Chapter 641: Thank You For Coming (part two)

"For many years, I have chased fame, money, reputation and other monetary gains. I got a lot and even lost a lot in the past. And then, I realized that what I really want the most is you, Daisy. But I could never have you. So, I could not figure out if there was anything else that was worthwhile for me to go after?" Hero sighed. He fixed his eyes on Daisy, with deep love and wordless resignation. In his eyes, Daisy's beautiful face looked even more charming than what he had retained in his memory. Hero cherished the moment he had with Daisy and could not take away his eyes even for a second.

Have you ever thought in your mind that maybe I'm just one object that you wish to conquer? Perhaps there are no other emotions involved in this. In other words, you might think that you love me, but maybe that ain't your real feeling." Daisy tried to help Hero understand his real feeling. In comparison to the previous fierce sense of resistance that she got when she was held as a hostage, Daisy now became much calmer. She was now able to analyze Hero's behavior in a much rational way.

"I also thought about it once. Maybe I want you so badly because I could not conquer you. However, last time, when I found out that you were seriously injured, I suddenly realized that I actually underestimated your influence on me. My feeling is not related to any kind of conquer, but to love." Hero moaned, like a wounded wolf roaring in a low voice. And his sadness also expressed his failure in getting Daisy's love.

"Thank you for your love, but I can only say sorry to you. Because I love my husband, and so does he. And there is no room for other people in my heart. So, I am genuinely sorry but I cannot respond to your affection." Daisy told him, in a very serious tone. Daisy wanted Hero to know that she was very happy with the man she loved. And she never thought of any change in life.

"I know. So, I bless you. I hope you stay happy for good." Hero smiled, with mixed feelings of satisfaction and sadness. He felt satisfied because Daisy lived a happy life. Daisy's happiness was Hero's simple and the only request. He also felt sad, because the person who provided a happy life to Daisy was not him. Anyway, he tried to give his best smile to Daisy, with a hope that Daisy could remember this last smile and thereby forget all the previous unhappy memories related to him.

Hero's last wish worked. Daisy felt inexplicably sad even after walking out of the prison gate. It seemed that she was so affected by Hero's sad mood that she was unusually silent all the way back home. She just gazed out of the window, seeing the scenery flying back swiftly. Only after she came back home and saw Justin's lovely little face, she snapped out of her sad mood.

"Mom, you're finally back. I missed you so much!" When Justin saw Daisy, he ran into her arms immediately, with his eyes shining with excitement. Justin did not see his dear mommy for several days, and thus he really missed her so much.

"My little Justin, I too missed you a lot." Daisy picked him up and gave him a big kiss on his face. Then she put down the little one. But she felt that one kiss was not enough to express her love for Justin, especially when she was out for so many days.

"Why are you getting thinner again?" Cynthia said. She came out of her room after hearing Daisy's voice. She frowned a little at the sight of Daisy's much slender chin.

"Cynthia, thanks for your hard work when I was not at home." Daisy smiled. When she would be really busy with work, her weight would come down a lot. However, once she was relaxed in her work life, her weight would come back to its normal level.

"Nonsense, you must have had a much harder time than I did. Look at your tiny face. It looks so thin to see. Yes, I must ask Mrs. Wu to cook some food enriched with high nutrition for you." Cynthia turned to the kitchen immediately once she got this idea. She did not even give a chance to Daisy to respond to this. Cynthia really cared about Daisy a lot.

Uh! ... Do I look like someone in need of more nutritious food?" Daisy felt confused. Oh, No. Why did one need more nutrition! She felt worried to see the chicken soup with ginseng, roasted duck, bird's nest soup and various other nutritious food items again! Daisy had eaten a lot of that food last time when she was injured. One more time now? Oh, no. Besides, she was only a few pounds less in weight. It was not so horrible as what Cynthia said just now.

"Yes, Mom. You indeed need some more nutrition. You know, chubbiness is a strong quality for a woman. And all men love it. So, now you understand how Grandma wishes to help you keep dad's heart!" Little Justin talked like an adult. His words surprised Daisy.

Little Justin," said Daisy, "tell me, who taught you all this? Or where did you learn all this from?" Daisy wondered. She had locked the computer and iPad. And she really did not know from where Justin had learnt all these messy thoughts?

From where? Does this thing need to be learnt? Isn't that what all TV series on TV depict? Nearly all TV series have such a stupid plot. It is not difficult to know that." Little Justin laughed. His mom was too busy to watch TV series. Thus, she did not know what was popular in the society now.