Chapter 645: B Country (part two)

"Okay. Go have some rest! I will reach the army base in a few minutes. Take care of yourself. Bye." Despite saying bye, Daisy didn't cut the phone. She waited to hear bye from Edward.

"Okay, bye," responded Edward, blowing a gentle kiss over the phone before finally hanging it up. After putting down his phone, Edward walked towards the bathroom while undoing his shirt button. Like a leopard after a hunt, he looked worn out. This strangely added another layer of charm to his appearance. No wonder numerous women were crazy about him. How could anyone resist such a hot man!

B Country was a landlocked country located in the southern hemisphere. Most of the areas of the country had a savanna climate. The western part of where Edward was staying was mostly a desert or a semi-desert region. The year here was divided into dry and rainy seasons. The rainy season was hot, while the dry season was dry and cold. Both with huge temperature difference between the day and night. Right now, it was rainy season here. For someone like Edward, who couldn't stand the warm weather, it was especially difficult to stay here at this time of the year.

Edward added some lavender oil in the hot tub and got in it to relax his muscles. Now he could finally clear everything out of his head and just rest. It was three in the morning, nine o'clock in the morning for Daisy. He had a twenty-hour long journey during which he did nothing but reviewed the documents he received from the head manager in B Country. Such workload could take a toll on anyone.

However, to deliver what he had promised, he had to speed up the tasks in hand so as to catch up with the exercise of new weapons at Daisy's army base. If it was about someone else, he wouldn't push himself so hard. To him, everything about Daisy was important. He would rather keep all the hard work to himself than let Daisy down by not showing up when she wanted him.

After the water in the tub was lukewarm, he opened his eyes and turned on the shower to let the warm water run down on his body from head to toe. The streams of water smashing his skin was relaxing. He then stretched his hands to let his palms feel the water splashes. The room was now filled with hot steam. His skin gradually grew pink from the heat, and with his eyes and mouth shut peacefully, his face looked even more enticing.

Apart from the business work, Edward was in B Country for another important task. He wanted to find the perfect wedding ring for Daisy. This was something he had owed her for the last couple of years. Edward wished to be responsible in every step of this work, right from the selection of the raw stone to the design and the shape of the ring. He picked purple diamond for the ring. This was one of the rarest stones in the market. It was a rare diamond because there weren't too many reserves of it in the nature. So, it was naturally very pricey.

Though Daisy never gave too much importance to material things, as a husband, Edward felt it was his responsibility to give Daisy the best things in the world. He always backed his words with actions so as to ensure that his wife felt cherished.

No color could be more apt for his dear wife other than purple. Purple represented dreams and also bore a hint of mystery. To Edward, Daisy was like a treasure land filled with endless surprises. Every now and then, he would discover a new merit of hers. He just couldn't get enough of her.

After dreaming about the happy times he spent with Daisy, Edward finally got his strength back. He then turned off the shower and stepped out in satisfaction. On his way out of the bathroom, he grabbed a bath towel and wrapped it around his waist. When a few drops of water fell from his hair to his upper body, he stopped abruptly. After a moment of hesitation, he headed back in the bathroom to grab another towel to dry his hair. It occurred to him that he had just promised his wife that he would take good care of himself, and if he didn't do that, he would betray her trust in him.

'I guess she is the only woman in the world who dares to point out where I am wrong and call me arrogant. I have never met any woman who doesn't want my attention or try to please me. Daisy, however, is nothing like them. She even treats me harshly sometimes, but strangely, I like that too about her. Is there anything wrong with me?' mused Edward, laughing at himself.

He pledged that in the following days of their lives, he would still treat her dearly, especially during a fight. He now wanted to love her in all ways he could think of. Lying comfortably on his king-size bed, all he could think of was his wife. Her beauty was not only limited to her appearance, but it was more about her character traits. Sometimes she was strong and determined, and portrayed more courage than a man while other times she flushed like a school girl who could melt your heart instantly; there were also times when she became distant and aloof. Whatever she was like, he adored her. With all those sweet thoughts of his beloved wife, he sank into a deep sleep.

After what happened last night, Daisy felt it was necessary for her to take out some time and rekindle her relationship with Edward. Though they were back together now, it seemed that there was still so much that she didn't know about him. She knew that it was because she hadn't been paying much attention to him or his work. It was true that her work was very demanding, but that couldn't justify her not spending enough time nurturing her relationship with her partner.

For the first time in her life, her mind was occupied with personal things during working hours. As she leaned against the window, a wave of memories of Edward flooded her head. She remembered the things he had done for her and how much he had changed for her. The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if she had been taking his love for granted. After all, he didn't owe her anything and there was no need for him to do everything she asked for. Looking back, she realized that she failed to give back Edward enough in this relationship.

'He has so many choices. He can practically have any woman he wants. Will such a man really be happy to commit to me? Though he seems pretty content with it, but will it last long?' thought Daisy to herself, sighing deeply. If she were to answer the question, it would be a no. She wondered if she should make some changes in herself, to make it easier for both of them to be together.

Ever since their reunion, things Edward did had been more than enough to prove his sincerity for Daisy. Sadly, she had been constantly taking his intentions for granted. Taking this recent incident for instance, she didn't even bother to ask where he was going before his business trip, and it wasn't until last night that she finally realized how aloof she kept herself from him.