa so she had to go. Mellisa then states, "Hope you'll be there! And don't forget to wear a costume too!" Mellisa then ran to join her party-planning friends and they all headed straight for the cafeteria. Sonia stared at the card for a bit before placing it in her pocket and said to herself, "I'll think about it." Sonia then placed the card in her pocket, grabbed her lunch bag, and proceeded to head straight for the cafeteria.

Things seemed to be turning out as yet another peaceful day for the young hero girl. However, in a lone, brooding castle residing lightyears across the galaxy… Things were not as peaceful as one would seem. In this dark, brooding castle, where screams of torture were endless, and stains of magic poisoned the walls, a dark emperor sits upon his throne. This dark emperor was known to many as the God of Darkness, the purveyor of Eternal Darkness… but some know him by his true name...

"Master Solaria! Master Solaria!" a voice from another room called out.

"Whatever feeble wretch that dares to call my name from afar, come to me NOW or feel my wrath…" Solaria commanded. What came forth was not a creature of short stature, but a floating sack of bones that was partly covered in a torn cloth. The boned one came to the Dark Lord with great news.

"Master Solaria…" The skeleton greeted to her master as she bowed to her master, "I bring great news that thouest should hear..."

"Ah, Maligra… how it pains me to see you. Well? Go on. Speak up then, you filthy sack of dust and ash…"

"The newest creation thou hast requested is nearly complete. Emulated from the dreams and feelings of that feeble goddess's so-called champion."

"Go on…" Solaria speaks with interest.

"There be one problem though…" Maligra added, "It needs a soul…" Solaria stared down the skeleton witch and questioned her query, noting that there are plenty of souls to rip from within these very walls. The demon lord even slowly scraped his claws against the walls, releasing a set of screaming souls. However, the skeleton witch denied them, stating that those souls would not work.

"I mean one from complete purgatory, master…. A human who hath committed nothing but evil in its path, but has escaped judgement…. One who walks the very soil that the living treat for granted," the witch spoke, "I request, thine villainous master… to travel upon the earth to find that vessel needed in order to complete my creation…" Solaria took note of the witch's request and began to think of the situation. If said vessel were to aid in the creation of Maligra's new abomination, then maybe it would also allow him to finally finish his own vile work. Solaria evilly smirked at the idea, and then turned to Maligra and commanded.

"Your wish is granted, magician…" Solaria started with a booming voice, "BUT…. I have a task for you… Once you head over to the Earth Realm, and find the vessel. I require you to also pick up a few…. Other… untamed souls. I wish to pick out the best for my…. Special creation…..

"H-….How many souls, master…?" Maligra asked in suspicion and slight fear.

"As many as your feeble bones can carry…" Solaria retorted harshly, "And I advise you to take the soul reaper along with you in your task. His scythe of sheer demonic power should be enough to assist in your menial endeavor.

"And If I run into the… champion…?" Maligra shakenly asked. Solaria did not take this question lightly, and proceeded to take a servant who stood and fed the demon lord his dinner, wrap one of his flames around the servant's neck and snaps it in an instant before dropping the poor thing dead. Maligra watched the lifeless body slowly burn away into nothing but soul-ash before its remnants joined Solaria's collection of broken souls, and she drops to the demon lord's flames to worship him.

"Yes, master… HAIL SOLARIA…" Maligra stated as she was dropped to the demon's "feet" and kissed his black flames before being slashed across the face from one of them. Solaria SHOUTED for the skeleton witch to get out of his sight, and she performed her command in a rush, knocking into the walls of the castle as she got away in complete fright. Solaria sat back amongst his throne, and began to think. He called one of his servants to bring him a Gregorian calendar to determine the current date. He scrolls his finger down until he reaches onto the 31st of October.

"Halloween… What sort of name is that…?" Solaria asked his servants.

"I-it's an Earthly holiday, master…." One of the servants answered, "Humans on earth take it as a day to worship evil…. I-in fact, they would suddenly transform…."


"Y-yes… they transform from their…. Traditional uniforms, and suddenly become… beasts!" the servant explained with a deep shiver.

"Beasts…? Magnificent… Once I become the eternal ruler of the universe, it shall be Halloween EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR!" Solaria shouted, which echoed throughout the castle, and then proceeded to let out his infamous cackling laughter, all while his lowly servants awkwardly and fearfully laughed along with their cruel and villainous master... Solaria then caught note of his servants laughing away, gradually getting louder and cheerier, so he scared them off and threatened to gouge out their eyes and boil their bones. The evil emperor then looked upon the orb that displayed the planet earth and stated, "Pray that your rest has been well… because when night comes, the demons will be well on lurking tonight…"