Chapter 551: Mr. Mu Was Drugged (part one)

Yakira Mo was also quite nervous now. But she was nervous about very different things than Mary was. She remembered that Edward's bodyguard, Luke, was waiting outside. He had a gaze that was cold enough to freeze others. If she left the room, what excuse could she use? Could she say that she needed to leave because Edward and Mary were having sex inside? And what of Luke? What would she do if he tried anything. She was in a real pickle right now. And this was the most troubling thing for her.

Edward did not suspect anything at all as he did not believe that there was anyone who was bold enough to try and trick him. Therefore, he drank all the wine in the glass without hesitation. He was finally healed, and didn't drink any alcohol during his recovery. So he was really craving a drink. Now he finally dampened his desire by drinking the wine.

Would you like another drink, Edward?" asked Mary Ouyang. She didn't notice how worried her mother was. Instead she focused her eyes on Edward. And she was looking forward to the fierce and passionate scene that was bound to happen later.

"No, I have something else to do. I need to go," answered Edward. He checked his watch. He was supposed to meet Daisy outside the bar later. He had gotten accustomed to making others wait for him, but he wouldn't do this for his darling wife. He cared about her so much that he didn't want to make her wait for him at all. Of course, she warned him not to drink when he called her there to meet up. But she didn't ask who was in the bar with him, and Edward didn't bother to tell her. Maybe she thought that Rain or some of his other friends were there. Therefore, she did not worry about him.

"Ah! Why do you have to take off so soon? Why not stay here and have more wine? It'll be really lame if you leave. We'll be sad," said Mary anxiously. If he left now, the good opportunity that she worked so hard for would be for nothing. Besides, she already drugged him. It's a good thing she succeeded this time -- it might not be this easy to get another opportunity. And she didn't know if Edward would find out and seek revenge later.

Don't be like that. You came here to have a good time and relax, right? Don't get upset because of me," said Edward casually. He didn't get the answers he wanted, so to him the conversation was over. He wouldn't have even bothered to talk to them if he hadn't had it in mind to help Daisy find out who was responsible for her mother's death.

"Mr. Mu, don't you think you've done it too obvious?" asked Yakira. In order to help Mary keep Edward here, Yakira took a risk and started a conversation with this mysterious question. She deliberately piqued Edward's interest, because she knew that if they failed this time, it would be impossible to get another chance. So the most important thing now was to keep Edward in the room. As for Luke, well, they could find ways to keep the two separated.

"Why do you say that?" asked Edward. Suddenly, he was interested in what she had to say. Too obvious about what? Was this a plot to keep him here, and why would she want to? He knew why Mary wanted him to stay here. She wanted him, that was unmistakable. However, what about Yakira? What she was thinking? She knew that he was painfully aware of what evil she was involved in. She should want him to leave as quickly as possible, lest he asked her something incriminating. But what was she on about now? At this point, Edward was really confused.

"Unless I miss my guess, we didn't meet by chance today. You arranged this meeting, am I right?" asked Yakira She was definitely not a woman who was so easily deceived. Edward Mu, in her mind, was not a person who could so easily accept their invitation. Of course, he put up a fight, but he finally gave in. So he came there on purpose. Though she sensed his apprehension, she pretended not to notice, for Mary's sake. She just sat there and played psychological games with him.

"I wonder why Mrs. Ouyang is so convinced that I'm waiting here especially for you. Anybody willing to give me answers?" Edward sneered. Maybe he'd finally met a worthy opponent. He was intrigued by what she would let slip out. If the opponent was as stupid as the pig, he would lose the challenge. However, if she could see things through, he would see her differently.

Hum! Haven't you always been cold to us? So you're suddenly friendly. Isn't your change in attitude evidence that you were waiting for us?" Yakira was not as ignorant as Mary. Mary might think that he really wanted to accompany them to have a drink. She didn't believe that he could show them any respect if he hadn't approached them on purpose. Everyone knew that the CEO of FX International Group wasn't even willing to give face to the mayor. Why would he really treat them any differently?

Mrs. Ouyang seems to know me well. However, you think too much. Do you think that everyone is up to something? Quit projecting your passive-aggressive behavior on others. What's more, don't forget, I'm not you. I can't do wicked things at the drop of a hat like you guys do. So unfortunately, this time, you'll be disappointed. To be honest, you two are not worthy of my time," said Edward calmly.

As proud as Edward was, even if his opponent saw through him, he would always maintain his dignity and honor, and would never get upset. So no matter what, he would not admit that he did anything on purpose.