I go to tutoring again and no ones here again. I sit down next to him and he starts teaching me.
It's an hour later and we start to deeply talk. "Where did you grow up?" I ask. "I grew up in the big city Chicago." He says. "Are you into English?" He asks. "I love English literature. My favorite things." I say. "Maybe I'll do a mini lesson." He says and chuckles. We get closer... And closer...
Our lips touch and we don't care... We stop and then realize all the risks. "Quinn... We can't." He says. "How about this? No one has to know..." I say. "I'd hate to risk anything." He says. "It's all worth it at the end." I say. I come closer and we kiss again. "Ok... We can't tell anyone. And we have to keep it down at school." He says. I pack up all my stuff and leave the room with a smile.
I go home and see Noah outside. "Ok, what the hell is it now?" I ask. "Ya know, I never took you for a cheater." He says. "Excuse me?" I say. "I saw you with that damn teacher." He says. "Noah, I don't know what you saw. Leave right now, and we'll talk tomorrow." I say as I walk away. Two steps after he grabs me and pulls me very harshly. "Not until you tell me what the hell you were doing with Mr.Hayes!" He yells. I start to fight him, trying to get away. "Let go of me!" I say. My dad then comes out and rushes to me. My dad pushes him away. "What the hell do ya think you're doing?!" My dad says. "Forget it." Noah says as he walks away. I start to shatter in tears... "It's ok honey, it's ok..." My dad says as he hugs me in comfort.
It's past an hour and a half and my whole family has dinner. My parents and my little brother. "Quinn, what's up with you today? You seem down" My mom says. I look at her angrily. "Honey... She got into an intense fight with that kid Noah..." My dad whispers. "So? Quinn, you need to talk to us. Why did he do that?" My mom says. "I don't wanna talk about it..." I say. "Honey please, just-" "I said I don't wanna talk about it ok?!" I say. I pause for a second, then run to my room. I sit on my bed just thinking. "Hey, what's up with you today?" He asks. "Mom just asked me that." I say. "There's a reason. Talk to us." My dad says. "I don't want to talk about it! It's private matters ok?! I don't want to say why or what! Just leave me alone!" I yell. "As you wish..." My dad say as he gets up. He then leaves the room.
I go to a cafe really early morning. I see Mr.Hayes walk in and I smile at him. He comes my way and sits down with me. "No one we know is here, is there?" I whisper. "Not that I see." He says. "K" I say as we both go in for a kiss. "Now I will be right back cause I need my caffeine." He says. I laugh and he goes away to get his coffee. I get out my journal and start drawing the landscape I see outside. He comes back. "Whatcha doing there?" He asks. "I'm just, drawing." I say. "Art class?" He asks. "No, actually. I love to draw landscapes, portraits, houses, clothes, and mountains." I say. "Classes start in twenty minutes, we should go now." He says. "Ok" I say. "Do you need a ride?" He asks.
We are currently in his car, making out. "Ok ok... We need to go now." He says. "Yeah" i say as I put my shirt back on and we start driving. "Hey... Quinn. You you want to come over my place tonight?" He asks. "Sure" I say as I smile at him.