Chapter 565: I am Here For You (part two)

"It was her. But for what?" Daisy swallowed hard. Her eyes were full of tears, but she fought them back. She grabbed his hand so forcibly and she forgot Edward was not the killer, but the man she loved and valued. Edward felt her emotions, he didn't remind her although he felt the pain as she tightly held onto his hand.

Nothing but high position and great wealth could drive a heartless person to kill an expectant mother." Edward closed his eyes and decided to tell her all he knew. He ignored the pain from his hand. He would bear all the pain for her if she could feel better while holding his hand tightly.

"What did you say?" Daisy squeezed his hand with more strength. Her eyes became terrible. She stared at Edward, struck with awe. She could not believe her ears. There was something wrong. Her mother was pregnant. No, it was not true.

I said your mother was pregnant at that time." Edward made up his mind to tell her the whole truth. She had already gotten hurt, so he should take the chance to speak everything out. It would be better to have short and sharp pains than long and dull pains. If she could not bear the pain like this, how could she face up to the following words that Edward was about to say?

"Haha... Edward, very funny. Why aren't you smiling? Don't you think this is funny?" Her nerves were on edge for a long time and stretched to the breaking point. Daisy could not help but burst out laughing. It broke Edward's heart. He would feel better if she cried. He loved her so much that he would like to shield her from the wind and rain of the world. He wanted her to be happy forever.

"Honey, it's okay. I'm here for you. Whatever difficulties you meet, I will work them out. I will do anything for you. Don't be brave. You can cry if you want to. Don't hold back. I feel so bad when you hold pain back." Edward could not find any more words to console her. He pulled her into his strong arms and kissed her hair a million times.

"Tell me it's not true. You're kidding me. Please. There is nobody heartless enough to kill a pregnant woman." Consoled by Edward, Daisy burst into tears. Her hands grabbed Edward's collar forcibly.

"Daisy, pull yourself together. I really wish it's a joke. But it's not a joke. It's true. Whether we accept it or not, it really exists. Neither you nor I can change the fact." Daisy was a little crazy. She seemed to have lost her mind. She was hysterical. Edward was scared. He shouted at her loudly, hoping to bring her back to her senses.

"Your promised me that you would never hurt me and you would never be cruel to me. You never mean what you say. How could you do that? How could you hurt me in so many different ways?" Daisy glowered at Edward with red eyes, as if Edward was her sworn enemy and she was going to kill him.

"Okay. It's all my fault. Come on, honey. I don't like you this way. When I see you like this, my heart is breaking. It would be better to kill me. I love you and I don't want you to be upset. Honey, please calm down. Deep Breaths. Just take slow, deep breaths." Edward hugged her tightly, no matter how hard she struggled. He wouldn't let her go. He was afraid that she might do something to hurt herself. If that happened, he would never forgive himself.

"Edward, tell me. Should anyone who commits a crime be brought to justice? But if she has blood on her hands, why could she hide from the law and live a good life. Why could she live in peace with herself? Why could she be so flippant and impudent? She killed my mother. Why could she live such a happy life without punishment from the law? Tell me. Just tell me why?"

Daisy wept in his arms, with a sudden abandonment of struggling. She then managed to calm herself down a bit. She was heartbroken and could not breathe while thinking of the death of her mother.

Don't worry! She will get what she deserves. I have a recording that talks about the murder. Do you want to hear it or not?" Edward asked cautiously. He knew she could not bear it. He understood how she felt. But he could not accept the fact that she might hurt herself if she continued losing control.

"Yeah! I need to hear it. I am fine." Daisy attempted to wipe away all the tears from her eyes, but she failed as there were too many tears falling down. She was nothing like the commanding colonel as she used to be. Instead, she looked delicate and touching. Anyone that had seen her like this would feel somewhat protective toward her.

"Well. Please don't lose control as you just did after you hear it. Just like you are fighting a war, you must keep a cool head to think things through. To get what you want, you must analyze calmly and precisely. Otherwise you will be defeated completely by the enemy. I guess, being defeated in a war is the last thing you want as a colonel."

Edward cautiously talked this over with Daisy. He tried his best to persuade her to look at the brutal fact calmly. Because he knew she would feel more resentful after she listened to the recording. It was necessary to make a deal with her, just in case she went completely bananas and smacked him. He was not fully recovered from the gunshot yet, so he could not control her right now.

"I promise that I will try my best, but I cannot guarantee that nothing would happen. Daisy bite her lip. She knew she lost control just now. Her ugly crying had ruin her perfect image. But she didn't care. After all, he had seen worse. She would not feel embarrassed when he saw her crying. And sje never made a promise that she could not keep. That's why she promised him that she would try her best.

Okay! good girl. That is the valiant Colonel Ouyang that I know. Edward gently wipe her tears away and lovingly kissed her mouth. Then he turned on the computer and played the recording about her mother's death. But unluckily, he obviously overestimated Daisy. Our valiant Colonel Ouyang did not keep her words. Yes, she tried her best to calm down while listening to the recording. She was absolutely quiet, as if it had nothing to do with her. But once the recording stopped, she ran to the door right away. She bristled with anger. Nobody dared get in her way, even the most ferocious dragon.