I get ready in the dressing room with Aphrodite and Katy. After all they WERE there for me from when this all started so we talked it out, forgave and forgot. "I can't believe this is the day!" Katy says. "She is going to soon be Mrs.Robinson!" Aphrodite says. "Ash I love you guys!" I say as I come closer and hug them. "It's time!" Katy says. I walk down the isle with my father. I never knew this day would come so early. At the age of 26, I am getting married to the man of my dreams.
After walking down the isle, time passes by, we get to the vows. "Brielle, ever since the day I met you, you were always the one that cared. You always helped me in every way you possibly could. You gave me your heart in which I'll keep and take care of forever. You gave me a child, a quick experience of a life as a father." He says. "Daniel Robinson, you always are there. Whenever I need you your there with me. When I first saw you, I KNEW love at first sight was real. You never gave up on me when I was with your child. You were the dreams that I ended up chasing." I say.
"Daniel Robinson, Do you take Brielle Lodge as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest says. "I do." Daniel replies. "Brielle Lodge, do you take Daniel Robinson as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asks again. "I do." I say in pride. "I now pronounce you, husband and wife!" The priest speaks again. "You May now kiss the bride." The priest says. Me and Daniel both share a kiss. I am officially Mrs. Robinson!
It's now the reception and me and Daniel slow dance, holding each other close. We slow dance to the song "Can't help falling in love with you". "How does it feel to be married?" Daniel asks. "Great, Because it's with you." I say. We hold each other close and continue dancing. I check my phone as it rings from a notification. "Famous couple Daniel Robinson and Brielle Lodge gets married!" The article says when I open up the notification. I put my phone away and enjoy this night with my husband.