Chapter 7: Well, What's done is done.

"Why what? You worried I'll take your little lover out from your reach?"

After commenting on her personal "opinion", she laughed under her muffled breath as if she founded her jokes so goddamn funny.

Which isn't, not one bit.

Before, if there are suspicions that Ria was still in denial, then they are thrown to scraps immediately. From the entire EONS, her times spend with this woman, never once she wore a face like the canary who caught the cat.

And it unnerved her, greatly.

(...You really have "fallen", huh.)

There's a reason for 'holy' angels to avoid the fallen ones like the plague.

They are the tainted who got smeared on own 'sins'. The resentful, bitter, wrathful, and many many things not recommended to be said.

Including the most common and saddest...which is the broken ones.

Seeing former comrade, family, and a friend into fallen is one fact that will be too difficult to swallow.

Just like her curre--"former" partner in front of Sophia.

"So, what did you do to the poor guy? What, you kept him in your house so you can 'taste' him later?"


With that 'joke' said, her entire body immediately bathed in the hottest blue flame.

There are things that should and shouldn't be said to angels. Sure, she's a third-rate one who couldn't do the given job properly but even she had pride. Fallen or not, former partner or not, this woman just almost touched her bottom line.


"Watch that damn mouth of yours, Ria. You don't want to regret it."

With one word 'regret', the ominous and hostile atmosphere emitted from Ria instantly disappeared. Instead, it got replaced with Ria wearing a broken, wistful smile.

...As if she couldn't hold it anymore, her feelings of bitterness and pettiness got blown away just like the smoke breath coming out from her mouth.

"....You are right. I don't want to and never did. Like I could afford to buy your ire anyway."

She extinguished the half-burnt cigarette on her hand to the ashtray and straightened her posture. Then, she lightly bowed without any form of playfulness from before.

"I'm sorry, Sophia. That was really childish of me. Please forgive me."

Seeing her like this, Sophia's face became someone who got forcefully swallowed a very bitter pill.

Because, just like her who is a very prideful one, Ria herself greatly prided herself on being an angel. Only, the difference was that she didn't show it much unlike herself who flaunted when she had the chance.

So, seeing her the 'top-level' worker lowering her head to a 'Low-level' employee makes it all the more bitter and sour on her mouth.

"....Haaahhhh. Alright, fine. I got it. Just...raise your damn head already. It's my fault for not being tacky too."

When she heard the word 'tacky', Ria immediately snorts in amusement from the disbelief she felt.

"Hah, You being tacky? Even if heaven falls, that is one thing that will never, ever happen. Say that again while you're dreaming."

"You pickin' a fight with me? Cause I sure can afford to buy one from you."

"Sure, sure. Miss. I-Don't-give-a-damn-to-Archangel."

"You little...."

After having an ultimate staredown that felt like a few hours which was actually only a dozen seconds at most, both ladies broke into full-blown laughter.

From the third point of view, an angel and fallen angel being cordial with each other is the most illogical view ever. After all, they never accept each other's existence either due to stuck-up pride or hypocrisy.

But for them, all those concepts can go 'fu*k' off.

Fallen or not, they are friends who have the thickest bond that will never be cut.

And nothing will ever change that.

After releasing all of the pent-up stress and sadness by laughing her ass off, Ria wipes the tears from her eyes and changes her gear.

There are things she is dire to know and she won't back off until she gets it.

"Alright now. No nonsense and avoiding the topic again, lady. Tell me now. Where did you send that mortal to?"

"...Ugh, do I reall~~~y have to tell you?"

When the response she got was, "Try so. I fuc*ing dare you" expression with a wider smile than the Joker, she immediately comes clean.

"....Hah? Seriously? You, the most pessimistic angel toward humans?"

She practically could see the disbelief OOZING from Ria's expression only.

Damn her and her antics.

(Was I really that much of an annoying assh*le back then?)

Yes, she was.

Back to the topic, she could understand the doubts Ria was having after considering her own..."colorful" input toward humans.

"...To think the day you used the ticket to a mortal, much less a human.... should I expect Sir Michael joining this side?"

Wouldn't that be something?

If the de facto prince and the unofficial king of heaven joining the rank of the sinner, the devils and demons will be having a field day.

"As...attractive that is, that blondie still has its uses. He's basically the one who keeps the current heaven as it is, albeit barely."

Ignoring the fact these two could be beheaded just from the blasphemy they spoke, the action Sophia took toward the guy was surprising, to say the least.

Unlike the "promotion" commonly recommended (read: scammed) to the previous souls, tickets are something of a free pass.

If the offers are a slave contract to a puppet show with a zero chance of escaping, then the ticket is a bonafide item to grant the receiver a single wish to be granted.

In this case, the guy she just sent was granted a second opportunity with no strings attached.

Of course, it's not like there's no benefit goes toward the offeror. Unlike popular belief, angels weren't and STILL aren't a charity organization. Heck, getting one, much more the highest-ranked Sophia just used need Millenium period of services, AT THE VERY LEAST.

Although not everyone, most worlds used the karma system as it was the most common and effective program to execute. Of course, it's not like there isn't any fault at all, but there's no denying it is still the one with the least problem.

No matter what anyone says, managing a world is DEFINITELY not an easy job, no matter the position one assigned to.

As for the ticket, depending on the amount of karma the receiver gain on his/her life, it will be converted to achievement points to the offeror.

In short, it's a two-way system with both parties something to gain.

(Heck, like this woman, could be a proper angel....)

That's why it makes her action all the more unbelievable. Unless one is a total dumba*s, then it is clear the offeror will be on the disadvantage by giving the goods first without the certainty of able to reap the benefit in an equal amount.

To put it briefly, it's like investing in stock but with little promises.

Taking into account of Sophia's personality,...Ria felt it was a miracle, really.

If she looked at it otherwise, however, it also meant that this man has 'something' that makes Sophia took this...gamble.

Putting that aside...


Honestly, if she considered her current affiliation and situation, she's screwed. Heck, if she gets more technical about it, the 'friend' in front of her was supposedly an enemy. A damn strong one, for that.

To the pure angels, the fallen one is like a black history or equivalent to the shame of the entire family.

Of course, not like she felt remorse for that. In a sense, she's similar to Sophia for being misfit as she doesn't have many friends. Moreover, the notion of knowing her own patron God run away but still serving him was idiotic, no matter how anyone looks at it.

On one hand, It's not like there's no benefit of being an angel, but her entire life was dedicated to devotion so... all those advantages are pitiful on her eyes. On the other hand, being a fallen means to live in the dark while scurrying like a rat.

It's not like fallen angels are only a few nor unpopular to every other faction, but...

(I guess being attached can be a problem itself.)

Her strict no-nonsense personality makes people view her as a cold, calculating woman, which isn't entirely wrong. However, considering how harsh the outside world compared to this 'home', her future and well-being seem bleak.

Moreover, she felt reluctant to part ways with her longtime partner too.


"Wh-What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Sure, she's annoying, brash, rude, disrespectful toward high ranking superior, lack of tact, short-tempered....

"You really are a shit*y friend, huh."

"The Fu*k!? Are you seriously picking a bone with me or something!?"

"Ah, sorry. It just comes out naturally when I think about you."


But a good one. Including all of her bad points, this woman in front of her was and still the best friend she could ever ask.

If not, she will be a cold body dropped on the floor bathed in warm blood.

True friendship transcends race and faction.

Isn't that romantic?

And now...she just decided on what to do.

Since her creator do as he pleased, then she sure as hell won't hold back. After all, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

After calming her incensed friend barely, she immediately asked on Sophia's thoughts on her unexpected actions to the man...

"Hmm, I just felt like it? Not like I have anything to lose."


.....Her face immediately rivaled the Oni on the level of scariness.

"Uhh, O~~~kay. Calm down, Ria. Sheesh, the part you are high strung is still the same."

"I want a divorce....."

"Puhahahaha!! Nice one, honey! I'll get the documents ready when we go back!"

"Fu*k you."

"Oh Really? Should I be flattered? Never thought you swing that way."

Her head throbbed badly from this irresponsible partner starting a third-rate sitcom comedy spontaneously. This is precisely the reason why did many, many predecessors before she quitted being Sophia's partner in less than one decade, tops.

She's just too crude for being an angel.

(Never mind. Like I give a damn after reaching this point.)

It was one of the seven mystery in Heaven for Sophia able to stay 'pure' for eons and everyone gave up on trying to solve it.

Once, she tried. The result? Nothing.

So, she gave up cleanly and make a compromise begrudgingly.

It's just not worth it.

Anyway, before she passes out from high-blood pressure from dealing with the stress and frustration, she forcefully changes to the main topic.

"Show me the location paper. You still have it, right?"

From the outright demand coming out of nowhere, Sophia could only tilt her head while blinking incessantly. Then, she narrowed her eyes on suspicions.


Why indeed.

It may be a spontaneous decision but Sophia still has morals to keep. She made a promise to that mortal for giving a second chance and nobody, including her partner, could stop that.

Noticing her doubts and hostility immediately, Ria immediately raised both of her hands to show her unwillingness for argument and dangerously possible misunderstanding.

"I assure you, Sophia. I have nothing of the sort toward that mortal at all."

"Then why would you even ask for his location? Heck, shouldn't you be busy handling the aftermath of your...' change'?"

"Because I want to take the same ride with you."

For a moment, Sophia didn't understand the words spoken from head to tail.

Then, when it clicked, her eyelid opened impossibly wide while her jaw is threatening to stretch down to the floor.

".....You serious?"


Her response couldn't be lighthearted than now as she's making a popping sound with the 'p' nasal.

"B-but, Wh-why?"

Her question was still the same, but the meaning behind it was quite different.

The ticket is something angels, no all higher beings possessed when they are born. Although there are very few exceptions, they only have one ticket to use. It doesn't matter whether that angel has already fallen or not.

Depending on the mortal they choose, if they struck a jackpot, they could declare independence from the leader of their own faction and ascend as a goddess.

Of course, it meant the receiver they chose needed to accumulate an insane amount of karma to realize that tall dream. Moreover, there's a fair risk of said chosen one could go astray from the initial promise and instead do horrendous deeds.

If that happens, ascension to a goddess is just a dream within a dream. Not only that, they need to clean the aftermath from the negative karma the receiver harvested.

Moreover, this case is more complicated than normal.

Overlapping of the chosen.

It's not the first case it happened, but a similar event can be counted with one hand.

Just one ticket could grant an amazing wish depending on the quality and said content, but if two are used at the same time, then the possibilities could go wider.

(But the risk just got bigger, IMMENSELY.)

There are hidden laws called the law of casualty. Just like the golden commandment, the person will reap what they did. In this case, the law will react strongly to the entity with two higher beings investing in his back.

Sending a mortal to another world is already hard, but having one reincarnated to favorable conditions is even more costly. Rather, fulfilling these two categories have extinguished all benefits the ticket Sophia used.

So the said mortal will follow the law of casualty almost the same as other mortals.

What she said on being done on the spot is not a lie. She'd do it out of defiance and rebellion toward that SOB God. She'd have no intention of reaping a benefit from him nor have any big ambition to ascend as a goddess.



If Ria is added to the equation.....then many things would change.

For one, that mortal will get many, many benefits to obtain. Depending on the amount of effort, the rewards he'll reap will be multiplied much more. Of course, the effort needed to be done will have immense difficulty due to the law of casualty.

(But if I considered his personality and past....)

There's a saying, "You never treasure what you have until it's gone". Also, "A person's smile could be masking their own pain and sadness."

These two concepts do apply to that mortal. Her extreme judgment from looking tens of thousands of mortals could back her decision for it.

If he didn't give up until the end.....

Just thinking the rewards make her blood boil with excitement and glee.

"Judging from your expression, it looks like you are attracted by my offer."

"...To be honest, I am. At the start, I did this out of spite, but your offer makes me think otherwise."

However, there's still a nagging suspicion behind her back. Moreover, it also depends on what kind of ticket do Ria possessed too.

"Right now? I have a platinum one."

"....You really are a great career woman."

"It doesn't mean shit on our current predicament."

Silently, she agreed on that.

A platinum ticket is the second highest one could get. Rather, her own ticket is just abnormal due to her absurd amount of merit gained from the Great War between Demons and Fallen Angels.

Comparing to Ria who accumulate it by desk labor for Millenia, it was a monstrous amount.

In any case, it's a miscalculation on this plan, but in a good way. If that mortal got stacked with this ticket, then it's no different from having wings attached on his back.


She could understand the logic behind Ria's offer better, but it still didn't click.

The use of tickets is not only an investment but can also be used as a failsafe. Since Ria has already begun the process of falling, then all the more so to use it for joining the said faction. The problem is, it could only be one or the other.

When she spelled that doubt straightforwardly, Ria would only cheekily smiled to her.

"That's easy. I'll stay in Heaven."


What bullsh*t is this woman spouting right now? Not only she will poke a dangerous beehive, but her future is also set in stone to doom, no question asked.

But like someone chastising an idiot, Ria reminded her partner easily.

"You can just burn it right?"

With that said, she slammed her fist to her other hand while commenting on her reaction mindlessly.

".....Huh. Yeah, I could."

But there's one more thing needed to fix. Even if she could burn the impure essence, it'll still endlessly spread until someone stopped---

"Ah, your power."

Her ice is related to time, so she could 'stop' the process of impurity.

"Bingo. Looks like your head is not completely empty."

"Fu*k. You think I survived the Great War because I am a total knucklehead? I'm an idiot but not a fool, you know?"

"Point taken. Before we go depth to detail, let's finish the troublesome part first."

"You got it."

With that said, both ladies clean up the room from the mess they made, strengthen the barrier from any outsider to come, do the cleaning process inside Ria's body, and close all connection to prevent any prying eyes from the 'inside'.

"But still, why would you even go on board with this?"

"Hmm? Is it that weird?"

"Well yeah. Wasn't it 700 years ago you mentioned it to me? That you would never do that 'foolish action' because it's too risky or something?"

"Just like me doing the given work pointlessly without questioning it?"


If they have the opportunity, they really, REALLY wanted to strangle that creator to death while cursing relentlessly.

After they finished all the details needed, both of them sit in chairs while discussing the plan and future they envisioned.


"Do we even have a future? Since our master abandoned us, most things in heaven are useless. At best, it could only be seen as a comfortable place to live."

"....Damn it, you are right."

"So rather than talking about that, let's talk about the little project you started. Where did you send the guy to?"

"Hold on, let me---"

While she is rummaging her dimension pocket, Ria could only look at her indrecorously.

"....You seriously send that guy without planning whatsoever?"

"...Will you get mad if I said yes?"


She wanted to rebuke harshly against that but hold it inside her mouth. Even though Sophia didn't show it, she was experiencing the same thing as her.

Different people have different ways to cope with their sadness. and Ria is also the same. If not, she won't ever take a sip on the damnable cigarette nor joining this incredulous plan.

"Thanks for your consideration. Here you go. Ah, there's his profile too. I added the missing part in case that damn department wants to be picky with me."

"Meticulous aren't you?"

"Call it an adaptation. Their scolding is worse than the drunk rambling."

Doing a decent work just to avoid should she describe this? Being childish for being a kid afraid of scolding or being a dedicated worker because afraid of punishment?

(Well, not like it matter.)

Since the world they manage will go to Boom! before she'll notice, anyway.

Ignoring the pointless work policy she cherished so much in the past, she focused her undivided attention toward the data on this mortal in detail. Witnessing his negotiation skill and calmness is one thing, she wanted to be sure of everything.

After reading his history, his attitude, goal, etc....

"Hmmm...He's really decent for a human being. A shame he got born in a shitty environment."

"My point exactly. Still, not everything is a total tragedy. His experience of hardship and difficulties will be a great foundation for his future success."

True. Although not much as Sophia, she herself had seen a fair amount of humans and this one can be said as the cream of the crop. If he lives in a different place at different circumstances,...engraving his mark deeply on history is not impossible either.

But that is just an if story. Right now, she needs to assess this fairly and objectively.

Her future is riding on this.

After getting a clear picture of his abilities, she read toward the location of his reincarnation...


A dumbfounded and stupid sound come out from her pretty mouth.

Sophia, who was busy drinking her treasured wine, immediately do a double-take hearing her reaction.

What the hell she had just read to get that kind of reaction?

Needless to say, she immediately got curious and picked up the fallen paper onto her hand. Since she used his wish as the base, it shouldn't be too---

"....What the fu*k?"

It became weird immediately.

" the right profile right?"

"I'm pretty sure it is. I'm...not that much of a scatterbrain, much less on this occasion."

"Then how would you explain THIS?"

".....Hold on a sec. let me think."

To be clear, the place he will be reincarnated is not that different from Earth. There's no magic, medieval age or political monarch bullsh*t he wanted to avoid like the plague. Although the situation he reincarnated to got handicapped a bit, it's not a hurdle he can't overcome.


(Just what idiot would make a world like this?)

Many things are skewed.

Like, Really, REALLY skewed.

If one lives a long life then strange things become normies, but this strangeness they witnessed is one of a kind for sure. Not exactly a bad thing per se, but it could be considered...' unique' if they compared it with this world.

Besides, since he knew the word of unfairness deeply so why would he---

"Ah. Ahhh~~~ I see now."

"You got something?"

"Yeah, I guess if you considered his life, then it's not that strange."

Looking at Sophia nodding her head sagely like nothing's wrong, Ria felt weird.

"Is he...a "gentleman" with "unique" tendencies?"

Judging from his profile, that possibility felt non-existent but... information on paper is not exactly reflecting everything so she becomes uncertain.

Hearing her quoted mark questions, Sophia resolutely shakes her head.

"Nah, the guy is not a pervert alright. He's not ogling me either."

"Ah, that's true. I forgot angels are considered prettier than humans."

"...Somehow, I feel you are making fun of me."

"You are imagining it."

Although she still felt a tiny, weeny doubt in that, she ignored it.

Right now, clearing the misunderstanding is more important.

"You know that things that haven't be experienced will become weird if you witness it directly? Like, the grass is greener on another side thing."


Seeing her not convinced yet, Sophia gently continued her explanation without any signs of irritation. This kind of thing could only be understood unless one is involved directly.

"He was never loved, Ria. All he faced was contempt, disgust, deceit, unkempt superiority, unfairness, injustice, and many many things not needed to be said. To be completely honest, him not going insane and/or fall to depravity is a downright miracle."

"That's...true. I never considered that aspect."

"It's fine, I know you are awkward about this kind of thing. that's why I filled your gap by taking this job."

Ain't that true?

If Ria is the cold woman who prioritized benefit more to feelings, Sophia is the complete opposite of her. Initially, they got into a fight a whole lot, but that was just part of the process.

Both of them have things each they don't have.

And Sophia, who understand feelings and emotion more than Ria understood clearly why he got sent to this kind of world.

"So even if he's a human with a great skillset, his level of general empathy is severely lacking. Did you know? When I hugged him, he flinched and fidget uncertainly...just like someone who experienced the first time."

"...Ahhh... I think I get it now. So that's why...."

With that explanation, Ria finally understood the point Sophia wanted to across. If what she said was accurate, then it wasn't that strange for this mortal reincarnated to this kind of world.


(The God who managed this world is also in a pinch.)

Maybe, just maybe...this man could be the breakthrough to solve or change it for the better. Of course, she was getting ahead of herself but this whole plan of it was foolish in the first place.

They really didn't have much to lose either way.

So like someone who bets the last chip. As a final hurrah... she could see the possibilities.

Even if they lose this bet, not much would change either. Moreover, they have an entire lifetime to wait for bearing fruit anyway. Even if it takes centuries to get the result, they wouldn't complain much.

But if he was the ultimate jackpot...

"Good, I'm in."

"Alright then, gimme the ticket. I'll handle the rest."

Wordlessly, she gave her eons amount of workload worth to her partner to this low chance investment. On her partner's hand, the ticket was bathed in a yellow-white light and crumble slowly.

Just like that, it was gone.

(How anticlimactic.)

How did Sophia feel when she'd done this?

Most probably, nothing. If anything, her nonchalant face without any sign of frustration or regret was the best proof of it.

"Fhuuuuu~~~. It's done."

Then, when this side project of it was done on all necessary actions, nothing comes to mind on the NEXT thing she should do.

Silently, she'd make eye contact with Ria.

Noticing her predicament, Ria spoke her mouth.

"What we could do now is only laying low. Even though it's not entirely illegal anymore, It's not something needed to be widespread."

"I guess. So...daily hell again?"

"Daily hell again."

With those three words spoken, she slumped to the floor with black clouds rumblings on top of her head.

"Kuheuk, Goddamn it. Not those paper works again...."

To her, the paperwork is the biggest and hardest 'evil' needed to 'kill' for. Moreover, since knowing God won't come back anymore, it becomes more and more pointless to do it.

Seeing her like this, a bitter smile appeared on Ria's face. How couldn't she understand her feelings?

(I'm the same too.)

Somehow, she felt envious of her ignorant acquaintances. It looks like ignorance is truly a bliss.

Silently closing on the gap between her partner, she put a hand on her slumped shoulder.

"Hey, hey, cheer up. I know someone in the managing department owing a big favor to me. At least it won't be as busy as before."



Raising her heavy head to meet her partner's eyes, all she saw was teasing and encouraging smile.

"This time, I'll accompany you. Bar, smoking, whatever you want. Two is better than one, right?"

Hearing the unbelievable statement, Sophia's eyes widened while her mouth formed an O shape.

"...Never thought I get this kind of invitation from you."

"You never know what's in store for the future."

"Yeah....yeah, you are right."

With that said, both women, standing shoulder to shoulder left the desolate place with a completely different mindset.

They were the abandoned ones.

One whose purpose to support their own creator but thrown away as yesterday trash.

However, even if it was a little, they have hope now.

Hope, that could overturn their destiny completely.

Hope, for the bright future they fervently desired.













...Never thought it become bigger than anyone could possibly imagine.