Chapter 730: Under Emergency Treatment (part one)

"How's Hero now?" Daisy asked anxiously as she trotted into the hospital and saw the Warden. Her forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat though it was autumn.

"He is still in the operating room. He seems bad right now," the Warden answered.

It was then that a nurse ran out from the operating room. Seconds after that, the same nurse ran back with a bag of blood in her hand.

Excuse me nurse, how's the patient?"

Daisy was so worried about Hero that she couldn't help but ask. She did nothing to stop the nurse from moving though.

"He is under emergency treatment. Please don't interfere with our work now," the nurse answered quickly.

Then she hurriedly went into the operating room and closed the door quickly.

"Don't worry, Colonel Ouyang. The doctor is doing his best."

The Warden said carefully without looking at Daisy. He had heard that the woman before him was the famous Devil Instructor of S City's military base. She was famous for being cold, ruthless, and relentless. That was the reason why he couldn't help but feel nervous when he faced her.

"How on earth are you doing your job? Don't you know how special he is? Why didn't you send more people to guard him?"

Daisy looked at the Warden coldly. She was unsure of his capacity to work.

We've paid more attention to him than anyone. I honestly don't have a clue as to how he was able to commit suicide," The Warden explained anxiously. He was certain that he had done everything, thus he still couldn't believe what was going on.

"How about the guards who were guarding him at that time? Have you asked them what happened?" Daisy withdrew her freezing stare from the Warden. She knew that it wasn't the proper time to investigate and affix the responsibility.

"I haven't had the time to ask them. I followed the ambulance to the hospital as soon as I heard that he committed suicide." The Warden raised his head and looked at Daisy. But his glance didn't linger, he hurriedly averted his sight as soon as he saw how melancholic Daisy was. She really could be scary.

"All right. Ask them after the operation result comes out." Daisy gently massaged her forehead. She was getting drained just by leaning against that wall. How odd! Hero was still okay the last time she saw him. Why did he suddenly commit suicide?

"Here you are, colonel," said Mark. He came to Daisy and handed her mineral water. A frown got into his face upon seeing how pale she was.

"Thank you." Daisy opened the bottle and took a few drinks. S City's dry climate during autumn cracked her lips a bit.

"How about having a seat for a moment, Colonel? The operation won't end so quickly," he suggested. His duty as Daisy's guard was not only to keep her safe. He also needed to take good care of her at any time.

"No. I'll just stand here." Daisy did not move from where she was and just looked up to the red big sign hanging on the wall, 'In Surgery'.

A lot of people probably thought she was numb. That wasn't true, her heart was the softest. It was the reason why she could forgive those people who hurt her over and over. Hero once said that he loved her. She was grateful for it even though she did not feel the same for him. She couldn't just calm down knowing that Hero was in a bad shape.

Mark did not continue to persuade her after he noticed her persistence. He just took the bottle in her hand and stood next to her.

The scared Warden was nearby but did not dare to make any noise. He seldom had the chance to face such powerful officials like Daisy Ouyang. Fear was inevitable for him.

The clock ticked away. The lights in the operating room finally turned off. Daisy immediately looked towards the operating door and rushed towards it.

Daisy grasped the doctor's hand nervously just as soon as the doctor came out. "How's it going, doctor?" she asked with a trembling voice.

"He is temporarily fine. But we need to wait until this evening to see if he is truly out of danger." The doctor frowned and took a few seconds to look at the cold woman before him.

Is it serious?" Daisy did not know how to express her mood. She just felt suffocated.

"Yes. There will be consequences even if he recovers later. Fortunately, he was sent here in time. A few minutes late would have brought difference and he would not have made it." Being a doctor made him become long used to seeing life and death. Nevertheless, he didn't have the heart to watch Daisy's sadness.

Isn't there really any chance for him to fully recover?" Daisy's eyes dimmed. She was not sure if Hero would still want to kill himself after he woke up. This was what she was more worried about. "It's not a definite no but the chances are slim. It would be really hard unless you find an expert for his case," the doctor sighed in low voice. Matter of factly, there was one world-famous expert in S City. It was just that inviting the mentioned expert to treat patients was hard. He didn't really care unless the patient was someone he deemed pleasing to his eyes.

"Well, I know. Thank you, doctor." Daisy combed her bangs back from her forehead and thanked the man bitterly.

"You're welcome," said the doctor with a nod, "The patient will be transferred to the ICU soon. Unfortunately, you can't visit him yet." He advised her some more follow-ups then turned around and left. On the other hand, the Warden followed the doctor as he still needed to clear up some details about the incident.

"Colonel, isn't Dr. Qin very skillful in medicine? If you really want to save Hero, you can ask him to help!" said Mark who was still very surprised about Daisy's reaction. He did not understand why she was so worried about a prisoner's suicide.

"I also know that he is skillful in medicine. But it's not good to trouble him too much. We have troubled him a lot in the past. I will become a person who has no sense of propriety if I trouble him again to rescue a prisoner," Daisy answered. She shook her head and gave a wry smile. In fact, Tom was the first person that came in her mind after the doctor said that she should find an expert. But she was embarrassed to ask him for help. Everything needed to have limitations. She couldn't just always ask Tom for help and not appreciate him even if he was close to them.

"But didn't Doctor Qin study medicine to save lives and heal the wounded?" Mark murmured. He was quite confused about Tom's behavior when it came to treating his patients. He had the skill but he only saved those people he cared about.

"People have their own life philosophy and path. We can only have ideas about why he acts like that but we can't force him to change."

Daisy Ouyang had always been an intellectual woman. She would never put her difficulties to others. She could always be very rational and understand situations from the other person's perspective. Thus, she often forgot to consider her own interests.

"Colonel, if only everyone is as considerate as you are, things like this will not happen again."

Mark knew that Daisy was kind. But sometimes he really felt sorry for her kindness.

"Everyone has a different mind. The way people choose to deal with problems is also different. Forget it, you will gradually understand it in the future," Daisy said. She knew Mark was a simple and honest person. It would be a bit of a challenge for him to understand what she just said. It was better for him to slowly understand things in an actual situation rather than have herself repeat the idea multiple times.

Hero was sent to the Intensive Care Unit quickly. Daisy did not stay in the hospital too long as she was not allowed to visit him. She left the hospital right after giving some attentions to the Warden. She could do nothing anyway even if she stayed.

"Colonel, are you going back to the army base or are you heading home?" Mark asked as soon as Daisy got in the car.

What time is it? asked Daisy as she leaned against the back set languidly. Although she knew she just needed to lift up her hand, she could see her watch and knew the time. She was so tired that she did not want to move at all.

It's half past four. If we go back to the army base now, I think it will be almost to get off work when we arrive. Mark turn around to look at her. He was a little worried about Daisy as she was in such low spirits.

Is it past four? How can time pass so quickly? She did not answer Mark's query. Rather, she retorted to what he just said.