Chapter 527: A Considerate Perfect Wife (part one)

"Okay, everyone. Sit down, continue eating." Daisy quickly regained her composure, recovering from embarrassment. She raised her exquisite eyebrows, her order coming through loud and clear. Her intimidating manner was felt in every corner.

Edward felt delighted to see Daisy's behavior. Because he hoped that Daisy would be forbidding and harsh to all the other men except for him. Then no one would think of getting their hands on his wife. He was such a cunning man.

"Mr. Mu, this way, please." The Commander led Edward to a table which was prepared by the batman beforehand and asked him to sit down. The usually boisterous canteen became very quiet today because of the arrival of several special guests. All the soldiers kept quiet, it was obvious that they wanted to overhear any juicy tidbits they could.

Looking at all the dishes on the table, Daisy bit her lip and walked towards the kitchen in silence. This strange act confused everyone, except for Edward. Because when Daisy frowned, he followed her gaze and found out she was looking along the table. So he was certain that she was dissatisfied with the dishes and wanted to find some food which would be helpful for the recovery of his wound. She did this every day since he got hurt. For this considerate care, Edward felt very warm in his heart. At the same time, he became accustomed to it.

"What happened to Daisy? Are the dishes not to her taste today? She is never particular about food. Strange." The Commander looked at the dishes on the table. There was no such luxurious food as shark's fins or cubilose. But the abundant fish and meat portions could make it a hearty meal. And that was a good enough treat for any guest.

Don't worry. Probably it is because of me. She cares much about my health recently. So she is very careful about what I eat every day." Edward displayed a big smile on his charming face with delight as if bathing in the spring wind. Even his eyes reflected happiness. It seemed that no matter how angry Daisy was at him, she didn't forget to care for him. He was deeply touched by her warm affection.

Haha! It surprises me that our iron lady Colonel Ouyang is such a considerate perfect wife in private. How come I've never noticed this before?" The hearty laughter of the Commander could be heard in every corner of the canteen. All the soldiers knew that beneath her aloof appearance, their Colonel Ouyang also had her gentle and lovely side like many other women.

This is true. Daisy could manage everything well as a wife. As you just said, I'm lucky to marry her." Edward smiled. He praised Daisy generously. His deep and enigmatic eyes looked playful and cunning. He was a perfect combination of gracefulness and nobility. His temperament was noticeably different from other people, and it drew everyone's attention. Even the movement of his mouth as he talked was a feast to the eyes.

"Are you trash talking me behind my back?" Daisy didn't mind the gazes boring into her from other people. She calmly placed the food she made just now in front of Edward. Her act was very natural without any trace of embarrassment or hesitation as if it was her daily routine.

"No, we're admiring you." Whatever the food was, as long as it was prepared by Daisy, he would accept everything, and he wouldn't even complain. Because he knew what she did was entirely to make him healthy again. Therefore he tried his best to follow her instructions. Some of the food was not to his liking, but as long as Daisy thought that it was good for his health, he would eat it without hesitation. This unusual behavior had taken Luke by surprise, and he had been with Edward for many years.

Admiring me? But it didn't sound like it. You are still recovering, you'd better eat lightly. It's not appropriate to eat too much fish and meat. And you need more food with high protein and rich vitamins." Daisy kept what Tom had advised in mind, so she strictly followed what he suggested about Edward's diet.

Thank you, Colonel Ouyang. I will firmly obey your order." Edward pulled out the chair beside him and gracefully let Daisy sit beside him. But his next move made all the other people feel shocked. He reached out his slim hand and gently slicked Daisy's hair back to her ears. It was a simple act, but few men would do it so naturally in the presence of so many people. Especially for his deep blue eyes, they were full of affection. His love for Daisy was so obvious, he didn't mind showing how much he loved Daisy in public.

"You're talking too much, eat! We'll see whether the food can stop you from talking." Daisy blushed again because of his sudden gentle caress. Although she was a little embarrassed when Edward did such an intimate move in front of so many soldiers, she felt happy with the sweet move he would occasionally do for her.

The Commander had been wearing an affable smile all the time with an approving look. No matter what made them separate before, as long as they were happy together from now on, he would also feel happy for them.

It was said that beautiful things always attracted people's attention. During the whole process when Edward ate his meal, he displayed his graceful manner to the fullest. This influenced all the rough soldiers. They unwittingly slowed down the speed at which they eat. They all chewed carefully and swallowed slowly, totally opposite from the way they usually eat. Their typical speed was in terrible hurry after being exhausted by the training.

Daisy was surprised to see their change of manner. It seemed that no matter how hot-blooded the soldiers were, sometimes they would occasionally show off a bit. They were also unwilling to lose to others, with a stubborn streak a mile long. Just liike now, they were deeply empressed by the inborn temeperament of Edward. It illustrated one thing, if you wanted respect, using force was not the shortcut to achieve it. Because the cultivation and temperament you showed could also be your trump card.