Rainy Day

Ti. Ta. Ti. Ta.

Droplets of rain fell from the grey clouds as the sound of them touching the roof and window are like little drums playing.

Rain is always welcomed by everyone as the heat is something that is unbearable and dangerous, especially when it made a certain someone go crazy.

The door to the classroom opened as Lim Zhen Cong walks in all wet with an umbrella in hand.

Lim Zhen Cong felt that something is wrong as if something important is missing today.

"Why is it so quiet today?" Lim Zhen Cong asked himself as he looked around for the five troublemakers.

Ti. Ta. Ti. Ta.

The sound of the rain formed a mythical rhythm outside the windows of the tuition centre as the five friends' rest their heads on the table as the raindrops fell on the window.

"All of them are sleeping?" Lim Zhen Cong asked himself as he looked at them curiously.

Five pair of eyes lazily looked at Lim Zhen Cong as their owners let out a yawn.

"That was a nice nap, let's continue." Chong Xi Kang said as he closed his eyes with his friends again.

With his mouth open wide, Lim Zhen Cong stared at them like a log of wood as his eyes bulged out. When he finally regained his senses a vein popped up on his forehead as he shouted at them.

"You dare fall asleep in front of me? Wake up now!"

Lee Kai Wen's head turned towards Lim Zhen Cong, his hand then showed Lim Zhen Cong a piece of paper.


Sir, just try and sleep.

The weather is perfect.

From: Lee Kai Wen.


When Lim Zhen Cong was about to ask Lee Kai Wen what is the meaning of him giving the note, Lee Kai Wen had long gone back on his adventure as a grey-haired green-eyed kid killing monsters in his sleep.

"Not going to try it, but thank you for your offer." Lim Zhen Cong softly said as he walked towards his table.

His palm pushed the window open wide as he sat back and enjoyed the sound of the rain.

Tik. Tak. Tik. Tak.

"The rain is so loud..." Lim Zhen Cong said to himself as time continues to pass.

Tik! Tak! Tik! Tak

"Is the rain getting heavier?" Lim Zhen Cong asked himself as he placed his hand out.

Naturally, he feels wet but it just doesn't feel right to him, it is a bit too warm.

'No it is actually warm, plus it is on my back and not on my palm.'

He turned around and saw Lee Kai Wen in front of him with an empty water bottle and a frozen smile.


In the corner of his eyes, Chong Xi Kang is holding his umbrella fighting with Koh Zi Hong and Tan Han Sheng who are also holding umbrellas in hand.

'So there is where the sound came from…'

"Fuck, who bring a bottle of cum to class to drink?!"

Everybody stopped what they are doing and pointed at John Ng who is hiding under the table when they heard Lee Kai Wen's shout.

John Ng jumped up and shook his head in disapproval as he retorted back. "It is milk, that is why it is warm."

"Like I will believe you."

All of them stopped and look at Lim Zhen Cong whose face is now changing from black and red due to the anger.

"Looks like you are now all ready for class."

End of week 47.