Chapter 508: The Lin Group Changes Hands

"Grace died many years ago. Leo, why don't you just forget her? Why do you still love her so dearly? Even if she cheated on you, you still value her?"

Yakira stroked her sore chin. She harbored serious jealousy against Grace. So many years had passed, but she still couldn't win Leo's love. Why? Leo was always courteous to Yakira. But Yakira had never gotten the love she wanted from Leo.

"In the past, I was convinced that she cheated on me, but from today on, I won't believe anything you say. You'd better tell me the test report you gave me is authentic; otherwise I can't guarantee if you'll still be able to stand in front of me safe and sound."

Once a couple ceased to trust each other, the good feelings between them would be gone. Yakira was trapped in a loveless marriage and felt helpless.

Why are you so cruel to me? You should know she didn't leave anything for you, but I gave you a son to carry on the family name. You can't doubt my loyalty to you." Yakira thought, 'Has something changed quietly? Why did he suddenly mention the test report?'

Don't use your son as a bargaining chip after you make mistakes. It's true that you gave me a son, but thanks to you, I have lost my daughter. Wait and see. Once I find out the truth, I will drive you out of my house!"

Leo looked at Yakira with contempt. It was necessary to re-do a DNA test. He decided not to trust anyone else. To set his mind at rest, he had to do everything on his own.

Mom, what is dad talking about? What's the test report? Is it about Daisy? You gave dad a false report, so dad kicked Daisy out?"

Brian quietly listened to Leo and Yakira at the beginning. He gradually figured out what was going on from what they were saying. As he said, Yakira gave Leo a fake DNA test report, so Leo said he lost a daughter because of her. "That's what you think of me? Now I know I'm of no importance in this family. All of you can criticize me indiscriminately. Brian, mind your own business. Stay out of this matter."

Yakira didn't think that her son would help her. Her mood could not have been grimmer, so she didn't want to argue with him. Brian always defended Daisy and treated Yakira as a stranger.

"Do you still care what I think of you? I couldn't show any respect for you starting at about age five. You're not fit to be a mother! Don't talk about the mother-child relationship. It means nothing to me!"

Brian produced a forced smile. He saw how his mother cruelly abused Daisy. She gave Daisy the leftovers and even spit on the food. Brian was young and innocent at the time, but he could distinguish between right and wrong.

"Brian, I don't know what I did to you. Your hatred for me is so intense. But why? I don't think I have treated you shabbily." Yakira didn't know why Brian hated her. As his mother, she couldn't bear to hurt him. Instead, she loved him with all her heart.

"Don't you know why? As a mother, you should have instructed and influenced me by your words and deeds, but what did I see? You schemed against others and played dirty tricks. With your bad influence, do you think I can admire you as my mother?"

Brian said in a self-deprecating tone. It was lucky for Yakira to have Brian as her son. Yakira set a bad example, but Brian was kind and honest.

"So you dislike me. If I don't help you to remove all obstacles, you wouldn't be able to take charge of Ouyang Foreign Trade or serve as the CEO without making any effort."

I threw Daisy out for your sake. Look what you have today. You should thank me. How can you look down on me?"

Don't you think it is ridiculous? As you said, you removed the obstacles for me. You treated Daisy as a stumbling block, so you tried every means to get rid of her. Unfortunately, I am dismissive of the position of CEO. You did all this for yourself, not for me! Don't use me as an excuse. I won't stand for it."

Brian squinted at Yakira. He hated her for what she did, but she was his mother, so no matter how he disliked her, he could not completely ignore her.

"I admit I find vanity appealing. I did everything for my own sake, so you criticized me. In this case, I don't have to continue pretending. Think whatever you want!" Yakira sniffed back her tears and staggered to her bedroom. 'Did I really make a mistake? Both Mary and Brian doubted me today. I have plotted against others over the years, but what do I get? Everyone thinks I'm a vicious woman. I even have no dignity as a mother.' Brian frowned and sighed. His face was shaded with melancholy. In this already shattered home, everyone had his own axe to grind. He wished he were an orphan. Then he wouldn't need to worry too much about the mess.

Now the Lin Group was also a mess. From today on, it would become a thing of the past in this city. Jessica's legs gave way and she fell to the floor. She might look unyielding usually, but she couldn't hold back her sad tears in the face of such a drastic change.

'Edward, why? Why do you leave no way out for me? I love you dearly, but you still treat me cruelly. I shouldn't have fallen in love with you in the first place."

"Miss Lin, well…" The assistant looked at Jessica helplessly. The centuries-old Lin Group went bankrupt overnight. What should the employees do?

"What else can we do? Do you think we can turn the tables under the nose of the FX International Group?" Jessica wiped her tears. What a miserable day.

"You are right. Miss Lin, you know yourself well enough." Rain grinned evilly. Instead of showing sympathy for Jessica, he jeered at her misfortunes. What a terribly rude man he was.

"Rain, what are you doing here? Get out! You are not welcome here." Jessica looked pitiful, like a drowned rat, but she didn't want to show any weakness in front of Rain.

"Miss Lin, you know what? Just a few minutes ago, the Lin Group became part of the FX International Group."

Rain didn't like Jessica, but he was impressed by her attitude. The Lin Group had declared bankruptcy, but she was still proud and arrogant. Truth be told, she was an able woman, but she shouldn't have offended Daisy or tried to lie to get her way. If she had just applied herself, she would have made a difference. Pitifully, she failed to see the truth and had extravagant hopes for something that didn't belong to her.

"Where is Edward? I want to see him! What did we do? Why does he have to eliminate us?" Jessica suddenly rushed over to sway Rain.

Sorry. He doesn't want to see you. I am in full charge of the handover. As a matter of fact, you didn't provoke him, but you really shouldn't have offended Daisy. You make trouble for yourself. You can't blame others."

Rain shook Jessica off. If her assistant hadn't caught her, she would have fallen to the ground.

"Is this because of Daisy again? Why is she involved in everything? Why do all of you like her so much? She is the apple of your eye. Daisy, I hate you! Wait and see. You'll regret it!" Jessica pushed her assistant away and screamed hysterically. Her eyes blurred by tears, but the vicious expression was apparent.

Hey, bitch! Leave Daisy out of this. You frame her in the first place. Try to be sensible about tthis, okay? Rain hadn't thought that Jessica overreact. She actually blame Daisy for what happened to her.

How can I be sensible? Can I regain the Lin Group? Can the baby in my belly enjoy his father's love after he comes into this world? Can the bitch Daisy give Edward to me? No! Then why should I be sensible? It means nothing to me!

Jessica angrily swept the items on the deskdown to the groud. She had lost her

mind and close her ears. She firmly believed that Daisy caused all this. To vent her hatred, she swore to make Daisy's life more miserable than hers.