The Negative

"Wh- ugh... I don't wanna know." I say. "Awh, come on! You've waited long enough!"

Aphrodite says. "Ok, Aph, enough!" I say. "I hope you drank enough!" She says giving it to me. "It's no or it's yes. But either way you have to take it." She says. "Ugh, come on. Is Katy even home yet?" I ask. "That's tonight. Just a stick and a line." She argues. "Just one of them, if I'm lucky..." I say. I step in the bathroom and go on doing it.

"We'll focus on the negative, ok?" She says. I get out and put the stick down, set a timer and wait for the results. "How'd I ever get myself in this mess?" I ask. "From... making out with your boss?" She says. "Aph!" I yell. "You can't blame me if it's true." She says. Then the timer goes off. "That means the test is ready!" She says. "Yea I know." I say as I walk to the test. I pick it up.

"Crap..." I say. "Oh, my, positive?!" Aphrodite says in excitement. "How do I even tell Daniel?!" I say nervously. "You just tell him?" She says. "Tell my boss I'm pregnant with his baby even if he has a wife? Not a chance." I say. "Hey, it's one positive, check in with the doctor at least." She says. "I'm hooome!" Kath says. "Oh my god Katie!" I say running up to her. "I need your help..." I say.

A few minutes later after explaining were all speechless. "So a recap, you slept with your boss, then your having an affair, and then your pregnant with his baby?" She says. "Apparently so." Aphrodite reply's. "Well I have no idea what to do so I'm going to call him..." I say.

I go to the corner and start calling Daniel. After a few seconds, he answers. "Hey, Daniel. Are you alone by any chance?" I ask. "Not really Brielle..." He says. "Oh, sorry for interrupting..." I say. "No! Wait... uh, meet me at my office in 10?" He asks. "Sure" I reply. We both hang up and head to the office.

So we're now at the office and we sit down. "Daniel... I have good or bad news, depends how you take it..." I say. He steps closer to me and says: "Hey, what is it? You can tell me anything" "For god sakes here..." I say, giving him the stick. "Brielle, your..." He says. "Y-yes..." I say.