Night of the Living Ginger (Ch. 6)

Both Mellisas goofily ran away while the monster chased them through the halls. All three of them ran into a room of buckets and the monster ran inside as well. The monster saw that the buckets were all covered in lids, but the Mellisas pop out of two of them until seeing the monster and jumping back in. The monster pulled the lids off but the same situation happened but with different buckets. The monster then continued to go after them, but was getting lost each time until the sequence became a wacky game of whack-a-mole. Mellisa and Mellisa quietly sneak out and whisper to themselves, "Gee that was close." But just then, SONIA comes out of nowhere and some crashes into the two.

"Sonia!" the Mellisas shout cheerfully.

"Mellisa…?.... AND MELLISA?!?!!??!" Sonia shouts, but then gets scared when she, and the Mellisas, turn to see the Brothers Ghost charging in from behind.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" The trio screamed then proceeded to slip and crash and dash their way out, only to bump into the shadow beast once again. The trio split into three different doors, and the monsters followed through the same doors. However, Mellisa came out of one door, and a ghost child came out of another, and then Sonia came through a fourth door and the Shadow Beast came through TWO doors, and then Mellisa's clone came out of another door and chased the shadow beast, then the original Mellisa chased the ghost kids while Sonia ran around every door, and the entire nonsense that happened with Julianna earlier is happening again right now. That is until the girls come out of one door, and the spooky monsters came out of another, all while the shadow beast's radio switched to another perfectly-fitting-for-chase-sequences yet groovy '70s music. Mellisa, Mellisa, and Sonia ran through the mansion in completely silly, yet genuinely terrifying fright. They ended up in kitchens, basements, a laundry room, a witch's cauldron, and even inside a currently-in-use stove-oven.

"WAIT A MINUTE!! WE'LL DIE IN HERE!" Sonia exclaimed in shock and everyone ran back the other way. It wasn't until the monsters chased the girls down one way but suddenly lost them. That is… if they weren't disguised in famous paintings of Napoleon Bonaparte, Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper. The monsters dash past the paintings at first, but then the little baby ghost turns back and examines the paintings, only for Sonia to smash its face with a pie. During the distraction, Sonia and the Mellisas jump out of the paintings and then dashed off.

"We'll never escapes these ghosts by just running! It's like we're in some funny cartoon from the sixties!" Sonia complained, "We need to stop these freaks!" Mellisa thought for a moment until an idea popped straight into her head.

"I got an idea!" Mellisa shouted with confidence and she whispered in her clone's ear and in Sonia's ear as well. All three girls nod at the idea then Mellisa and Sonia ran one way, while Mellisa's clone went straight ahead, splitting up the monsters once again. Mellisa and Sonia ran around the circular intersection that crossed between the hallway and the stairway, and the Shadow beast along with one of the ghosts trailed them through the circular intersection over and over. Because Mellisa and Sonia were faster, Sonia quickly pressed her back against the wall as the ghost and monster chase Mellisa. Sonia smiles and grabs a big vase next to her and holds it over her head and waits for the right moment until POW!!!! Sonia SLAMS the vase… but on Mellisa's head instead of the shadow beast's….

"Oh my god, I am SOOO SOORRY!!" Sonia quickly shouts as she tries to help Mellisa up. Mellisa was knocked out and seeing stars from the vase assault and the monsters began to give chase once again. Having no choice, and not being very strong, Sonia pulls Mellisa by the legs and drags her against the rug floor to another room, albeit she knocks her sides into the walls as well. Sonia repeatedly apologized as Mellisa gets knocked around while they were both being chased. The two girls reach a hallway that had a stairwell at the end, and the monsters gave chase. Meanwhile, the clone Mellisa, who was being chased by one of the ghosts, busted out of a closet door while pushing a wheelbarrow as fast as she could. Clone Mellisa dashed really fast and ended up bumping the shadow beast and one of the ghosts into the wheelbarrow, while Sonia dragged the original Mellisa. Sonia quickly pulled her onto Sonia's back so she doesn't get run over by the wheelbarrow and ended up tilting and falling into the wheelbarrow herself.

"I got 'em, girls! I got 'em!" the clone exclaimed with glee. The clone Mellisa then releases the wheelbarrow from her grasp and goofily watches them go.

"MELLISA!!!!!!" Sonia shouted when she realized that Clone Mellisa let the wheelbarrow go out of control. The clone squinted her eyes to see that the farming machine was about to drop down a flight of stairs, and the clone's brain finally plugged back in, causing the clone to jump in fright and dash back to the wheelbarrow and grabs it JUST as it flew off of the stairs. Suddenly, now ALL of them were flying down the stairs, bumping and bashing down each case of the long stairwell. However, the little ghost boy that wasn't caught in the wheelbarrow floated in front of them all and grew big. The ghost boy stretched its arms around and was about to grab them, but the gang the sped past the ghost at intense speed, causing the ghost boy to poof in nothing but ghostly air. However, the wheelbarrow couldn't keep steady and tumbled over itself, causing everyone to barrel-roll over the stairs harshly, flinging the unconscious Mellisa until she was caught by the shorts on a pointed chandelier. Everyone else, however, crashed and stopped in the main room right in front of the front door. The girls groaned from the crash, but the monster got up and cackled, "HA HA HA HA HAAAAHHHH….. YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE ME THIS TIME…" However, the original Mellisa, who was hanging from the chandelier, was released from her holding and crashed down on top of the shadow beast, knocking it out.

"Mellisa, you did it!" the clone exclaimed with joy, "You caught the monster!" The original Mellisa, however, had finally awoken from her slumber and asked with a yawn, "Is it time for the Halloween party…?"

"It will be soon once we unmask this beast," The clone explains, "Sonia? Would you like to do the honors?" Sonia happily took the offer and walked over to the beast. Sonia grabs the hood of the shadow beast and immediately unmasks it only for her gasp and shout, "SCRUFFLES?!" Scruffles immediately gets shocked and attempts to retract back into the suit. Sonia grabs the black cat and pulls her own, only to them also pull out her dog, Matthew, who was holding onto her legs.

"MATTHEW?!" Sonia exclaimed, seeing as how both the cat and dog were the monster the entire time.

"And it's easy to deduce this, my friend," Mellisa's clone began to explain, "Y'see, there were no clues to officially find around here, but we did find this clump of cat-and-dog hair somewhere." The original Mellisa then pulled out the clump of hair and had Sonia smell it. Sonia immediately smelt the conditioner and recognized that it was the same exact conditioner that she uses on her pets' fur. Sonia was about to scold Matthew and Scruffles, who both were staring at them with guilty smiles, but then Sonia stopped and asked, "Wait…. What about the ghosts?"

"The ghosts?" Mellisa asked as she looked up and saw the three ghosts floating over their heads, "Oh, no. The ghosts were real. In fact, much of the things that's been happening around here like the weird floors and disappearing friends were-" Mellisa then gasped loudly and immediately grabbed her cheeks and shouted, "WHERE'S BESTIE?!" Julianna, however, was still flying through the purple portal. She even ends up flying by an anthropomorphic green cat in yellow-and-banana-crème overalls. The cat looks at her with a shiver and asks, "C-Can you help me? I've been flying here for over a year now and I desperately need to feed my pet..." Julianna groaned from the sight and request as she kept flying, but she is then immediately thrusted into another portal, leaving the poor cat behind. Meanwhile, Mellisa was running around in a panic as her bestie was missing. Clone Mellisa joined her, thinking that her bestie was missing as well, but realized that a clone Julianna was never created. The Clone Mellisa then grabbed the original and shook her, stating that they'll find Julianna.

"Don't worry Melly-Mel, we'll find bestie," the clone comforted to her original, "Right, Sonia?" However, Sonia, along with her pets, were gone.

"Sonia?" the Mellisas called out again, thinking that Sonia had disappeared in the mansion again. However, Sonia, Matthew, and Scruffles were dashing for the graveyard, pushing through the hypnotized citizens.


"THAT'S WHAT I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU!" Sonia shouted at Scruffles as they all ran, "While you two were playing MONSTER, there's been a demon out there that's been unleashing REAL monsters!" Sonia quickly dives everyone under a nearby tombstone when two giant werewolves were marching by. Sonia and her pets peek over and then dash and hide behind a giant boulder, and kicked away a few spiders that were squirming around the area. The trio peered over the boulder and were in shock to see a giant, glowing green orb with souls floating inside.

"What… IS that…?" Scruffles asked in fright, "…and who's THAT…?" Scruffles pointed to sets of people walking past a cloaked being as if they're zombies and even stood amongst the orb while their souls were sucked out completely until their bodies turned lifeless and gray. The bodies then proceeded to join the various monsters in what seemed to be an underworldly takeover/party of monsters and ghouls. Scruffles gulps and hides down back behind the boulder.

"We must put an end to this, otherwise it will be Halloween each and every day," Matthew speaks intelligently, "And I believe that if we take out that cloaked man with the scythe, we might be able to put an end to this." Sonia likes the idea, but she begins to tell Matthew that her sword is missing, and she can't summon it again somehow. Matthew exclaims "What?!" and a few skeletons caught attention of the sound. Sonia and Matthew duck further under the rock, while Scruffles retorts, "Oh nice going, GENIUS," only to be shushed by Sonia. The skeletons come closer but suddenly a purple portal comes in from above, catching their attention. They look up and suddenly get smashed when a giant body. That giant body happened to be Julianna, who's been thrusted in the portal when she was lost in the haunted house. Julianna groaned and slowly looked up, only to be greeted by the grim reaper himself.