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It's another day at the office and I turn in another work. "Approved. You just need to change a lot of things." He says. "What's your deal? We were both friendly just last night!" I say. "This is work, Ms.Skylar. We need to be professional!" He says as he gets up and walks to me. "Professional my ass. Why are you like this?" I ask. "Because I'm forced to, do you know what it's like having everyone expect more and more out of you each second?" He says. I have to do this, if there's a chance I could get the Eric i met last night. So I kissed him...

We both slowly stop and he looks at me holding my arms. "Elle, we both know this can't happen..." he says. "Theres the guy I met last night..." I say. He looks the other way looking a bit flustered or embarrassed. "You don't have to be like this. As my mother always said, there's always another way." I say. "We both know this is wrong. We can't end up like two people who used to work here." He says. "Who?" I ask. "Daniel Robinson and Brielle Lodge." He says as he hands me some piles of news about them. "They ended up together..." I say. "They did. But look at all this. Even if this happens then I can not be even able to think that I caused you pain." He says. "I'd rather go through hell for something I need than do nothing and regret not doing anything about it." I say. "Think about this..." He says. I then leave the office. I don't even know what that was but he seems hesitant even though we both tried to kiss each other last night. I get a ring on my phone and it's a text from my boyfriend, Jackson. "Everything alright?" He texts. "It's great" I text back. I love him just... Not as much anymore. The truth is that we've been together since high school but he's always shy, or too nice. I'd leave him so he could be in a happy relationship but I don't wanna hurt his feelings.

It's the end of the day and I drive home. "Ok, you seem worse. We said we're sorry!" Riley says. "It's not that. I can't even tell you if I had the chance." I say. "What do you mean? We'll understand whatever it is" Sadie says. "I... I don't know yet... But I might be cheating on Jackson..." i say. "Why?! Jackson's a nice guy!" Riley says. "I know I know, after collage and high school it's just not the same anymore! This love is dying. I can't break his heart cause you know how he is.." I say. "We got you. But we aren't saying this is right. Also, Sadie and I are going on vacation anyway. Wanna come..?" Riley says. "I can't.. I have work..." I say. "We're leaving in a few minutes so we'll see you later, Elle..." Sadie Says as they both take their luggage's and leave. I'm lost and I have no idea what to do. I then hear Jackson enter the house. "Oh, hey babe..." I say. "Hey sweetheart, is everything ok?" He asks. "Yea, of course." I reply. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Just wanted to see my cute girlfriend." He says. "Jackson, I kind of need space right now..." I say. "Whatever you wish..." He says as he leaves.

I text Eric, Bundled up in my bed. "Hey..." I text. "Hey" He replies. That was fast... "I thought about it, I can't bare to even let this go... My life's stuck in a loveless relationship. And all my friends are gone..." I text. "Are you sure about this? Be aware my wife is very powerful." He texts.. "I'm... sure" I text. "Meet me here tomorrow. It's a weekend and the whole building will be closed." He texts. "Sure" I reply.