The start

Hey, I'm Brielle Lodge. I just graduated from collage and I'm on to real life, to a new job. I will now be working at a music company named "Astranalon". It's almost my first day moving into the big city New York.

As I walk into the office holding my coffee, I couldn't help but look around but then suddenly- "Oh my gosh, I'm SO sorry, it's my first day on the job and I couldn't help but look around and-" I ramble. "Hah, no it's fine, really. You must be Brielle Lodge?" He says. "Uh, yeah. And you?" I ask. "I'm Daniel Robinson " He says. "And I am your boss!" He adds.

Crap. First day on the job and I screw it up by bumping into my boss. "Wait here while I'll be in my office for a second Ms.Lodge." He says. He walks away and into his office. "What are you doing here? You need to go to your bosses office!" Someone says as they enter. "But he said-" "nope. Go." They say. I open the door into the bosses office and I see him changing his shirt. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," I say closing the door.

After seven seconds he opens the door and says, "come in, I'm so sorry for that". "No, I am... Someone forced me to come over here..." I say. He goes on and sits on his chair and buttons up his shirt. "Sorry, just one moment. So, tell me. What is your dream? What is your biggest desire?" Daniel says. "Well, all I ever wanted was to write songs, maybe even sing one day but I'm not that good..." I say. "I doubt that" He says. "Huh?" I say.

"Well, looking at you and hearing your general voice, I think you'd be a very great singer." He says. "Oh... Thank you." I say. After that he brushes his nice brown hair and stands up. "Let's show you around!" He says.

Daniel shows me around the building and then shows me my cubicle. "This is where you'll be working." He says. Even if it's a cubicle, it's so big. I sit down on my computer then start writing til my fingers fall off.