
"Can you five stop laughing?" Lim Zhen Cong asked dispiritedly as he had been trying for the past thirty minutes to shut this group of people up.


"Seriously can you all just shut up for a second?" Lim Zhen Cong repeats again.


"Why are you all laughing louder?!" Not wanting to lose, Lim Zhen Cong shouted back even louder than they could laugh.


Lim Zhen Cong couldn't stand the laughter any longer, so he smashed his head towards the wall; blood flowed from his forehead as he stared on in despair.


"Fuck, even if I die this instant you five will still be laughing, I'm one hundred percent sure!" Blood spurted out from Lim Zhen Cong's mouth due to his anger.

The laughter finally stops for a second but; to Lim Zhen Cong this second is practically heaven as no sound enters his eardrums.




Bits and pieces of the wall scattered everywhere as Lim Zhen Cong continue smashing his head at the wall repeatedly.

"What is wrong with all of you? Is a sneeze that funny?" While fresh blood trickled down from his forehead Lim Zhen Cong asked in despair.

Laughter and nodded are the only answered Lim Zhen Cong got as this time he took out his back scratcher and hits his head with it.

"Maybe if I faint everything will get better…" Lim Zhen Cong told himself with a smile as his world started to blur.




Lim Zhen Cong's eyes instantly opened wide as he sprang back up to life, cold sweat trickles down his chin as he said to himself. "Even when I'm out cold the laughter still continues in my mind…"

"What is wrong with all of you did you all taken the wrong medicine this morning?" With a blank face, Lim Zhen Cong asks the group.


"FUCK! If you want to sneeze then just sneeze if you want to laugh then laugh don't do it both at once!" Lim Zhen Cong finally broke loose.

His hairy arm grabbed the table and flipped it over, as he let out a roar that is filled with rage.

Pieces of papers, pens and water bottles. All the things that were on the table soared into the air then fell down to the floor only to scattered throughout the whole classroom.


All hope is lost for the group as Lim Zhen Cong said to the group. "That isn't even laughter and why would you laugh when I flip your table?"

"I'm calling 999 so the ambulance will take you to the hospital and give you five some medicine to eat before I'm the one who needs to go to the hospital."

When the group heard what Lim Zhen Cong said they instantly quiet down, Lim Zhen Cong's face lights up as he thinks his threat had worked.


This time Lim Zhen Cong couldn't control himself and sneezed loudly.

Regret and laughter are the only two things in his mind right now as he told the group dispiritedly. "Laugh all you want, I hope you all laugh until you choke on air."

Lim Zhen Cong then sat down beside Lee Kai Wen like a lifeless puppet. Seeing this Lee Kai Wen asked. "No luck?"

"If you can still hear the laughter that means those five girls still haven't shut up." Lim Zhen Cong said in a monotone voice.

"You five idiots are bad enough, but those five girls that didn't take their medicine…"

"I rather sit with the five of you forever than going there for one second."

Lim Zhen Cong tells the actual group that consists of our MC's.

"Wait, no I rather die than doing anything with any of you…"

End of week 20.