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She Used to be Mine

We wake up and hear the baby crying. But suddenly, it just stops. I rush to Arielle and try checking her pulse or see if she's breathing... She's not... "DANIEL" I yell. He rushes over here sitting with me as I panic and start to cry. "She's- she's dead..." I say... "we don't know for sure," Daniel Says. "THERES NO PULSE, SHES NOT BREATHING." I yell in panic. "Hey, I'm here it's ok..." Daniel say.

We decided to cremate the baby. We do all of that and then decide to throw the ashes at the beach. In the ocean. I can't help but cry as we watch the ocean, taking the ashes away. He holds me close. "She used to be mine... " I say. We are now in the car and we drive home. We both sleep in bed and I can't stop wondering what caused it. I decide to just move on and look at the news again. I come across another article. "Famous baby of Daniel Robinson and Brielle Lodge dies". I sigh and try to fall asleep.

Daniel comes closer to me and hugs me. "Whatcha thinking bout babe?" He says. "I just can't stop wondering about how or why it happened..." I reply. "Hey, just let it go for now... how are you and your friends?" He says. "I don't ever wanna talk to them ever, again." I say. "I never knew I made a horrible choice in friends..." I say.

"Heyyyy there. You saying I'm not enough?" He says as he lifts his self up and sits on the bed. I get up and sit on the bed as well. "No, you are my everything, I'm saying as in friends. You were never my friend. We never went there. You made me believe that love at first sight was real." I say. "And you made me believe that angels can land here." Daniel Says. "It's ok, someday in the future we will have a family, a real one that we are prepared for." He adds. I lay down and sleep.

It's the next morning and I hear voices in the halls. "Why are we here again?" Says voice 1. "BECAUSE we need to say sorry to Brielle. Shes now FAMOUS and we can't look bad on the internet." Says voice 2. I then realize that those voices were Aphrodite and Katy. "So they're using me..." I say. Daniel wakes up. "Huh?" He says. "I just heard Katy and Aphrodite... They are only befriending me just cause I'm now popular..." I say. Then I hear a knock. "I'm not answering you asshole!" I say. After a million knocks I finally answer the door. "I'm not an idiot guys, I heard you two..." I say. Daniel steps in for me and says: "Ladies, it's best you go before I have to call security." The then leave and we enjoy our morning.

He starts cooking breakfast. "What's for breakfast?" I ask. "Pancakes!" He says. "Yum, lemme set up the tables." I say as I walk over to the utensils. I get a knife and accidentally cut my finger trying to get it. "Ah!" I yell. He immediately goes over to me and checks it out. He then cleans it up and puts a bandaid on it. "Be more careful, you already had your knee hurt." He says. "Thanks..." I say in embarrassment.