
"La la la, it is another happy day, right Hitomi-chan?" Koh Zi Hong asked his waifu body pillow as they made their way upstairs together.

He then held Hitomi-chan up high in front of his face and asked. "I wonder what stupid those idiots are doing now."

Within the classroom, everyone minds their own business, the one that should be finding a girlfriend is trying his best while the one who is preventing someone from getting a girlfriend is also doing his best.

All is fine as they are in their comfort zone, even if those zones are "different" from anybody normal until someone that they had never interacted with their whole life came to them.

This teenage boy, who is walking towards them, is wearing his school uniform. His face is quite normal except for his enormous lips and large black eyes. He sat at Koh Zi Hong's seat and said.

"Hi, I'm Danny Chen from Hope Star secondary school."

"Hey, all of you are friends with this failure right?" Danny Chen said as he showed a photo of Koh Zi Hong.

Lee Kai Wen and the rest stopped what they were doing and looked at the newcomer curiously. After looking at each other, they nodded to show that they are friends with Koh Zi Hong.

"This bastard is a total weirdo, kissing and hugging a pillow, what a total retard." Danny Chen laughed twistedly as he told the group.

Surprisingly the group agrees with his opinion on Koh Zi Hong.

"Yea, I wanted to punch him when he played with his figurines." Lee Kai Wen said as he remembered the time he stepped on Koh Zi Hong's anime figurines.

"True, he doesn't love hentai like it was porn." John Ng told Danny Chen seriously.

"I really hated that I can never beat him when we are playing games." Chong Xi Kang said as his competitive spirit as an athlete blazed up.

When Danny Chen heard what they had to say he laughed it off, but in his mind, he told himself. 'These fuckers really have the dumbest things to say…'

He then turned around and asked Tan Han Sheng who hadn't said anything yet. "Tan Han Sheng; I know a man of your standards would not like to hang out with someone like Koh Zi Hong right?"

Without even thinking for another nanosecond Tan Han Sheng loudly replied. "Yes, I do hate his face, personality and everything about him!"

"He isn't an interesting person at all nor is he a kind and nice guy, Koh Zi Hong is truly nothing more than a weebo that will be a virgin forever."

"Hitomi this, Hitomi that. Why can't he grow up? He is not a kid anymore."

For an instant, Danny Chen smirked, but he quickly controls himself and hid the smirk from the rest of them.

"Looks like class is going to start soon, I will be taking my leave first." Danny Chen said as he stood up from his seat, before leaving he pretended to accidentally kick Koh Zi Hong's chair.

"Oops looks like his chair fell down, maybe this is a sign from God to leave him to fail." Danny Chen said coldly as he walked away.

Lee Kai Wen scratched his head in confusion and asked. "What was all that about?"

"Yea, what was all that about Hitomi-chan?" Koh Zi Hong asked his waifu as he held her tightly, his hand clenched tighter and tighter as sadness filled his happy heart.

"Is that what they think about me?" He asked once more, but the answer he hoped for never came.

Koh Zi Hong wiped off his tears and put on a smile as he entered the classroom.

"Hey, you are here." Tan Han Sheng greeted Koh Zi Hong when he saw him.

With the same smile he put on before he replied back, yet his hands tremble faintly.

"Yea, I'm already here."

End of week 55.