The End

"That was a really long flashback." Koh Zi Hong said to his friends.

Lee Kai Wen who places the picture back where it belonged laughed along with Tan Han Sheng while Chong Xi Kang said…

"Those days are the best, I really missed all those times we go nuts here."

"Especially the first time I blew away Mr. Lim's hair!"


Lim Zhen Cong smacked Chong Xi Kang with his back scratcher, after all these years his habit of smacking his students using a back scratcher still hasn't changed.

But they were glad that he did not change, to them they were still the same old Lim Zhen Cong who used to chase them around and taught them physics.

"After all these years it still hurt." Chong Xi Kang said as he rubbed his head.

"After all these years, Sir, your hair still hasn't grown back yet." John Ng Jia An added.


"You guys aren't kids anymore, so stop fooling around." Lim Zhen Cong said as he scratched his back with his back scratcher.

"I always tell my students that no matter what they do, they will never become the worst students that I ever teach because of the five of you."

"The lazy one, the jock, the pervert, the playboy, and the nerd. All five of you are legends here."

"But things would be boring without you bastards..."

Lee Kai Wen stopped Lim Zhen Cong and told him what he thought on the first day of class…

"Sir, it should be the sleeping god, the muscle head, the AV freak, the eternal virgin, and the pillow fucker."

Soon he heard knuckles cracking and saw his friends jumping to beat him up.

Lee Kai Wen who saw all this laughed out loud, he had not laughed this much in many years.

The real world is never a nice place, but here, in this classroom, they could find back that warm feeling that they had lost little by little over the years.

"Sir, how about you take another photo with us?" Lee Kai Wen asked as he took out his camera.

"Are we going to take them every eight years?"

"Sir, remember to bring a toupee next time."

"Next time I'm going to take this photo together with my girlfriend."

"Sir, put down the back scratcher!"

Lee Kai Wen's camera falls to the ground, he rubbed his eyes as he saw something impossible.

Everyone turned young for a second…

Those teenagers and that middle-aged teacher seemed to return.

He picked up his camera with a smile and said: "Come on, let's take the photo now!"

Everyone returned to their original spot and shouted the same After School Tuition Centre forever line as if those eight years had never gone by.

Then Lee Kai Wen, Chong Xi Kang, John Ng Jia An, Tan Han Sheng, and Koh Zi Hong stood up and shouted…

"Thank you, teacher!"

Lim Zhen Cong smiled and told them one last time…

"You are welcome, my student!"

End of week 100.