Chapter 5: Screw my Beloved God.

She was sure of it.

It can also be said as a conviction. Either way, after getting stuck on this rut for about hundred of years after looking at thousands and thousands of humans, the conclusion she got was only one.

"Humans are fuck*ng idiots, hopelessly so."

It's not like she was like this in the beginning.

No matter how shit*y her personality is, she will accept any kind of job given without complaint, since that was the purpose of her life.

Even if she felt uncomfortable to get sudden class change from warrior to a clerk, she still accepted her new job with a smile.

For the greater good. For her beloved master.

Then....things slowly began to turn for the worse.

Without any kind of warnings, she lost all kinds of connection with her beloved master. To make it worse, there's no possible way for her and her gangs included to take any contact indefinitely.

For the first one hundred years, she was so worried until she couldn't sleep for more than 3 hours per day. Then, on the next hundreds of years, she began to doubt his disappearance.

(Why did he leave us without giving any kind of message?)

Her worries changed to doubt, doubt forms into paranoia, and paranoia...transformed into wild, dangerous guess.

That her God had forsaken them.

She can't believe it. No, to be precise, she DON'T want to. She didn't want to accept that the God she had devoted for her entire life left them just like that.

Is that all? Even though her master left them stranded in unending confusion and worries, the messes on his created world are still overflowing with no signs of stopping.

Greed, Envy, Jealousy, Arrogance, Wrath, Gluttony, and Sloth.

All kinds of negativities coming from humans are increasing at an alarming rate. When the angels founded these phenomena occurring, all of them united on one banner to pool their ideas and resources for stopping it.

To them, that world, Earth is a symbol. The last duty granted by their master for their purpose of living. Also, they still kept their tiny ember of hope for their God will return after showing their own competency.

But it failed.

No matter what kind of solution they cooked, it will be too late to be implemented. No matter how hard they tried to tackle the problem, no signs of it being stopped.

And then...God never came back.

Time is cruel, ever continuing, and equal concept to everybody. There's no such thing as eternity nor unchangeable entity.

What won't change is that every entity existing will experience changes.

One to ten, ten to hundred, and hundreds to thousands... Little by little, the angels didn't vocal it clearly, but their hearts had given up. Their devotions and sense of duty are replaced with a big hole of depression and loss.

And Sophia is no exception.

"....Is this your will? To take care of your leftovers?"

Questions and doubts constantly swirling inside her head, but not even one answer was given to her.

And now... facing those 'animals' with all forms of disgusting emotions while still taking care of them didn't help to reduce her depression. In fact, it just bubbles her frustration and anger to the peak.

On the start, she tried to stay positive and be sincere to those unfortunate souls.

Some did use their second chance brilliantly in the beginning. In the middle of her work, seeing their happy smiles did give her consolation and energy to press forward.

"Those sons of bit*hes."

But everything got ruined horribly. Not because of her, but because of their stupidities.

Some self-destruct due to unchecked greed, some lived their lives by stepping others' dignity, and some even betrayed people's sincere love and care because of unending lust.

Maybe it's natural to be that way. After all, the world they resided originally was infested with all sorts of negativity. Staying as a respectable person was already on a realm of miracles.

She didn't know which one is wrong--either the corrupted world or the people. She also didn't give any sh*t about it anymore.

What's certain, that her trust and care was paid back in the worst possible form ever.

So chances began to form as trials, and trials slowly become torture for those souls.

And all of them never managed to escape from that bottomless swamp they carelessly stepped in.

Even those 6 people, just like the nameless man suspected, their lives are still miserable until today. Depending on nobles and royalty's fickle, their lives will be gone easily. All they could do are cowering in shadow while fearing their own impending doom.

And now, she also thought the guest in front of her is also the same as those ba*tards.

Even if his demeanor is wholly different than the others, her expectations didn't raise up. Rather, she didn't have it in the first place.

But now.....her hands are forced for extreme measures.

Because his choice resulting to snap her sense of reason and belief she barely holds for thousands of years.



If glare could bore a hole, then the man will be ridden with holes just like fermented cheese. Her piercing eyes with madness to it is so scary that demons would even tremble like a vibrator.

"....What did you say just now? Delete your soul? Erase it? Hah! Looks like that pair of ears you have are just for decorations!"

She is mad. So, so pissed off by this idiotic man's choice even after she kindly gave him warning not to do so.

She wasn't joking for the last option. Those souls faced by this choice will really be erased for eternity. Not even Gods specializing in death and life could even restore it anymore.

And this man still choose what after fully knowing that?

However, even though she released her aura by pressuring him, not an ounce of fear nor panic form in his eyes. What she could see is only the deep clarity of calmness and nothing else.



In the end, she only releases her breaths imbued with the smoke by the cigarettes to the room. Killing him is as easy as taking candy from a baby, but she doesn't want to lower herself just like those disgusting animals.

"...I give you one more chance and no more."

So she provides him with an oil branch. The last opportunity for the man to renew his chosen options.

"Fine, I understand. Your options are all shi*ty without exception. But that doesn't mean you need to die meaninglessly. I'm not telling you to become a slave or a puppet."


Meaning, the options of being a hero and the demon king are out of the question. Nor the choice to kill him like that because of her feeling troublesome of it.

She may take this drastic way, but that doesn't mean her eyes are that rotten until she couldn't see clearly anymore.

He could be different. He could truly use the opportunity given to something better. Besides, after hearing all that, isn't it natural to choose the third option where he could still live freely?

"Listen. I'm like this, but I still have connections with the other worlds, including the gods. I will put in good word for you so you won't die meaninglessly. I will also make you be sent to that world."

Then, while pointing the third pamphlet bathing in gold, she makes eye contact with the man'. Although he still keeps his silence, Sophia won't stop.


"So choose it. I don't know what kind of hell you experienced on your previous world nor do I fuc*ing care about it. We all will experience sh*ts when living and you just take the shorter end of the stick. That's why...."

Pressing the pamphlet forward closer to the man, the angel persuades so he won't ruin his life.

"Take it. Then create a harem, lead a slow life, adventure or whatever you want. I just want you to be earnest and sincere to it."

"....Sincerity, is it?"

For the first time ever, the man reacts and open his mouth after choosing the last option.

Not only that, she unconsciously flinches after seeing the face he's making right now.

(...Just how, how the hell a human could smile that way?)

She couldn't help feeling wretched inside her heart after seeing his first formed smile on his face. A smile...that looks so hollow. Now that she pay attention to it more, instead of clarity, his eyes... there's no luster behind it either.

Just like someone who lost the light. Someone who had 'given up'.

"Thank you, Miss Sophia."

"...Why would you thank me in this situation?"

"For giving me this much care even though you don't need to. Even though you are so busy, you are still earnest in taking care of a small, pitiful being like me. So how couldn't I help feeling grateful for it?"

"...Did you forget your brain or something? I tried to---"

"But not now, isn't it?"

Even before she could speak the word "trick you", the man cut her off silently and swiftly. According to what he's observed, this angel is very, very contradicting between her actions and words.

(She's just like me.)

To live with no backing, he had to smear his hands to things he felt disgusted on doing it. Just remembering makes his mood becomes foul, so how could she, who is forced to do she doesn't want to fare better than him?

Just like what she said, every person living will experience tribulation in all kind of forms.

It is inevitable since that's what living means.

He, therefore, feels thankful for her to take this unnecessary trouble even though no one asks her to do so, not even he himself.

If it is the past him still living on his prime, maybe he considered the options more seriously. Maybe he will take her goodwill so he could renew his life.

But now?

"I'm sorry."

He's just.....tired.

Tired of getting mad at nothing, getting spat out because of inequalities, tired of getting crushed down to stroke others' ego, tired to be involved in a scheming politic field,...

And--and scared of putting strenuous effort which leads to emptiness only in the end.

He's a coward. He knows it himself and he won't deny it.

And all the more reason he couldn't accept her kindness.

When he heard the remaining options given by her, there was no form of hesitation inside his heart.

"I won't change my mind."

So, he pushes back the golden pamphlet and looks at her dumbfounded face after hearing his declaration.

He has decided for this place to be his end of the journey.

That's why, for the second time, with exactly the same words he said a moment ago, the man decided his course of death by his own hand personally.

"Please delete my soul on the record."


In these days and age, praying is considered as a rare thing to witness, either in Earth or on the upper world.

In Earth, sense of materialism is what rules over humanity. Rather than relying on invisible God and sweet religious teaching, cold hard cash and fame attract humanity more than anything.

As for heaven, It's not an uncommon thing for angels to betray their allegiance and move to other faction even becoming corrupted.

What good is a place with its destruction set in stone?

Much less, for its leader who is supposed to lead them had gone away for God-know-where, which only himself knows? And now, his creation has become a ticking time bomb, so no angels could be blamed for it.

But, Ria is still earnestly and desperately praying for her fervent wish could be reached. Her figure of folding her hands together with eyes closed while kneeling is just like a holy maiden.

Because, as more time passes, her premonition of bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

".....My master. Our beloved God, please lead this lost sheep with your gracious warmth."

One hour and a half with an addition of no contact from her partner.

Sophia already is a headache, but that unfortunate soul makes her head acute with pain and migraine. Angels won't experience disease, but that doesn't mean they are free from mind-related troubles.

She knows that the rotten angel has a very short fuse. So, if that man is truly adamant on not following her words until the end...


....Then all hell will break loose.

Her safety alarm, or rather the device to tell of certain 'power' getting triggered, her face is getting stiffer and paler as the siren goes louder.


Her ears are not broken, so she's definitely not hearing things from stress or hallucination. Heck, she rather wishes it would preferably be like that.

The worst possible situation really occurs on outside her watch.

"Haahhh~~~~~...It's over."

*Plop* with her feet getting sore after a long kneeling, she couldn't stand up anymore combining with the despair and helplessness she's feeling right now.

If that bast*rd is right on her face, then she could cancel her powers out with her own.

But now...even if she rushed in and tried to enter the dimension after finishing all procedures, it'd sure be a dang miracle if there's still ashes remaining.


Suddenly, a quiet and super creepy laugh automatically escapes from her mouth.

"You fuc*ing assh*le...I bloody knew this will happen someday."

If any close acquaintances hear her cursing directly from her mouth, their eyes will definitely pop out from the sheer amount of shock they receive. This woman is famous for being uptight than anybody else existed. Moreover, her ability is directly neutralizing that 'flame' so, she is the most optimal to be chosen for that angel's partner.

Well, everything just got ruined with one unexpected and unwelcoming guest.



It seems she is born under the star of troubles.





With one loud slap from her palm to the table, all of the pamphlets, tea sets, and even the table itself isn't spared. All of it got engulfed with blue flames brighter than any other flames ever existed. Then, after a few seconds, not even a shadows of its remnants could be seen anymore.


(This is..!!)

Feeling its radiating heat on this close proximity, just barely getting conscious of his fragile mind is harder than it looks like. Not only that, even though this heat is hotter than any other things he experienced, not a drop of sweat is released on his body.

Because she hasn't 'allowed' it yet.

"You assh*le..."

From a beautiful and prim angel to a delinquent, then from delinquent into a blue flame devil. All it took was a few exchanging words and 2 hours less.

Worse, there won't be anyone who could stop her.

Maybe not even she herself.

Even though she is surrounded by the tornadoes of fires she created herself, her clothes aren't showing any signs of burning. Moreover, that blue eyes of her are glowing brightly more than ever.

And that pair of looking directly at him.


Is this what getting swallowed by pressure means? If so, this heavy burden coming from that stare makes his thin, fragile body frozen stiff. Even though his instinct is constantly screaming danger, he couldn't even move a muscle. After getting pushed by the sudden blue flame and fallen on the chair sitting, his collapsed knees won't listen to his command anymore.

And that blue flame angel is slowly, smoothly moves to his collapsed figure.

"The first time, I act like a scammer to make it easy for me."

*tap* * tap*

"The second time, I drop my mask so we could talk eye to eye."

*tap* *tap*

"And the third time, I give you once in a lifetime chance to make your life easier."


Looking up, he could see the angel controlling the fire effortlessly while bathing her body with it. Surpassing that flame, she could see her indifferent face with glowing blue eyes burning with uncontrolled fury.

"And now...a mere human rejected it? A disgusting fuc*er like you reject me twice!?"

And after locking her eyes with his own, he's immediately able to predict his near upcoming future effortlessly.

(...Well, I'll be.)

For sure, he did wish his end. Even before the first death, which sounds funny to hear, he also desired an untimely end too.

But getting burned to death is definitely out of his list.

And the flames she's exuding right now...his gut feeling tells him it won't be as lenient as the normal one.

"Fi~~ne then. If you wish to die that much, I shall grant your wish personally."

With that, she stretches her hand and compressed blue flames appear on her palm immediately. A ball of flame rivaling the sun's heat is on her hand.

"But don't think you'll get a painless death!!"

No matter what it will be, angels, demons, much less a broken soul...nothing will be left after getting hit by that.

"Because an assh*le like you is too lenient for simply erasing your soul!!"

(...Lenient is it. I couldn't agree more with that.)

In the end, this is the retributions for all sh*ts he had done on his past life.

If he said he regretted on doing those kinds of things, then yes he did. He still does even until now. For his survival, for his selfish desire, the dozens of people who tried to hurt him only get payback in full.

He knows that he's not in wrong to protect oneself from those crooks. Even's not like he wanted to do it in the first place. Much more, until their lives are ruined with no chance of remunerating it. He just doesn't know another way to be sure of those people won't coming back to him for retribution.

Nobody told him ..nor had someone close to tell him either.

And now... the karma comes back in this form.

"Regret your stupidity and die you piece of sh*t! Go die while suffering!!"

(Come to think of it...just why my karma and my name is blank? ....Well,)

"I doesn't matter anymore."

Even until the end, he needs to suffer the worst possible suffering could ever happen.


With his last mutterings and the unsounded question left unanswered, the thrown ball of flame is shot directly to him with no chance of missing one in a million chance.


Then, his body, getting wrapped slowly by the beautiful blue flames, he could only lament his destiny for getting born on an unlucky star.

When he braced himself for the upcoming pain...









It didn't come no matter how long he waited.

Rather, when he opened his tightly closed eyes, rather than burn marks, not even his clothes get burned by that blue flames.

What he only see is...

" this?"

...Is a jet black smoke radiating from his body? Sure, black smoke is a sign of something getting burned to cinders but....he's still well and alive, isn't he?

While facing this unexpected situation, he immediately faces the perpetrator for answers...

"...Uhmm...Miss Sophia?"

Only to see her dumbfounded face for the umpteenth times. If she's like this, then how could he possibly fathom the current situation?

"Th-the fu*k...J-just what..."

Even she herself is astonished for this unexpected situation. Seriously, she did release that flame just to scare him a bit, not really burning him to ashes. She's not that mad to burn a soul without the above's jurisdiction. But, the black smoke coming out of his body...

(No way.)

She knows it. Rather, on her previous career, it's the damnable thing she could possibly hope to never appear on her presence again.

It's a remnant of curse or dark energy coming from demons and dark creatures when she roasted them to well done. Her blue flame, or rather, her 'authority' is specialized and focused on purifying darkness and curse---


Just then, when her thoughts reached there, her neck whipped with unimaginable speed and her face directly clashes with the poor soul.

This man is definitely not a demon. The goons on the managing department will never, ever make that kind of beginner mistake. Besides, she is very sensitive to those kinds so no disguise could possibly fail her sharp sense.

But it's impossible for a lone human to possess that much dark energy naturally.

Yet... that impossibility turns to reality.

Yes, it is not possible no matter what fate the man is born with to have this humongous amount of compressed dark energy she failed to sense.



The surrounding blue flames, with her command and control, surround the man without any warnings given.


This time, he resigns his fate again for the same thing happening again. Although before was just a small ball, if the entire sea of flames engulfs him, then he will be...

"....It's not hot?"

Not burned to ashes, contrary to his expectations. Instead, that jet black smoke comes out endlessly from his body. After for one good minute bathing in it...


The black smokes disappear completely. At the same time, all of the blue flames rampaging around the vicinity also vanished.

"...Just what is---"


When he is still confused with all this changing event coming one after another, a loud creak woods sound jolts him out from the initial astonishment. Then, when he faces the source of the sound...


He could only see the Angel Sophia sitting on the new chair she summoned ....with an unreadable expression on her face.

(No, wait.)

Rather than unreadable, that face looks like someone who is stranded in the middle of the heavy storm who's relying on the lighthouse, but the supposed lighthouse suddenly disappear.

In short, someone who was barely gripping the strand of hope, but that strand of hope just got cut off.

That's the expression she's currently making right now, at least according to what the man sees.



She breaks into uncontrollable laughter supposedly with no reason at all. Surely, from the third point of view, she only looks like a madman and nothing else.

(Is her pride hurt for unable to erasing me?)

Well if that's true, he could understand her reactions. A puny human is all and well after receiving a direct hit from higher existence, twice. How embarrassing could that be?

But the truth is far from it. If it really is according to his guess, just how much better would it be?

She had suspicions. She wasn't really hopeful anymore, but she still had a glimmer of expectation for everything to be back to normal.

As long long as her respected master come back again.

But now, she is sure of it. No doubts and suspicions remained anymore after burning all of that 'misfortunes' coming out from the man's.

"Screw my beloved God."

After cursing her creator for the first time ever, she adds with a bonus of showing her middle finger on her right hand pointing proudly to the sky. Her oddly satisfied face is the last touch for this surreal scene.

Seeing this, the man blinks his eyes multiple for not believing what he just saw.

(....Uhhh. Did she just curse the God?)

Well, he frequently did similar thing like her, but...she's an angel, right?

"Hey kid, don't just stand there blankly like an idiot. Sit."

With no trace of her previous demonic like face a moment ago, she just points him with her chin to another newly summoned chair beside her, with a table to add.

...In any case, his life is practically on her hands already so he could only follow her words if he wants to die peacefully.

Seeing his nervousness clearly shown, she could only chuckle wryly.

"Sorry about before. I just want to chicken you out with it but....never thought it become like this."

"Haahh" With that, she plopped on the table as if she's just tired from everything.

(...That flame is just for show?)

It has the power to burn everything on sight, but that was JUST for scaring him? That's wayyyyyy~~~ over the top, really. If it's any other instead of him, that person will piss own pants while crying miserably.

But nevermind that, the latter part she just said.

"What...are you talking about?"

Really, things are out of anyone's control so he doesn't know what's what anymore.

"....Fuuhhh~~Nope, don't want to tell you. Too much bother."

But she rejects his question nonchalantly. Telling him is fine but the mechanism of the afterlife isn't easy to explain and those things aren't really needed right now.

What's needed currently, is to judge this soul.

And now, she has finally found the perfect way to 'judge' him.



"All right then. Since you don't want this and don't want that, I don't give a fu*k anymore. Hell, like I give a damn about rules anyway."

Her attitude is still the same but, should he say this? This feeling of someone who is free from any kind of worries.

Just like one's heavy burden has been lifted.

(Is it related to that black smoke?)

That's his best possible guess since the appearance of it makes her current attitude, no? Even so, he can only shake his head for having no evidence nor receiving any kind of explanation from the angel herself.

Besides that, what she just said triggers his focus more.

"....Hadn't I chosen to be deleted?"

"And you think I'm some kind of fuck*r who let someone do suicide under my watch? I sure am getting underestimated by humans too now."

If she says it like that, then he could only shut his mouth cleanly. The way she acts is like backstreet hoodlum but she's still an angel.

Angel is an existence who cares, not erasing humans.

"Then, what will my course of life be?"


A magic word for a certain group of people. But hearing that word, his face is becoming darker and eyes closed due to resignation.

(...In the end, I still need to suffer.)

What could he do now anyway? If she doesn't care about rules, then no matter how much he whines about it, all she needs is wave her hand and be done with it.

But this time, it won't be the dark destiny he thinks.

"Put your hand into this ticket. Doesn't matter whether is it right or left."


Looking at his struggling face with his hand hesitating to do so, a wry smile automatically appears on her face.

(Right, I didn't say anything about it, didn't I?)

"Kid, look at me right in the face."


Following her words, he faces her obediently but gets shocked immediately.


Not the crazed smile or sneer he previously saw, but a gentle smile befitting of an angel.

A very soothing smile that warms anyone who sees it.

"I don't know what exactly you experienced on Earth. Heck, to be honest, it's already a miracle for you to live this long."

"...What do you mean by that?"

"Simply put, your amount of bad luck was equivalent to a middle-ranked God of Misfortune. Every day will be hell just by living and you still persist for twenty so years. So could you describe it other than a miracle? If it's up to me, I'll give you a standing ovation for an hour straight, clapping my hands without stopping."

"...Misfortunes, is it?"

Vaguely, he did realize something similar to those lines when he was alive. Even he was dead sure, getting hosted by a bad ghost. Instead, it was just a humongous amount of bad luck residing in him.

Also, it is easy to connect the dots of the previous incident.

(If so...that black smoke is...)

"Don't worry about it. Your next life will definitely be better. I burned it all off without leaving anything. Maybe you'll really create a harem?"

With a cackle for finding her jokes funny, he could only make a bitter smile.

Her personality is kind of...that, but she's a fun person--nay an angel to be with.

"So you could smile like that."


"You don't realize it yourself? Your face is giggling like an idiot just now."

(...Am I now?)

Even if he touches his face, he couldn't be sure of it since there's no mirror. Besides, his past life was so strained and draining until he could only make a plastered fake smile.

Seeing his reaction, Sophia could only chuckle for how cute he is.

"Huhu...You should smile more frequently. It fits you better than your previous shi*ty gloomy face."

"...It was that bad, huh?"

"Damn right you are."

How straight she is. Her brutal honesty makes him slump his shoulder in depression for the direct comment punch he just received.

"Well, even if you can't do it right now, learn it on your next life."

Saying that she takes the rainbow-colored ticket on the table and stands up in front of him. Then, without any kind of warning, he just shoved the ticket into his body swiftly.

When it did---


A rainbow-colored circle suddenly appears below his feet. He couldn't read the languages written on it, but it is undeniably beautiful.

"!? Miss Sophia, this is...!"

"It'll take about a little while. So, I'll do the explanation while you are on it. Firstly, you won't be reincarnated on those mumbo jumbo fantasy worlds."


Did he just hear that wrong?

"What, you disappointed? Want me to arrange it now? You could still make it if you want to."

"...No, please don't."

"Keke, thought so."

Others may enjoy those cliche fantasies tropes but not him. If he has choices, then he wants to live in a world where technologies could handle all of the inconvenience compared to the Medieval Europe age.

"Although I won't know what kind of the world exactly you will be reincarnated to, at least I could guarantee it will be similar to your previous world."

But if that's so, something doesn't add up.

"...Then, why wasn't this in your given options you spoke before."

"Because it's an exception."

She immediately replies to his inquiry as she expected it. It's true that some part of it resides on her sides' fault but that's only half of it.

The other her selfishness.

No, it would be correct to say it is her first independent action.

Not because she is ordered by that God, not because of those goons from the managing department, and certainly not due to sympathy or sense of justice.

Just because she wanted to.

That's all.

(Who cares about rules anyway? Certainly, not me.)

Even if she got founded out, she's not scared of the punishment. On the contrary, she feels a bit giddy for doing something naughty behind their backs.

Besides, this youth in front of him is different from that selfish pricks she met in the past.

They are the trashes who submit to temptation, but he is the victim from those crooks with no sufficient power to fend them off.

So...she'll give him.

The opportunity. The chance he desperately wanted to obtain but never got so.

Of course, it will entirely depend on him whether his next life will be fulfilling or not. But at least--at least he could have the 'possibility' for it.

"...Kid, you have suffered enough. Far more than your weak body could handle."

So now, this will be his start. The second beginning for him to fulfill his life.

When the rainbow circle gets brighter and brighter, Sophia gives him the thing he really needed the most.

"!? M-miss Sophia!?"

Surprised by the sudden hug, he could only get flustered by the sudden action and doesn't know what to do. Sure, he doesn't react much like a teenager in puberty previously, but this and that are different.

After all, this is the first hug he has ever got, much less from a spectacularly beautiful woman like her.

Even his previous girlfriend...a bit*h would be an apt description though. She didn't even let him touch her hand because of bullsh*t excuses and cheating behind his back.

So...he didn't know.

(...How warm.)

That hugs only could be this comforting.

Suddenly...he felt like crying. No, maybe he already cries since hot waters could be felt from his cheek.

All those labors he did... it wasn't a lie for him to do something good to society but it was also for his dream to live lavishly.

But now, he realizes that a lavish life, fame, nor money couldn't really save him from despair.


This simple action. Which only require two people, but doesn't need payment or deal to do so.

Only sincerity and care.


"There, there. Cry as much as you want, okay? No one would punish you for doing that. This big sister will console you~~"

Although it sounds a wee bit weird on the ending.... her feelings pass through the man clearly.

However, just as changes are always happening, time will also move forward without stopping.

And finally, the long-awaited opportunity has finally begun to open up.


(...Thinking about it, quite a pair we are, huh?)

One is a man who gave up on everything while one is an angel who rejects her long devotion to own creator. Their origin is drastically different, but both of their lives have been ruined terribly by one MIA God.

If they didn't meet each other, there's no doubt both of their endings will be miserable as their life passage.

But just one meeting. A meeting with a probability lower than astronomical chance has given them a gift to open up another possibility.

"....Kid, don't make that face anymore, alright? I give you the chance so it'll be up to you whether it will be something of worth or not."

"I..*Sob* I understand. Th-*sob*...Thank you so much, Miss Sophia..."

"Kuk, Kuk, what a face you're making right now."

Even though she is snickering, her hands gently wipe the snots and tear on his face without caring her hands getting dirtied by it. He is a poor soul resulted from their mistakes. Her faults included. She won't make any bullsh*t excuses of not able to save him because of being too late, lost cause, or whatnot.

Treat someone as you would have them do to you.

An eye with an eye, Tooth with a tooth, and... betrayal with betrayal.

Giving the human a special treatment, much more with an additional option is a definite no-go.

Surely, this action is directly turning to own back from God. If she gets founded out, which definitely be in short moment after, there's no escaping for incarceration.

Will she regret it? Is this one action has that much significance to sacrifice everything she builds up?

Honestly, she doesn't know the answer to that. Just like always, doubts and question pop out from her mind, but no one will give the answer to it.

One thing is for sure though.


"Bye kid. Next time you come to this side, try to smile properly."

She will send this youth with a bright smile on her face.

"....M-miss Sophia!! I-I...!"

Even though she just wipes his face clean, more liquids keep pouring out from his eyes. She could only wryly smile after looking at that horrible face he's making right now. From all times she sent regards to the countless guests in the past, no one has ever given her this much feeling of gratefulness and tear-jerking as this.

(It doesn't feel bad at all.)

Indeed, it's much better doing good things to others rather than bringing them to doom.

"...Ah, one more thing."

Since this could be the first and last meeting, she decides to give the last parting word.

While waving her hand, she gently smiles at the man.

"This time, grasp your happiness properly."


With that, the magic circle shines brightly more than ever, sending him to another dimension she couldn't ever possibly know.