Chapter 739: The Spoiled Prince (part one)

Taking a deep breath, she gently pushed the door of the study open. There was no one in sight. After double-checking to make sure that Edward was indeed not in the room, she turned the lights off and walked out. Frustrated, she figured that he had gone out to the garden to clear his head. She went back to the room and changed into casual clothes before going downstairs. The garden was a perfect place for someone who needed to take a walk alone. To her surprise once again, Edward wasn't there either. She racked her brain for possible places where Edward could have gone to, but failed. She couldn't help but start to panic. Not knowing what to do next, she decided to get some help. As she turned to face the villa, she instantly knew who to turn to. Hastily, she headed to Luke's room. A brief moment after she knocked, the door opened.

"Mrs. Mu, is everything all right?" asked Luke. He was a little worried to see Daisy's troubled face. Not expecting her to wake him up at this hour, he still felt a little dazed from the confusion.

"Luke, have you seen Edward tonight? Do you know where he is?" Daisy asked, twining her fingers nervously. She was so worried about Edward, it didn't occur to her that she was being disruptive by waking up him in the middle of the night.

Isn't he upstairs?" Luke immediately tensed up at the mention that Edward was missing.

"No, he's not. We had a fight earlier tonight. I went to take a bath, and when I came out, he was gone." She was only in the bathroom for half an hour. Where could he have gone? Daisy bit her lips in worry and frustration.

"Calm down, Mrs. Mu. I'll ask the security guards on duty tonight to see if they've seen Mr. Mu or not." As soon as he spoke, Luke turned and grabbed his car keys before hurrying to the gate.

"Good evening, Mrs. Mu, Mr. Luo," said the guard, greeting the two approaching figures with a warm smile as soon as they entered the booth. Daisy nodded her head in response without saying anything. She was anxious to know where Edward had disappeared to.

"Good evening. Did you see Mr. Mu leave tonight?" Luke was a man of very few words. Though he was a bodyguard himself, he never spent much time chatting with the security guards of the villa. As usual, he didn't waste his breath and went straight to the point.

"Yes, I did. About half an hour ago, Mr. Mu left the house in his new Super Sport," reported the guard. He was confused why Luke wasn't with Edward when the young master went out. It was Luke's job to protect Edward at all times. He should be by Edward's side at this moment.

"Are you sure it was him? Were there any bodyguards with him?" Luke asked, getting visibly nervous. As he spoke, he took out his phone from his pocket to make a call to Edward. Other people might think that it wasn't much work to protect a strong adult, but Luke took his job very seriously. In addition to owning quite a lot businesses in the city, Edward himself was an extremely attractive man chased by many, making him a prime target of a variety of parties. Normally, he was safe in the company of Luke and his other trusted bodyguards. But tonight, Edward was alone. He could be attacked by anyone who had been eyeing him and waiting for a big opportunity like tonight to get hold of him.

"No, he was alone," replied the guard, cringing a little. Since Luke always appeared tough and calm, everyone in the house was more afraid of him than they were of the young master. One cold glance from him was enough to make his subordinates shiver in fear.

"Why didn't you report such an important detail to me?" Luke demanded harshly. Without waiting for an answer, he dialed Edward's number. No one picked up. Luke became more agitated. Then, Rain immediately came to his mind. Edward liked hanging out with him when he was free. Hoping they were together, Luke dialed Rain's number.

"We thought you were also in the car," said the guard in a low voice, trying to defend himself. Edward had the top of the car up, and the guards mistakenly assumed that Luke was with him inside. Besides, he was driving very fast, they couldn't have noticed that Luke wasn't inside if they wanted to.

"Hello, Rain. Is Mr. Mu with you right now?" Luke asked stiffly. He didn't really like Rain, but since he needed his help, he had to force himself to talk to him.

"Hi, Luke. Good evening to you too. Are you really calling me at this hour because you're looking for Edward? Or do you just miss me?" Rain asked, mimicking the tender voice of a woman. He took a sip of the red wine in his glass as he teased Luke.

Just tell me whether he's with you or not. I don't have time for your bullshit," Luke snapped impatiently. His eyes were bulging in fury. If Rain had been right in front of him, he might have punched his face for his teasing remarks.

"Come on, loosen up a little! You don't have to be so boring all the time. Didn't you see me leave the house without Edward earlier? I haven't seen him since then. What happened? Did he disappear or something?" Rain was telling the truth. After he had dinner at Edward's place, he left early to head back to the office because he needed to send an important file to a client that night.

"I see." Without another word, Luke hung up the phone. Though Rain was used to Luke's coldness, he was still infuriated by his rude behavior on the phone and the way he hung up on him without even letting him finish talking. Fuming, he tossed his phone away and downed his wine in one big gulp.

Standing at the gate of the house, Luke scrolled through his contacts list on the phone. He paused a few seconds at Duke's number, but skipped it in favor of dialing the number of the reception desk of Sexy World. His instincts told him that if Edward wasn't with Rain, he definitely wouldn't ask a married man like Duke to accompany him in the middle of the night.

"Good evening! This is the front desk of Sexy World. How can I help you?" A typical sweet voice of a receptionist at Sexy World came through the phone. Luke almost got goosebumps hearing it. He immediately wanted to hang up, but the thought of Edward possibly being there stopped him.

Hello, This is Luke. Is Mr. Mu at your bar right now?" Edward was one of the richest and most handsome men in S City. He used to be a regular at the bar, so the staff was very familiar with him and his bodyguard Luke. They nearly always showed up together.

Oh, what a nice surprise, Mr. Luo! Mr. Mu just arrived a few minutes ago. He's in his private room right now ..." Before she could finish, Luke hung up the phone abruptly. He had the information he needed and didn't waste another moment of his time on things he found unnecessary.

Any news Luke? Daisy had been waiting anxiously in silence, watching Luke make phone calls to locate her husband. As soonas she saw him put his phone back into his pocket, she spoke up.

Yes. He is at sexy world right now. Don't worry I'll go and find him, Luke reassured. Striding towards his car without pause.

Wait, Daisy called running after Luke to catch up with him. I'll go with you. When she reach the car, she pulled the door open and got in swiftly. The sight of Luke's tense face made her weak. Only now did she realise how unsafe it was for Edward to be outside alone. There were so many reasons for Edward to be targeted by someone. He could be facing danger at any moment.