Chapter 652:The Fight (part two)

"5th dan judo and 6th dan taekwondo. What do you think?" Leena proudly laughed. Being a daughter from a wealthy family, she had to be prepared for all kinds of emergencies. Duke was not the kind of person to be persuaded by her begging and pleading. He sent her to tough training sessions when she was little. There was no getting away for her.

"What, you have learned those?" When Daisy heard Leena, she was actually a little surprised. She got so distracted that she was almost hit by a guy with a wooden club. No wonder the girl did come around without fear. It turned out that she could handle herself pretty well. She was trained young, so she could reach such high dan ranks! Daisy thought that Leena was just a princess spoilt by everyone, but she didn't expect her to have secrets like these. This made Daisy look at Leena in a completely different way.

"Daisy, be careful. I'll explain later." Leena was scared for a moment when she saw Daisy almost being hit by a wooden club. She couldn't afford to be careless. Though, she could fight, she had very little combat experience. Besides, she was wearing a skirt, so she was much more restrained compared to the flexible Daisy.

Originally, the hooligans thought that their number could be an advantage. But they didn't think these two women would be so good at fighting, especially the one in military uniform. Not only did she know all the moves, she also had the efficiency to overpower her opponents. So within just a few minutes, half of the attackers were put down to the ground. They were so badly bruised that they couldn't stand up or fight back. Daisy was a truly decisive and resolute woman.

Mary watched when the fight was on. She was shocked to see them fighting like that. In this moment, she felt a slight change of emotions in her heart. Given the damage she brought in Daisy's life, Daisy could have completely left Mary alone in a situation like this. But Mary was surprised that Daisy came forward without thinking twice. Did she help her because she was a military officer? Or did she step forward because of Brian? Or was she just a very good human being? This was a question that Mary needed to figure out at this moment. But no matter why Daisy helped her, Mary was indeed thankful to her for her rescue.

"Damn, you bitch. Are you all dead? You couldn't even handle two women." Looking at the downed lackeys all around him, Sen was furious. It made sense that they couldn't overpower the soldier, but how come his guys couldn't even take care of the frail-looking girl. If this defeat went out, they would no longer be able to stay on the street with any dignity.

However, what Sen didn't know was that whenever Leena was in any danger, Daisy would swiftly and easily help her out. In the very moment, a maniacal thug came swinging his knife around to stab Leena. Daisy, with no regard of her own safety, swept her long leg under the guy while dodging another assailant who was trying to exploit her. She then took a super quick swing and prevented Leena from being hurt.

As a soldier, Daisy knew clearly that she should not hesitate when fighting with the enemy. Moreover, she shouldn't underestimate her opponents either. Since she was exerting herself with every move, she planned her moves efficiently. If she could knock someone out with one punch, she wouldn't waste another kick on the same person.

Her agility could be seen by the hooligans. Whether it was with a duck or with a jump, she was closely evading all possibly fatal strikes. Although it was already late autumn, she was sweating all over. Daisy couldn't afford to take care of her bruised shoulder. She dragged a guy to her side and used him to deflect another person's knife attack. Her once bright eyes were now red.

Leena, I'll cover you. Grab the first opportunity and get out from here. Do you hear me?" Daisy frowned a bit. Even though Leena knew the moves, she lacked actual fighting experience. So she might unknowingly put herself in a dangerous situation. Daisy had to protect Leena from those situations, as they were affecting her own performance. Things got worse when the attackers began taking out weapons one after another. The girls could easily get hurt. So Daisy had to make sure that Leena was safe before she could let loose.

"Okay, Daisy. You be careful." Leena was not brainless. She quickly realized that her presence was constricting Daisy, so she voiced no protest on Daisy's request.

"Good!" Daisy puckered her lips. She was wondering why the police hadn't come yet. Why had taken them so long? It seemed that she ought to talk to Mr. Yi. With such terrible efficiency, any other person must have been dead by now. Leena found an opening and quickly ran away. A few hooligans saw her and tried to catch up, but Daisy stood in their way. Now with Leena away from the scene, Daisy could be quicker with her moves and more violent in her actions. Every strike from her was however only enough to knock people down and not actually kill them.

Do you want to keep going?" Daisy panted, standing on top of the thugs she just dropped on the ground. She coldly glanced at the man they called Sen. Beads of sweat slowly fell from her forehead.

"Screw you! Damn bitch, you sure know how to fight. But if you want to get away from here, let me tell you, not a chance. My men haven't had a chance to taste you yet!" Sen spat on the ground, glaring at Daisy with his raging eyes.

"Stubborn as a mule. If that's what you want, then I'll have you taste jail in just a minute! I guess prison sounds really good to you." Daisy hated the most when others threw out obscenities. So she no longer wished to talk to Sen and went straight after him. Wasn't there a saying "cut off the head and the body would die"? If that was the case, she would have to subdue this unruly bastard first. But right before she could get to him, the man caught hold of Mary from the side and used her as a shield in front of him. Daisy almost couldn't hold herself back and hit Mary instead.

"Ah! Daisy, help." Mary didn't expect to become the hooligans' target once again, so she immediately screamed out. She was also pleadingly staring at Daisy.

"What do you say? Are you ready to submit, or should I kill this woman? Make a choice." Sen said creepily, putting a knife against Mary's neck.

"What if I choose neither?" Daisy closed her eyes, angry. She wondered if Mary was stupid. The girl had a good chance to escape earlier, but she had to stay here and become a helpless hostage. Daisy had no idea how Mary came up with all those conspiracies against her in the past.

"No, you will have to choose one. Don't forget that you are wearing a military uniform. I don't have to remind you about upholding the honor of the military and loving the people, right?" Sen didn't expect Daisy to be so good at hand-to-hand combat. Without any knowledge of ranks, he had no idea who she really was and treated her like a regular soldier. Perhaps, this was the reason why he treated her so lightly.

"You don't have to remind me. All I know is that the police will be here in any second. And then, none of you will be able to get away from here. This is not an empty threat." If it were not for Brian's sake, Daisy would have just turned around and left. But just like Sen said, she hadn't forgotten what she was wearing, so even if someone other than Mary was captured here, she was obligated to step forth as a soldier defending her country.

Shit, you guys called the cops." As Sen complained, he pressed his knife harder onto Mary's neck. Mary was so scared that she didn't dare to breathe, in fear that her delicate neck would be cut open by the knife. Just then, the police siren could be heard from a distance. Daisy was certain that the police was heading closer to the location.