Killer Bunnies

Skylar jumped forward covering his butt. when he reached back there it felt extremely hot around where there was a hole. He turned around and saw a a red bunny with with red fur and a horn. It was about the size of of a normal cat. it jumped up and did a flip in Skylars direction as its feet came in line with him the Rabbit kicked out and a fire bolt the size of a baseball comes flying out. Skylar rolled to the left of it just barely making it out of the way. Skylar then gets in to a runner stance and pushes of the ground charging at the killer bunny. He makes it to the bunny just as it hits the ground. He grabs the Bunny by the horn an lifts it above his head and slams it down on the ground it lets out a pitiful squeak. so Skylar switchs directions and slams it down on the other side. This time the bunny gave up the ghost and a small red marble appeared next to its body. Skylar bent down and picked up the marble and a prompt came up {would you like to learn fire bolt} Skylar hit yes and the red ball turned in to light and rushed in to his head suddenly he knew how to cast fire bolt. Skylar said out loud Display fire bolt information {fire bolt rank: black iron damage: 5+int range: 200 meters spell type: fire direct. cost 10 mana cast time: one second}. Skylar does a happy dance and smile an thinks finally my first spell I am one step closer to becoming a mage. Skylar looks up and sees a burrow not to far away in the side of one of the hills. Skylar looks down at the very sharp horn that stabbed him before. He snaps it off at the very bottom to make it useable as somthing like a shank because he can only cast twenty firebolts. when he looks at the horn a prompt pops up and { fire horn rank trash damage 2 physical 1 fire + strength} well since theres no way to carry this thing without it getting in the way. well if there's a burrow and this is a rabbit mabye there will be more in there. Skylar greedily rubbed his hands together and walked in. Skylar started to walk down the burrow and noticed it twisted like a long snake. When Skylar got to the first turn he got low and peaked around the corner He saw a slightly expanded room and three bunnies in it one looked slightly smaller then the other two. assuming that smaller means less heath it should be the easiest to take down so. Skylar aimed his hand directly at the smallest ones head and let loose a red glow came around his hand for a second then his hand felt warm and a fire bolt flew. a fire bolt the size of a soft ball flew out of his hand and hit the bunny directly in the head and sent it rolling back wards taking advantage of the distraction Skylar ran forward and stabbed the closest bunny in the back of the neck pinning it in to the ground. not bothering to take the shiv out of the last bunny. he sprints toward the finale bunny which has already jumped in to mid air. just as the bunny is about to flip Skylar lets loose a running supperman punch in to the poor bunny slamming it back down on to the hard unforgiving floor. next to its body another red marble appeared aswell as a copper coin it was about the same size and thickness as a penny and had a feeling about as if to state it was a coin. Skylar went around and collected the orb and and the coin from each of the fire bunnies. and then stacked there bodies in the corner. After he was finished with this Grizzly task he kept exploring this rabbit burrow. every now and then he would come across a group of bunnies everytime they would drop a red marble somtimes they would drop a coin or two. By the time he came to what he believed to be the end of the tunnel he had collected eleven copper coins and a grand total of twenty red marbles. this last room was different though and Skylar could tell that as soon as he peaked around the corner. There was a big bunny more then twice the size of all the other bunnies it was standing in front of a platform with a black iron bunny floating over it. the bunny definitely looked to big to just pick up and slam around and Skylar was running a bit low on mana only have about twenty three left. Skylar noticed durring this impromptu dungeon crawl that while out of combat he recovered two mana points every minute and during combat he only got one a minute. hopefully his mana regain got higher as he got to higher cultavation levels because if not me might have to wait days for his mana to fully recharge as it was it would already take about a hundred minutes to get up to a full two hundred mana when he ran out. Skylar couldn't come up with any ground breaking strategies to take down this behemoth of a bunny so he decided to go with an oldie but a goodie a little luck and maximum effort. With that thought Skylar snuck in to the room to try and get a head shot off with his absolute favorite spell fire other wise known as his only spell but hey whos counting. Unlike the pervious Bunnies who didnt notice him till he attacked as soon as he entered the room the big bunny noticed him right away. it turned around and twitched its ears forward and a gaint fire ball flew out the size of a basketball. Skylar rolled forward but was still caught up in the blast radius of the spell and was sent tumbling forward. this was the first time he was truely hurt by one of there attacks even the stab in the butt that had started off this killer bunny crusade didn't really hurt him this much. now he felt like his whole back had a bad sun burn.It was at this time Skylar realized he had probably gotten a little cocky fighting all those weak rabbit. Skylar slapped the ground and thought ok enough of that I will kick myself in the butt later I have to kill this bunny now. With that Skylar jumped up and throw a fire bolt forward. The big bunny looked annoyed that he didn't kill Skylar on his first go and flicked his ears forward again the fire ball connected with Skylars Firebolt mid aire causing them both to explode. Luckily for skylar though it exploded at such a close range to the bunny that it was caught in its own scorched fur the bunny lookd enraged by the fact it got hurt by its own spell and was about to send another spell Skylars way but Skylar was quicker then old texas pete on the draw and had already sent his own over while the bunny was still disoriented. This blast literally went off as soon as the fire ball left the bunnys horn slamming his head in to the ground. Skylar took advantage of the situation and ran forward and started stabbing the bunny in the neck till it was nothing more then minced meat. as soon as the last death twitch ended Skylar got a new prompt.