Chapter 743: Daisy's Bad Temper (part one)

"Where's your car?" Daisy asked, rolling her eyes at Edward as they walked out of Sexy World. No woman approved of her husband going to a club like this, and Daisy was no exception.

"Over there. The SuperSport one." This was the first time that Edward had driven this car since he got it. Daisy hadn't known about its existence until now.

"You lavish spender, do you need so many cars?" There were many cars in the garage of the villa, some of which Edward hadn't touched for a month.

"No, I don't. But men are only interested in two things: cars and women. In front of cool cars and beautiful women, men can't help themselves." Edward was staggering. He had drunk a lot of wine. Now, the alcohol was making him feel dizzy.

"I see. So that's why you asked the girls to accompany you for drinks tonight. As you said, men can't help themselves when faced with beautiful women," Daisy said, gritting her teeth in rage. She stomped on Edward's foot hard. She would rather have a big fight with him than see him fool around with other women. The image was devastating.

"Are you jealous?" Seeing Daisy angry suddenly cheered Edward up.

"Why should I? Give me the key." Looking at the brand-new SuperSport, Daisy's mouth twitched in disapproval. She didn't resent rich people, but she didn't like the extravagant way that Edward spent money.

"It seems to me that you're absolutely jealous." Edward took the car key out of his pocket and handed it to Daisy happily.

"Nonsense!" Daisy opened the door of the passenger seat and shoved Edward inside. Full of frustration, she felt like a woman who caught her cheating husband in the middle of the night.

Daisy rarely drove a fancy car. As a servicewoman, she couldn't be extravagant. She usually drove a VW or a military Hummer. Last time, she had been accused of taking bribes. Since then, she had been careful. Although she was married to Edward and he had a lot of luxury cars, she drove none of them to avoid similar issues in the future. If she didn't give people a chance to start rumors against her, she didn't have to worry about those kinds of things anymore.

SuperSport was the top model of the Bugatti, with a limited worldwide production of 30 vehicles. Daisy was surprised that Edward was able to attain such a rare car. Once again, she was impressed by Edward's capacity.

Edward was a bit tipsy. He looked intently at Daisy. As an unpredictable woman, her reaction to various situations was always unexpected. She was like a profound book. The more he read, the more fascinated he got.

On the way home, Daisy found the reason why the vehicle was a luxury car. It was splendid in both performance and comfort. It brought great enjoyment to its driver. Even though she wasn't a vain person, she was amazed by what money could do in this world.

As soon as they arrived at their bedroom, Daisy angrily pushed Edward on the bed and gave a heavy kick to his leg before taking his shoes off. She didn't understand why men enjoyed drinking so much. It was obviously bad for their health.

"Woman, are you trying to kill your own husband? You've been pinching and kicking me all night." Edward knew that Daisy had a bad temper, but he hadn't expected her to treat him so violently. He must have been covered with bruises by now.

If murder wasn't against the law, I would! Stay put. I'm going to run the water for your bath so you can clean every spot on your body those women touched. If not, I'll peel the skin off you." Daisy got angrier as she spoke. She enjoyed staying at home, but Edward had run off in the middle of the night and made her and Luke go out to look for him. The worst part was that he had been indulging himself with other women while she and Luke were worried to death.

"Yes, honey," Edward replied, beaming in delight. He lay in bed and watched her bustle about, full of happiness.

Sometimes, he wondered if he and Daisy would ever get tired of each other when the sparks between them disappeared. But on the contrary, they became more attracted to each other as time passed by.

Daisy was too busy to take care of Edward, and Edward did his best not to disturb her work. He often ran the bathwater for himself.

There were all kinds of skin care products in the bathroom. Since Daisy never used any of them, she couldn't tell what each was for. She only occasionally used a moisturizer for herself. Now, she read the labels on each bottle. At last, she picked a bath oil with a light fragrance for Edward. She poured it into the water and returned to the bedroom to get her troublesome husband, only to find that he had fallen asleep. The room reeked of alcohol. She had to open the windows to let the smell out.

Normally, she wouldn't wake him. But the thought of so many women touching him earlier made her skin crawl. She couldn't let him sleep without taking a bath first. She pinched his nose to wake him up.

Actually, Edward was just pretending to be asleep. All of a sudden, his eyes flew open and he reached his arm and pulled Daisy on top of him. Daisy looked at him in shock.

"What are you doing? The water is ready. Go take a bath." Daisy struggled to get off him, her face red. The position was too embarrassing for her.

"Kiss me and I'll take a bath." Edward held her tightly, gazing at her with a grin.

"No. Suit yourself. But if you don't take a bath, you're sleeping in the study tonight," Daisy threatened with a sneer.

"It's not up to you." Edward flipped them over and settled on top of her, kissing her lips passionately. The faint taste of alcohol filled her mouth.

It all happened so fast. Daisy was in a daze and didn't have time to react. She lay there and let Edward kiss her, her mind going blank. When she realized what was happening, Edward was gazing at her with a predatory look in his eyes.

"Get off me." Daisy pushed him away indignantly. This time, Edward let her go.

"Fine. I'll take a bath first. I'll get back at you later." Edward gave her an intense look. He got off the bed and started to walk confidently to the bathroom. He wanted Daisy so badly. But she made it very clear that she wouldn't let him near her without a bath. He respected her wishes, so he had to comply. What she had seen in the club obviously bothered her. Although nothing happened between him and those women, he understood Daisy. As her husband, he had to be considerate of her feelings.

Daisy bite her lip as she watched Edward walked into the bathroom with relief. Although she wasn't a germaphobe like her husband, thinking about the scene in the club made her sick. She was glad that Edward didn't force her.

Night was always a sweet and romantic moment for lovers. Everything happened naturally, Daisy didn't avoid or resist Edward's advances anymore. Tonight, she willingly surrendered to his love.

The breeze was blowing. Everything seemed beautiful under the moon light. Once again, Edward realised that women had to be pampered. They needed to feel loved. Women ended up becoming pliant and gentle after lovemaking no matter how angry or jealous they originally were.