Chapter 614: The Cellphone (part two)

"Mary, you can't do that. You can take revenge on me. But please do think about Brian once? He will be really disappointed." Daisy tried to invoke some goodness in Mary by persuading her to do something good for the sake of Brian, after all she was his sister. She hoped that by doing this, Mary might find a twinge of conscience and correct her wrongdoings before it was too late for her.

"Brian? Haha He has never treated me as his sister. All he cares about is you. Why would I even care about how he feels? Daisy, you're so naive. Are you scared already? Why didn't you see it coming when you argued with me?" Her face was distorted hideously with anger and jealousy when Daisy mentioned Brian.

"If you want to punish me or kill me, I won't fight back. But if you plan on hurting my son, I beg you not to do that. Isn't this what you want all this while? Me begging you like this?" Daisy closed her eyes. She could smell the blood on her face. She had no time to think of the blood or her facial wound at the moment. She was rather focused on finding a way to get Justin out of here unhurt. She knew that if anything happened to Justin today, she would never be able to forgive herself for putting her son in such extreme danger.

"Daisy? Are you begging me now? Should I give you a chance to be good and make me feel satisfied?" Mary giggled. She had known it her whole life that no matter how hard Daisy had tried and irrespective of all that she had accomplished, a housemaid would never be able to outdo her master,. When it came to the very end, the housemaid had to lower her head and beg for mercy from her master.

"Mom, don't beg. If we're to die today, we'll die together and bravely. Death won't frighten me. Believe me, those bitches will have worse endings than us, because Dad surely will take revenge on them," said Justin bravely. His childish voice sounded so innocent and sincere. As far as he was concerned, his Mom was a colonel with pride and credibility. He would never let her compromise on that, even for his safety. Although Daisy was ready to make sacrifices for her son, he would never allow her to beg for his sake. He had to protect her safety and honor at all cost.

Well done. You're such a badass. Hasn't your slut Mom taught you how to beg? We're about to find out whether you're as brave and courageous as you sound or not." Mary pinched his pink and soft cheeks. The pain he was experiencing was further aggravated since he was slapped by Jessica minutes back. However, he clenched his teeth, and refrained himself from making a sound. He stared at Mary, frowning and challenging her. At that moment, he looked exactly like a younger version of Edward.

"Well, do it quickly. There'll be trouble if my cousin comes back." Jessica frowned. That ferocious Hero always frightened her to death. However, she was determined to make Daisy suffer.

Edward called Daisy incessantly, but she never answered. He thought for a few moments and decided to call Justin. Unexpectedly, Justin's phone had been turned on. He was elated. However, his elation disappeared when Justin didn't answer the phone. He was getting more worried now.

He knew he had to do something. He used his head to think harder. Then, he got on his car quickly, started the engine and pulled away. He rushed back home. On the other hand, Luke looked confused and intrigued. He followed Edward's car as quickly as he could. On the way back home, Edward kept calling Daisy and Justin. But neither of them answered. He couldn't understand what was wrong, He wanted to reach them and find out what was happening. But he was also afraid that if he repeatedly called Justin, the battery in his phone might be exhausted and his phone might be powered off. Moreover, his repeated calling might also put him in danger, if they were kidnapped. More importantly, he was certain that Justin wanted to send him signals but it might be too dangerous for him to expose himself and answer the phone. So, for the sake of their safety, Edward had to find another way to reach them.

When he got home, he found a lot of people waiting for him, even those who weren't supposed to be seen at his house.

"What's up?" asked Edward casually and absent-mindedly, as he rushed to Justin's bedroom. He knew Justin was really good at computer, and he might have connected his mobile phone to some of the applications on his computer. This was his only way to find out more about his wife and son's whereabouts.

Edward, have you got any news about Daisy and Justin?"

Duke had been more and more worried since he received a strange phone call from Edward. He thought that instead of letting his imagination run wild, he would rather come here and find out what had happened.

"No, I haven't," answered Edward. Edward found Justin's laptop. He turned it on immediately. It was getting hard for Edward to control his anxiety. He was continually praying for his wife and son's safety. Meanwhile, he was wondering what he could do, if the laptop too didn't lead him to anything concrete.

Edward, you left the office in a hurry this morning to find your wife and son? Why didn't you tell me about it?" Rain complained. He hadn't been told about Daisy's disappearance until Duke called and explained to him briefly.

Even if I did tell you, could you be of any help to me? You're not a policeman nor sherlock, answered Edward nonchalantly. When Edward required to enter the password before he could review Justin's laptop, his mouth twitched slightly and he smiled wryly. He know Daisy did this. It seemed that she wasn't just doing small talk with Justin.