Chapter 445: What Happened To Your Face (part two)

"Oh! Will he come over if I ring the bell?" Daisy asked, her eyes filled with doubt. Her face was flushed with excitement. If he ignored the swollen half of her face, she looked really lovely and attractive.

"Of course. Unless you're eager to leave me." In Edward's world, everyone bent to his will. He was never in a situation wherein he had to accommodate himself to others. Not to mention that the person involved this time was Tom. He definitely wouldn't cater to Tom in any way.

No, I don't want to leave you." The joy of getting Edward back got the best of her emotions and overpowered the principles she once held onto. Daisy didn't want to deny her true feelings. She didn't want to leave Edward for even a second.

Daisy's prompt reply dumbfounded Edward. He internally wondered when Daisy became so open about her feelings. She had always kept her emotions deep in her heart and seldom expressed herself to others. But this time, she blurted out her feelings without hesitation. He was overwhelmed by the sudden change in her attitude towards him. Did something happen while he was unconscious? What happened to her face? His question was still left unanswered.

"Are you okay? Do you feel any pain?" While Edward was shocked into silence, Daisy started getting anxious. She feared there were some side effects caused by the operation. If that was truly the case, she definitely couldn't handle another deadly blow.

"No, I was just thinking that you're very different from the Daisy I know. I'm shocked." Edward released her hand and gestured for her to sit down. With her standing in front of him like this, he felt as if they were separated by a great distance and everything seemed unreal.

Very different? How about this?" Daisy hurriedly kissed his lips before her voice trailed off. This had plagued her mind for a long time. She didn't do it before because his face was covered by the respirator. Now that the respirator was gone, she had no scruples about doing this. She didn't feel embarrassed by her bold actions. After the incident, she realized that she shouldn't have any qualms if she really loved him. There was no need to care too much about her image and pride. Being shy and reserved was acceptable, but being ridiculously proud and pretentious would do more harm than good.

Edward didn't expect his wife to suddenly be so passionate with him. His eyes widened as he stared at her in disbelief. Where exactly did he get hurt? Was there something wrong with his eyes or his brain? The whole situation felt like a fantasy.

Close your eyes and remember to breathe, " Daisy reminded him in a low voice, the same way he did to her before. Her tone was domineering and bossy, like the tone of a female bandit. But there was also a touch of feminine gentleness behind it. Hearing her words, Edward's jaw dropped again. Why was she behaving so strangely today? What caused this sudden change?

Huh... Excuse me, sorry to interrupt! Daisy, Edward just woke up. He's not in the condition for such temptation." Seeing Edward awake, Tom breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't help teasing Daisy.

At the sudden sound of Tom's voice, Daisy immediately pulled away from Edward. Her face flushed a deep shade of red at his teasing. She suddenly felt the bolt of the thunderstorm cracking in her world. She felt very embarrassed at being caught on the spot and she desperately wanted to find a hole to bury herself into. She didn't know how to respond to Tom's remarks.

"Why are you still here if you know you're interrupting us? Get out. Did you learn your manners from your physical education teacher?" Although Edward felt very weak and didn't have much energy to argue with others, it didn't mean that he was less eloquent because of his injury.

Get out? I don't remember learning this before. How about you show me how to get out, then I'll follow your demonstration step by step. You should know that I'm a fast learner and a studious student, as you can see from my achievement of becoming a doctor today."

Tom chattered happily as he examined Edward. Tom's quip gave Edward the strong urge to give him a good thrashing. It was a pity that he couldn't move at the moment, otherwise he would've given this cocky and arrogant man a good kick. Then he wouldn't have a chance to show off in front of him.

Jerry, do you think that I can't get back at you just because I'm currently injured? Don't be too cocky. Have you forgotten the saying, it's never too late for a gentleman to avenge himself? And don't tell me that you have put me in the most expensive ward in your hospital. If you did, I'll show you how it feels like when this ward is razed into the ground by me."

Edward looked around the room. The more he examined it, the more he felt that this room was very familiar. He remembered when Tom first built this ward, he was very scornful about it. He derided that only stupid people would spend their money on this room.

Compared to the other wards in this hospital, this cage-like ward cost ten times more than the other wards. The only difference was that this ward was furnished with luxurious decorations, the layout was complete, and the equipment was more advanced. But this cunning Tom dared to tag it with an exorbitant price. Wasn't this a typical way to rip off patients? Edward didn't want to be Tom's first victim to be ripped off because of the ward. This had nothing to do with money, he just didn't want to be set up by Tom.