Chapter 270: I'll Ask For Nothing More

"You have to ask Duke about that. We hardly know about it." Rain raised his eyebrows and glanced at Duke. This fellow seemed so smooth lately. Ever since he was with Belinda, Duke had been acting like he conquered the whole world, which bothered Rain big time.

"Don't. I didn't know anything until they'd already done it. I'm still trying to figure things out here." Duke was pissed off when they talked about that. He was so ready to kick Kevin's ass but his father showed up at that critical moment. Duke was a good son so he could do nothing but let Kevin take Leena away. Their father seemed okay with it. Duke respected his father and his decisions.

"By the way, who the hell is this Kevin? He seems like more than an ordinary soldier." Edward had met Kevin several times before. He noticed that Kevin had a imposing aura, which was unusual for a soldier. Edward knew that Kevin must have come from a noble family which was wealthy and sophisticated enough to shape his character.

"I heard he is from a noble family of the capital city. A military family. It seems every member of his family has high military rank. I don't know about the details. I only did some digging after he talked to my father that day. Nothing useful in fact. It almost felt like someone deliberately edited his profile and released it to the public." Duke was angry back then so he didn't join their talk in the study. All the information he had about Kevin was his own investigation.

"What? No way! So Leena picked a rich guy! Good for her!" Rain laughed out loud as he usually did. The extravagant laugh somehow suited his personality.

Edward said nothing; he simply played with his wine glass while staring blankly at the liquid. Then he suddenly raised the glass and gulped down his wine. He was alarmed by their words. He suddenly thought of the possibility of Daisy being someone else's wife with good family background and considerate personality. But thank God she loved him and chose him. He felt so lucky that Daisy loved him for all these years with all her heart, and her love for him never changed.

"We should definitely ask him out for drinks someday. I want to see what a man coming from a military family looks like." Tom usually seemed gentle and refined; however, the truth was that he could be as ruthless as Hades himself. He would kill without hesitation, and his enemy would die before they realized what had happened. Of course it only happened when someone had crossed the line, otherwise Tom would be like a sleeping lion, majestic but not harmful.

"What's wrong with you guys? Don't we have something to discuss? Why do we keep talking about that Kevin guy?" Duke still hated Kevin for stealing his sister, so he didn't want to talk about him or even hear his name.

The biggest news today is Leena got married to that Kevin guy! Of course we're talking about him! What else do you think we should talk about? Your sex life with Belinda? Would you like to share? I wouldn't mind." Rain always tried to turn whatever they were talking into something dirty, and everyone hated that habit of his. But even so, he still wouldn't give up trying. It was his way to keep conversations interesting.

"Nope. Go find out with Annie if you're so keen on it. You won't learn anything from me." Duke narrowed his eyes and gazed at Rain with a sneer on his face, looking dangerously handsome. He couldn't beat Edward at a war of words, but he had millions of ways to make Rain beg for mercy. Apart from that, he'd learned a lot from Belinda lately.

"Damn it! I have no interest in you people! Forget it, I'll just drink." Rain nervously looked away and filled his glass with wine; he then drank absently without saying anything. Annie was like a stinger in his heart, and it hurt painfully whenever her name was brought up. It was like a ticking bomb inside him, which would blow up any minute and destroy all his senses. He had no idea how crazy he would become when that moment came.

Every one in this room had their own problems to worry about. They gulped down booze while talking, hence all of them were drunk by the time they left Sexy World. Luckily, Edward's bodyguards would see they get home safely.

Standing on the balcony and gazing at the starry sky, Annie was lost in her own thoughts. It was cold at night during the summer. Annie kept thinking about what happened at noon on a loop. Her heart was numb out of agony, the only thing she could feel at this moment was sorrow and loneliness. The more she cared for Rain, the further she fell. She was losing everything she had. The burden she carried was becoming increasingly heavier and almost suffocated her. She wanted to throw it away and ran as fast as she could. The night was quiet in a huge villa like this. The sorrow Annie felt was lurking around the house, gnawing at her bit by bit. She didn't know what she was waiting for. The only thing she knew for sure was that she needed to see him one more time, so she could remember him forever. She had been standing motionlessly for hours like a stone statue; tear stains on her face were dry hours ago. Still, she didn't see anyone coming back to the house.

Annie grew stronger and tougher as time went by. She thought she would have what she wanted as long as she kept trying and never gave up. But it turned out that Rain was not some object she could easily take; he was a man with his own feelings; he wouldn't stand there and wait for Annie like she wanted. Annie narrowed her eyes as she saw the headlights of an approaching car. Her heat skipped a beat. Was he finally home? 'But how should I tell him I'm leaving?' Annie bit her lower lip, her hands clenching nervously. She had to find an excuse before he came in the house. However, she was afraid that he wouldn't ask her to stay, or even bother asking why she left. The thought almost tore her heart apart. She would be an empty shell without a soul if he didn't care for her at all.

Fixing her eyes on the dashing Maybach, Annie wanted to see the man she loved so deeply from the bottom of her heart. But to her surprise, it was not Rain walking out of the car. She was confused. Upon seeing the man open the back seat door and help another guy out of the vehicle, Annie immediately recognized him and tried to go to him. However, her feet were numb from standing in one place so long, so she fell to the floor, sharp pain coming instantly from her legs.

Annie rubbed her feet for a short while and managed to stand up again. 'Is he drunk again?' She wondered. 'But why? Didn't he smile so happily this noon? Perhaps he was having dinner with clients and accidentally drank too much?' Thousand of questions hovered in her mind, but she didn't have the time to stop and think about them. She staggered downstairs towards the doorway. She had to see him.

It was one of Edward's bodyguards who brought Rain back. He greeted Annie politely as he saw her.

"Hello, Miss Annie. Mr. Rain is a bit drunk tonight. Which room should I put him in?" The bodyguard knew Edward's acquaintances, and so he knew Annie.

"Yes. Hello to you too. Can you help him upstairs to his room? Thank you." Annie's voice was soft and tender like herself.

Rain's attention, still clouded by drink, was settled on Annie. He suddenly shook off the bodyguard and fell into Annie's arms. Not expecting his sudden move, Annie almost fell on her kneels because of his weight. The bodyguard immediately held Rain's body to prevent the both of them from falling.

After a while, Annie finally managed to carry Rain to his bedroom with the bodyguard's help. She was frowning all the time. After sending away the bodyguard, Annie went back upstairs and stared at his beautiful face. Eyes closed, he was quiet like a sleeping angel. No smirk and no bitter smile, he still looked gorgeous even without any expressions.

Annie sighed heavily and knelt down beside the bed to undress him. Annie carefully loosened his tie. However, he frowned when her cold fingers touched his neck. Startled, Annie shivered and her nails almost scratched his jaw. To be honest, she was afraid that he would suddenly open his eyes, and he would see all her affection to him in her eyes that she had been trying so hard to hide.

Annie slowly loosened his tie with her shaky hands, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Holding his tie in hand, she couldn't help gazing at his thin lips. She blushed when she thought of the affectionate deep kiss last night. It was the happiest moment in her life. But it didn't last long. He pushed her away and ran off without even looking back at her, as if she were some dangerous beast.

Hesitant, Annie reached out her fingers and gently toched his tender lips. Rain, do you know how much I Love You? Do you know how much I have given up on you? Your every look and every smile, and every frame of our days together are carved into my heart. I have built a fort out of my fantasies, but you left without me. I have tried so hard to keep up with you, but I just couldn't.

To be honest, I'm exhausted. I have losg myself chasing after you. I have tossed away my dignity but you never looked at me. Tonight, I'm going to be this humble for one last time. I want to be your woman. And I'll asked for nothing more. I'll let you go. I'll let myself go.... Annie mumbled in her mind desperately.