I wake up to a phone call from Aphrodite. I get off the couch, hurry to get dressed and answer. "Ok, Brie, you aren't slick. Your lipsticks smudged." Aphrodite says. "Is that Daniel back there?" Katy says. "Yes, it is. Is something wrong that you had to wake me up at twelve in the morning?" I ask. "Well for starters your late. Second, are you ok?" Aphrodite Says and asks. "I'm fine and also yes, I realize I'm late. The point is I'm scared of going to work." I say. "I don't think it'll be a biggie. The people at your work probably don't care, it's not like we're in collage or high school anymore." Katy says. "Well I need to go to work so I'll see you guys later." I say.
I wake up Daniel in a hurry. He looks at me with a tired look, he puts his hand on my face and kisses me. "Let's get ready..." I say.
We arrive at work and I look at my desk. It's all messed up. I look at my songbook and almost every love song is ripped out. I go to Daniels office, and I'm ending this for good... I'm doing this cause I love him enough to do this.
I walk into Daniels office. "Daniel... I love you, so much... But this has to end. This can't go on forever and I don't deserve you. You deserve way better than a nobody, a freak, a liar, and a cheater." I say. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Goodbye, Daniel." I say as I leave. Of course I still work there, I just broke up with him. I think it's time to just move on with my life...
To be continued...