New Friend

A week later the same white Porsche stopped right in front of Secret Skill Tuition Centre. Yong Le Rong stepped out from his mother's car and walked upstairs.

Today he also stood outside the classroom as weird noises are coming from within but, this time he is not alone as a girl with long flowing black hair and sharp eyes stood beside him.








The sound of cheering and clapping rises up like a tidal wave smashing onto Yong Le Rong and the girl outside.

"I never have seen this side of the bastard called Tan Han Sheng, Kai Wen for a side character you really have the best videos on your phone!" Someone within the crowd spouted out.

"For some reason what you said pisses me off." Lee Kai Wen said as he beats up the person who said that just now.

When the commotion died down, Yong Le Rong and the girl beside him walked in with a burst of hollow laughter as they looked at Lee Kai Wen who isn't wearing pants today.

Lee Kai Wen waved at the both of them as soon as he saw them walking in together. 'He is wearing his shirt today…But why did he have to take off his pants?!' Yong Le Rong thought.

"Hey, Yun Ye you are here you dumbass!" Lee Kai Wen said as he walked over towards the girl, Wong Yun Ye.

Wong Yun Ye punched Lee Kai Wen right of the face with a disgusted look on her face as the crowd behind them cheered for her.




"Fuck, which idiot said that? Do you want to die that much?!" Lee Kai Wen suddenly sprang back to life as he rushed over to the person who said that just now.

That same person pushed away Lee Kai Wen and proudly told him that Wong Yun Ye isn't his girlfriend so he can say anything he wants, the moment he said that his whole body felt numb.

"I am not the one stopping you. Do you ever hear of the "monster"? He is the one stopping people like you getting close to her."

"For normal people like you and me, we would definitely die when facing the monster except "him" So stop thinking about her. Am I right dumbass?"

"Hmph, I'm not taking that from an idiot." Wong Yun Ye told Lee Kai Wen as she looked away.

After everyone had calmed down Mr. Lord entered the classroom, but today he isn't walking in with his plastic fish instead he came in with a crab sitting on his head.

When Lee Kai Wen saw the crab, he ran towards it excitedly while holding something behind his back. "Wow, sir you brought snapper today?"

"Looks like we are going to have a good meal." With a fork and spoon his both of his hands Lee Kai Wen stared at the crab, snapper as his mouth started to water.

Wong Yun Ye and Yong Le Rong looked at Lee Kai Wen fighting with snapper in a death match and both sigh at his stupidity at the same time.

"Oh yea, I forgot to introduce myself I'm Yong Le Rong."

"I know you; you are that genius from Hope Star. I'm Wong Yun Ye, and I barely know that idiot." Wong Yun Ye said with a smile.

Yong Le Rong felt like he had heard of her name before somewhere then he finally got it. "You are the top student of Genius Secondary School!"

As usual, the main character will always show up during the most crucial times. As the main character of this novel Lee Kai Wen naturally showed up, but as a distraction from the plot.

With snapper now riding on his head, Lee Kai Wen added to their conversation a very special video.

"Hey, Kai Wen do you know how to use this?" Wong Yun Ye in the videos asked Lee Kai Wen who is passing by.

Lee Kai Wen noticed the smartphone in her hand and laughed. "You probably don't know how to use something like this because you spent too much time studying right?"

"Here let me show you." Lee Kai Wen holds his hand out to take the smartphone from her. Yet, Wong Yun Ye has slid the smartphone down her pocket and has taken something out from her bag.

"Umm, maybe you could show me who to use this…" Wong Yun Ye said as she showed Lee Kai Wen a rotary dial phone that she took out from her bag with an innocent smile.

When Lee Kai Wen saw her rotary dial phone his brain short-circuited as he asked himself. 'Is this the smartest person at Genius Secondary School?'

"What don't you know how to use it?" Wong Yun Ye asked as she saw Lee Kai Wen spacing out.

Instead of answering her question Lee Kai Wen asked Wong Yun Ye what year is this. As a normal person would answer she said told Lee Kai Wen that this is the year 2019.

'Her brain hasn't exploded yet, so that is a good sign.' Lee Kai Wen told himself in the back of his mind, but on the surface, he asked Wong Yun Ye to show him her smartphone.

He then taught her how to use the smartphone and asked her to try it out herself. Her finger pressed the power button and…


"See every time I used a smartphone or something related to technology, it will explode on its own." Wong Yun Ye said as she dusted off her clothes.

Not even a squeak came out from Lee Kai Wen's mouth as he looked at Wong Yun Ye pitifully as he told her in his heart. 'Looks like you are more suited to live in the Stone Age, no the dinosaur age is should be more fitting."

After the silence had passed Lee Kai Wen took a few things out from his bag and presented them to Wong Yun Ye.

"You are giving me a pair of running shoes, a pen, and a notebook?" Wong Yun Ye asked curiously as she could not figure out what she should do with these items.

Lee Kai Wen laughed as he put on the running shoes and started explaining. "When you need to deliver a message, just write it down in the notebook using the pen, then run to your destination with your running shoes."

After that part, Lee Kai Wen paused the video and asked Yong Le Rong. "Do you still think that a person who could manage to blow up a phone is a genius?"

"Why do you have something so private about us on your phone?" Wong Yun Ye asked Lee Kai Wen with a pitiful voice while acting shy.



Wong Yun Ye then laughed at Lee Kai Wen who is being chased around by other people due to a misunderstanding while Wong Le Rong looked at the both of them.

"Everyone in this class including the teacher is a weirdo…"

"But that is what makes this fun!"

End of week 41.