Chapter 493: Who Wants A Divorce

To celebrate Edward's return to home, Cynthia threw him an impromptu party. Only a few close friends, as well as Anna and Aaron, were invited. As soon as the evening fell, the Mu's villa was bustling with noise and excitement.

"Belinda, why is your wedding put off?" Daisy asked softly when Belinda was alone. She somehow sensed that it had something to do with Rachel.

It's nothing. I have started feeling that we know very little about each other. So I thought it would be wise if we took some time to get to know each other before getting married." Belinda was optimistic. She smiled even when she was talking about such an unfortunate event.

Come on! I know you. It's about Rachel, isn't it? You're upset that she is back, which means you really care about Duke." Daisy sounded positive. She thought if Belinda hadn't liked Duke, she wouldn't have postponed her wedding just because Rachel suddenly showed up.

"Daisy, have you lost your mind? Why would I care about him? We're together only because Leena set us up. We don't love each other." Even though Daisy was right, Belinda was too proud to admit her feelings for Duke, which kept growing as the days went by.

Belinda, did I do it wrong? Is that why you are angry?" A voice asked timidly. It was Leena, who was looking at Belinda while biting her lip and tilting her head. The joy on her face was replaced by gloom.

Um... Leena, when did you get here? Did you come here alone?" Belinda didn't answer her question. She looked around, but Kevin wasn't there. She frowned and wondered how angry Duke would get if he saw this. It appeared she had already begun to worry about the people Duke cared about no matter how hard she was trying to conceal her feelings for him.

"Yes, I came alone. You haven't answered my question yet." After months of married life with Kevin, Leena gradually realized the importance of love in a marriage. She understood why Belinda was complaining. She felt sorry about what she had done.

It's too late to talk about right or wrong, isn't it? So don't think about it. If I didn't want to marry your brother, I wouldn't compromise. You know that. If anybody is wrong, it's me. But since I've made my choice, I won't regret it."

Belinda was the kind of person who went through her decisions. Now that she had decided to marry Duke, she considered him hers and wouldn't let him marry someone else, no matter how mad she was at him.

You are right. We share the same personality in this regard. We stick to our choices. So don't worry about it, Leena. Your brother and Belinda's relationship might be full of twists and turns, but the outcome will be perfect." Daisy stood up and pulled Leena over so that she could sit beside her. She affectionately stroked her hair which was messed up by the wind probably because the roof of the sports car had been lifted.

Who shares the same personality with you? I'm not as silly as you. Leena, remember, don't make yourself go through pain for a man like Daisy does. She is a bad example. We Lengs are not like that."

Belinda didn't realize she sounded just like one of the Lengs. Apparently, inside her heart, she had already seen herself as a member of the family, although she kept saying Duke repulsed her.

So, now you are saying that you are the daughter-in-law of the Lengs? I remember someone just said she needed some time to know each other better." Daisy said. Belinda's remarks had touched her sore spot, but she wasn't offended, because Belinda was telling the truth. Most importantly, Daisy was happy now, so it didn't matter if other people knew about the pain she had gone through to earn her happiness.

"I said the wedding was postponed. I didn't say I had nothing to do with the Leng family. Besides, I have already been tricked into registering for marriage. We're legally married now; I can't undo it. Even if I file for divorce, I'll become a divorcee. I'm too smart to make that mistake."

Belinda carelessly flipped back her curly hair. She certainly didn't want to have the wedding ceremony so early, but she wouldn't give up on Duke and let Rachel get her wish.

No way! Belinda, you just got married. And you are already thinking of getting divorced? I haven't even been invited to your wedding yet, how can you two break up so soon?"

Rain exclaimed loudly. Everyone started looking at them. At first, Duke icily glanced at Rain and then Belinda. His eyes were fixed on her like cold arrows going through her body.

Perfect! Duke heard you, and now he's angry at me! Rain, what did I do to you? Why did you say I wanted to get divorced? I heard that it's you and your precious Annie whose relationship isn't working out. Why are you dragging me into it?"

Belinda leaned toward Leena with fright. She got chills from Duke's grim stare. She couldn't imagine how furious he was right now.

Am I wrong? I swear I heard you say divorce. Are you saying that you are not the one who wants to get divorced? Is it Leena then? Don't tell me it's Daisy. Is it?"

It seemed Rain wasn't going to drop the topic; he was making things worse. His words were like bombs exploding amidst the crowd one after another and no one could escape.

Hey! Rain, this is a sensitive topic. Tread carefully. Nobody here wants a divorce. Don't start rumors. Seriously, people can get hurt," Leena explained in a state of turmoil. She hadn't expected herself to be involved. Duke's gaze had shifted from Belinda to her. She enjoyed her life and didn't want to die yet. She hated Rain for his big mouth and high-pitched voice. If Kevin had been here, he would have misunderstood her. Somehow, thinking of that handsome man hurt her. She felt depressed.'s Daisy then. I totally understand. If you come to think of it, any woman who has to live with my shameless, evil Boss would make the same choice." Rain sighed. Edward was instantly enraged. The look he threw at Rain was even more frigid than Duke's.

Oh. It makes sense. I should think about it." Daisy pretended to be thinking carefully, ignoring Edward's killer gaze, as if she was really interested in the idea. Her behaviour at this moment was totally opposite to her usual solemn demeanor.

Rain, if you wish to die, I can make it happen right now!" The frigidity in Edward's voice filled the entire room. With his last bit of courage being shattered by Edward's overwhelming presence, Rain immediately ran to Cynthia and Jonathan. He was worried that Edward was furious enough to ignore his wound and kick his ass, although he had just been discharged from hospital. Considering Jonathan was Edward's only match among the people present, Rain thought it would be safe to stay near him.

Uncle Rain, you are screwed. Wait and watch how my dad makes you his slave now. It doesn't have to be miserable, though. According to the past, he will only increase your workload, no big deal. The worst case will be to send you to a crappy country to do marketing. Not too bad, right? So, chill," Justin said while he was playing chess with his grandpa. He was smiling, but the mischief in his eyes was evident. Cynthia fed him a slice of fruit when he finished his comment.

The onlookers couldn't help but exclaim he was living the life of a crown prince. Jonathan listened quietly to their jokes without raising his head or making any comments. He focused on the chessboard except when he affectionately looked at Cynthia, who still took his breath away in spite of her age. When his eyes fell on her, he was filled with happiness. It was such an intoxicating feeling he couldn't spare attention for what was going on between Rain and Edward.

Why did you have to aggravate him? You know it won't do you any good. Haven't you learned your lesson yet?" Cynthia sighed resignedly. She wanted to help Rain but she couldn't because Edward wouldn't listen to her. Rain had come to the wrong place. The safest strategy was to stay with Daisy. Since she was the one who mentioned thinking about divorce in front of him, she must have a way to deal with Edward. Otherwise, she wouldn't have attempted to echo Rain's remarks.

"But auntie Cynthia, those women started the topic. I just picked up the thread of the conversation. Why is he only staring at me, but not them? It's unfair." Rain said to Cynthia dismally. He timidly used his hands as a shield against Edward's icy stare.

Daisy sipped a mouthful of tea from the cup in her hand. She casually glanced at Edward. She was enjoying seeing Edward so angry. She found it amusing to provoke her arrogant husband now and then.

Maybe you didn't start it, but you aggravated the tension. Of course, you are the one to blame." Tom gracefully swirled the wine glass in his hand. He took a sip occasionally. To him, Rain was a troublemaker. There was actually nothing he could do about it. Perhaps influenced by him, Tom had made a few mistakes in front of Edward recently, which had continuously put him to a disadvantage.

Thinking of the check Edward signed that morning for hospitalization expenses, Tom felt his heart was bleeding. He drowned his cares in wine with knitted brows. Tom not only didn't make money from Edward's hospitalization but also lost a lot of it because of the expensive medicine he had used on him. He felt as if he had been cheated. The fruit of his hard work vanished in a second. With a stroke of Edward's gold pen, everything was finalised. He had been shocked to see it happen. He had known from beginning that Edward wouldn't willingly accept the rip off, but he hadn't expected him to rip him off instead. He felt restless in such a pathetic situation.