Chapter 661: Paternal Love (part one)

"You go, girl!" Edward snickered. He was glad that Michelle believed him. Michelle was too simple after all.

"How come you became the target of those people? They don't seem to be nice people. Did you offend the local gangsters?" Michelle recalled the dangerous situation they were in about a moment ago. Luke would have been seriously injured if she and her sidekicks hadn't appeared in time.

"Yes. It's about business. You have to bow your head under low eaves. This is their territory. We have been put into a very tight spot." Edward frowned. He had been too careless this time and was now led by the nose. The situation was dangerous and crucial. If he and Joseph still couldn't come to an agreement by tomorrow, he would have to seek help from his father as a last resort. Honestly, he was reluctant to ask for help from Jonathan. Bygones were bygones. He had put the past behind and didn't hate him anymore. Edward was a proud man. He just didn't want his father to think that he couldn't even handle such a trifle.

"You should be more careful. If there is anything that I can do for you, do let me know. I came here only for fun, but my father's friend is a powerful man here. Perhaps he can help you," Michelle said as she patted her chest like a man.

"No, thanks." Edward didn't want to owe anybody anything. If he had to ever ask for help from someone, it would rather be from his own father than from anyone else. After all, blood is thicker than water. Edward didn't want to be burdened. If he took help from his father, he wouldn't feel like he owed him. Certainly, his father wouldn't ask for anything in return.

"Okay. I should go. Look out for yourselves." Michelle checked the time. It was late. She wanted to trash Luke more, but it would be inappropriate for her to stay any longer. She knew the protocol.

See you back in the city. Remember what I told you," Edward reminded her, resuming his trick.

I will. Bye." Michelle was scatter-minded. By the time she briskly ran out of the room, the anger she felt at Luke was already gone.

Edward walked up to the window, thought for a while, and then called his father. He had made a promise to Daisy that he would go home safe and he would do anything to keep his promise. A wise man knew when to advance and when to retreat. This was the time to eat the humble pie for the woman he loved. He no longer cared about his self esteem and dignity. He knew if he didn't think about them, making a choice would be easier.

"Edward, aren't you on business in B Country? Everything okay?" Edward had never called his father before. When Jonathan got his call in the middle of the night, he had mixed feelings. He sensed something was wrong.

"I'm sorry to wake you up like this. But I need your help. It's urgent." To make it to the performance of new weapons at the army base, Edward had to fix the problem with the KG company by morning. So he had to call Jonathan immediately.

"Shoot. What do you want me to do?" Jonathan looked at Cynthia who was in a deep sleep beside him. In order not to disturb her, he got out of bed and lightly walked toward the balcony.

Do you have people from the Mayfly in B Country? I can really use some help right now." The Mayfly had an influence all over the world. But still, Edward wasn't sure if it could spread far and wide to a remote country like B Country.

"I can transfer some people from a neighboring country there. Just tell me who you are dealing with. I'll have somebody take care of the rest." Since the time Daisy was abducted, this was the second time Edward had asked for help from Jonathan. As a father, he would do everything to help him.

"I can take care of it myself. You just need to send people here to protect me." Edward wouldn't hide from Joseph. He intended to let him taste the bitter fruit of the war that he had started. He had to know whom he was messing with.

"Okay. I'll make arrangements right away. Take care of yourself." Before, Jonathan had hardly shown concern for anyone except his wife. But that had changed since Edward's gunshot wound. Jonathan was still not used to being a caring man, but at least he was trying to be one.

"Thank you," Edward said to his father. It might sound estranged, but Edward was actually happy with the change in his father.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to do something for you. I know that some things are hard to make up for, but I am glad that you think of me when you need help." Dawn was approaching. Jonathan looked into the horizon where mist was rising. He felt as bright as a vast blue sky.

"I'm confused. Did I dial the wrong number? It doesn't sound like you at all." Edward's eyes were red. He had been waiting for this kind of paternal love for many years. When he finally got it, he was overwhelmed and felt like running away.

"Don't you recognize my voice? Never mind. I'll go and make the arrangements. My men will arrive in about five or six hours." Tears welled in Jonathan's eyes. He never imagined that his son would be so close to him. Had Edward forgiven him for the indifference he had shown in the past?

Okay, perfect. They will be here in time." Edward hung up the phone and exhaled deeply with relief. He turned around and found Luke standing behind him with a thoughtful look.

"Mr. Mu, was that your father on the phone?" Luke asked. He was happy that Edward and his father were finally communicating again. In this foreign country, Jonathan was the only person who could help them out. In the past, Edward would rather die than seek help from his father. Now he was willing to call him. It seemed they were eventually reconciled with each other.

"Yes, that was him. We came here in a hurry without proper preparations. Now we need The Mayfly's help to protect us. After I handle Joseph, we can go home on time." Edward walked to the sofa and sat down. The frustration on his face had disappeared. He seemed in a good mood now.

"With your father's help, we can fight back tomorrow," Luke said. He was used to Edward's confidence. Yesterday was the first time he had seen Edward cornered. As someone close to Edward, he had felt bad about it. Edward had promised Daisy that he would come home safe, so he had been suppressing his anger while negotiating with Joseph. He had tried his best to be tactful with him. And at last, he had almost gotten himself killed. The old Edward wouldn't ever compromise like that. But now he was a husband and a father. That changed everything. He had to put his family and his own safety first and think everything through before taking any action.

Daisy had the same nightmare repeatedly all night. In the dream, she ran and ran but every time she got caught by someone. She had never had this nightmare before. When she woke up in the morning, she felt exhausted.