
It's finally time for work but I did something really bad... I stop by his office and say "look, I think we need to forget everything that happened earlier..." "Wait, are you sure you want to forget all that?" He says. "Daniel, you have a WIFE" I say. "Well your a new asset here so that makes it as worse for you!" He says. "Are you actually sure you'd wanna forget that?" He says. "No" I say as I rush to him and kiss him. "Brielle no! Now with the door open." He says as he shuts the door and continue.

I walk out like nothing ever happened and get to work. Daniel starts checking everyone and then he stops by me. "Doing a great job" He says. Then lays down a note and leaves. "Just between us" The note said. I smile and start to continue.

After work I go home to my roommate and plop on my bed. "Never saw YOU come in." She says. Aphrodite I don't ever wanna quit my work" I say in daydream. "Ooooh, whos the special guy?" She asks. "Uhm..." I say. "Just tell me!" She yells. "FINE, his name is Daniel and... He's sorta my boss?" I say. "I wasn't named after a Greek god for nothing so, WHY?!" She says. "I don't know ask my lips! They told me what to do!" I say, "Ok then, WHAT WERE U THINKING" She says.

"Look, He's very cute! Quirky, hot, nice" I say. "Wait, how far did you get? What level?" Aphrodite says. "Level 3..." I say. Aphrodite gasps and says: "BRIELLE STARELLA LODGE!" . "He has a WIFE Aph... It's just an affair..." I say. "It's not like it'll last." I add. "Aww, Brie we don't know that for sure" she says. And then an idea pops in my head.