5 Boys 1 Toilet

Five people suddenly stood up simultaneously as the sound of their chair moving against the floor vibrates throughout the quiet classroom causing quite a commotion.

"Hey, what are all of you doing standing up suddenly?" Lee Kai Wen is the first one to speak up breaking the tense atmosphere between them by trying to light sparks to create an explosion.

The one who retorts back is non-other than Chong Xi Kang who flexes his muscles at the rest of them as he says. "When I stand up, of course, I go to the toilet if not go where?"

Step by step everyone makes their way towards the toilet; the tension between them grows like a flower that had been fed with fertilizers made of uranium which cause it to mutate into a 2000-meter tall monster in other words large as fuck!

"Why are you all following me to the toilet you pieces of shits?" Tan Han Sheng voices out his opinion as they all stand in front of the only toilet for boys in the whole tuition center.

All of them put on a serious face as they prepare to state their reason for coming to the toilet.

"Hey, bitches you all want a fight? You know I can take all four of you down right?" Chong Xi Kang says while flexing his muscles as a treat.

Lee Kai Wen takes the chance when the rest of them are distracted to try to enter the toilet first.

"Come back here, no one can enter the toilet until we settle this." The four of them grabs each of Lee Kai Wen's limbs and drags him away from the toilet.

"Then how are we going to decide who will be going in first." John Ng asked as the five of them sits down on the ground together.

"How about we draw lots or play rock paper scissors?" Tan Han Sheng gives his suggesting to his friends.

"Are you going to let fate decide everything?" John Ng answers as a playful smile appears on his face.

"How about this, we decided by letting the one who has the most serious problem go first."

After listening to John Ng's suggestion the others looks at each other for a second as if they are communicating mentally.

We agree.

"Then let me start first." Lee Kai Wen tells the rest as he rises up his hand. He takes a deep breath and put on his most serious face for the past thirteen weeks. "I need to take a shit really bad."

"That is it?"

"What a waste of time.

"Hold it in."

"Go home and do it."

Not even a word manages to come out from Lee Kai Wen's mouth as he was shocked that his problem is rejected so quickly.

"Next up is me." Chong Xi Kang said as he stands up, and show his friends his naked body.

"Look at my majestic body, can't you all see the sweat on it? ARE YOU GOING TO LET MY BODY BE RUIN BY ALL THESE SWEAT?! SO LET ME TAKE A BATH" Chong Xi Kang shouted as his sweat bounces from his skin to his friends' faces.





"Small dick."

Tan Han Sheng is the next one to talk. "A just got rejected by a girl again, so I need to calm myself by crying inside the toilet."He waves his hair he reveals a punch mark on his forehead.

"You are not still numb yet?"


"Just let me take a shit!"

"Can't you cry in class?"


John Ng said as he rushes to the toilet door with his fist raise up ready to punch it down.

Suddenly he feels a sharp pain around his shoulders, four different auras burst out behind him as he was thrown back to where he was before.

"Don't try something like this again, you little shit." Four voices echo in unison as John Ng quickly curls up in a corner in fear.

"I need to pee." Finally, Koh Zi Hong said as he covers his crotch.

"Well peeing is quite serious."

"It doesn't take much time."

"Yea, it is a lot shorter than fapping."

"Or crying in a corner."

"I need to pee too."

Five boys turned their head as they heard the sixth voice in their discussion, then they saw it a bald physics teacher is opening the toilet door and walks in before they can do anything.


End of week 13.