Chapter 422: Post-Operative Complication (part two)

What you see from the appearance of a person isn't always real. It is just a body covered by some protective coloration, which forces people to neglect his inner qualities. So don't be misled by appearance when you want to know someone. Otherwise, you would miss the chance to give the right judgment.

"Tom, come in quickly. The patient is short of breath." A doctor rushed out right at the moment when Daisy was about to answer Tom's question. Daisy's heart almost leaped into her throat upon hearing this.

"Don't panic. I'll go and check." Tom said while hurrying towards the ICU, which involved the long but necessary procedure of changing clothes, disinfection and changing shoes. The first action Daisy took was to look into the ICU with her back straightened up. But the minute Tom began to check Edward, the nurse pulled the curtain, then she couldn't see any more.

Daisy clenched her fist and bit it hard, tears sliding down silently. Did he sense? Daisy thought. He did sense her suspicion and mistrust of him, so he began to breathe hard.

No... It's not like that. I didn't mean to question or distrust your love. I am just not confident of myself. Is that so wrong? I shouldn't have this thought in my mind since I am sure that you love me. The only thing I should do is to give myself to you, ' Daisy said to herself.

Blood was seeping from her soft and white hand which she had been biting hard. She didn't feel it as she was dwelling in deep regrets. She had been waiting for him for twelve years, why was she becoming so greedy when she had finally got him? Hehe... Daisy thought to herself, "You are a real hypocrite. You act with proud attitude and seem careless about everything, but actually, you have nothing to show off. You are an unbearably pretentious woman."

Mrs. Mu, what's the matter? Is Mr. Mu's condition getting worse?" Luke asked, catching sight of Daisy sitting on the floor absently. He felt really upset when he saw this, especially when he spotted that the window of the ICU was covered with a thick curtain.

"Luke, Edward is a kind man, right? He wouldn't be angry with me because of my half-hearted words, right?" Daisy said while bringing down her hand from her mouth. She was looking at Luke expectantly, the tears on her face looked adorable.

"Did Mr. Mu wake up? What did you say to him?" Luke asked, he was confused by her strange words. Judging from Daisy's behavior, he could make out that something terrible must have happened to Edward. Because Daisy always kept her calm even in front of the mobs, but right now she looked too scared to be normal. She only got so emotional when something happened to Edward.

No. I'm Sorry. I lost control." Daisy said and snuffed. She looked up at the ceiling to force back the tears in her eyes. She didn't cry. But her tears weren't in her control right now. She was a soldier. As a soldier, she could sweat and bleed but never cry. However, today she did all the inappropriate things which were against a soldier's image. She still couldn't help but cry when she thought of Edward's situation.

"Mrs. Mu, your hand is bleeding. What happened? Let me ask a nurse to treat you first?" Luke said and frowned. He began to worry about Edward. It hadn't been a long time since he left the hospital to send Justin and Edward's parents home. Why did the new crisis ensue in such a short time?

"No. I'm fine. Why did you come back?" Daisy asked, raising herself on tiptoe in order to check what was going on in the ICU. But it was in vain because all she could see were the curtains.

"I am worried about Mr. Mu, so I come back. Is his condition getting worse?" Luke asked and looked inside by leaning against the window. He didn't have X-ray vision, so, just like Daisy, he couldn't see anything either and he became more upset.

"I have no idea. Tom is inside. Edward is going to be okay, right?" Daisy asked but it sounded more like she was talking to herself. Her clear eyes were turning hollow and dull.

"Don't worry. Perhaps it's just a minor problem. Don't frighten yourself. You should believe in Mr. Mu if you don't believe in Tom. Mr. Mu wouldn't like to see you sad." Luke never spoke much with anyone, let alone such comforting words. He could only talk so openly with Daisy, which was weird. Sometimes he also found his behavior to be odd.

Thank you Luke! Do you blame me for putting him in danger?" Daisy asked. She knew that the friendship between Luke and Edward was very deep. The whole thing happened because of her, so she wanted to know how Luke saw this situation.

"If you were the one lying in that bed, I can imagine how grief-stricken Mr. Mu would be. So I respect his decision." Luke said. He knew Edward's love for Daisy so well that he couldn't blame anyone. If someone had to be blamed, it should be him. After all, he was Edward's bodyguard.

"Sorry." Daisy said and pursed her lips. Everyone knew that she was special to Edward, but she avoided to face the facts. She wasn't sure if her relationship with Edward was real or not, maybe she was torturing herself or maybe she felt the happiness spreading so fast that she couldn't believe it was real.

Daisy raised her chin up with firm eyes, looking sad but beautiful. 'Edward, don't be a coward, ' she thought. 'I would follow you until the end of my life. I won't let you go as long as I'm alive, because you belong to me. Even if the Devil wants you, he'll have to ask for my gun's permission.'