WebNovelYes, Boss96.92%

First Day

I've been working for Astranalon for two years so far starting with a one year internship. My father, Eric Walker, is the Chairman of the company, and my mom Elle Skylar died in a car crash when I was 7. I have more of a resemblance of my mother with my dark brown hair and blue eyes. I don't remember that much about her, but this company brought my mother to my dad. So I wanna continue in her footsteps here.

After experience and my father being chairman, I expect a promotion today. I enter work and see a man I've never seen before. And with my parents working here for a long time, I know everyone. "Are you Sabrina Walker?" A tall brunette man asks. "Yea?" I say. "Hi! I'm Chase Goodman, I'm your new boss!" He introduces. "One second" I smile.

I go to my fathers office in anger. "Yes, Darling?" My father says. "I was expecting a promotion and you replaced me with a NEWBIE." I explain. "Honey, I just don't think you're ready yet. You need one more year to get that kind of promotion." He says. "Play nice." He warns. "I don't think mom would think so..." I say. "Trust me, Sabrina. She would want the best for you." He says. I walk out feeling mild winds of disappointment.

I sit down and start to edit people's songs. I get bored to I start to doodle on some other pages. "Get back to work, Ms.Walker." Chase says. "And what may you be doing pondering the halls?" I ask. "Coming back from a meeting, if I may." He responds. I roll my eyes and get back to work.

It's an hour later and I start to doodle again. "And I thought I said back to work?" Chase hovers over time me, but really close. "Come a little closer, huh?" I give a hint so he gives me some space. He backs away. "Meet me at Times Square during lunch. Business orders." He says.

It's lunchtime and I drive fifteen minutes. For lunch, if it's for business you can take 1-3 hours off. I see him at the famous big red stairs. "Follow me, Ms.Walker." He says. He takes me to Tiffany & Co. "What's this?" I ask. "You'll see." He flashes a smile. Welcome back! Mr.Goodman." An employee brings us to the back. In the back there's far more stuff than in the front. And I see a Tiffany & Co black dress my father bought for my mother on their anniversary. Without him looking I see the tag in the back, and see my mothers anitals. E. Walker. Elle Walker... I look over my shoulder and see Chase standing behind me. "Is this what you wanted to show me?" I ask. "This is what I wanted you... To have." He says. He reaches his hand over to the pearled Necklace that lies on the mannequin, and takes it. He puts it on me. "Can we get this to go please?" Chase asks the employee. "Yes sir." The employee replies.

We go to the front of the store and register it. "That would be 200$ Sir,". "Chase, you don't have to do this." I say in guilt. He looks to me and I look at his blue eyes. His eyes are like a frosty blue ocean during winter. I look back at the dress and pearls and feel like she's with me. Like her spirit lies in this dress. My mother would wear this everywhere. Red carpets, Interviews, and more. She wore this dress when I went to my first red carpet when I was nine. "It seems like you like it, so take it." He says. We leave after he pays.