Chapter 773: Provocation From Rachel (part two)

Oh, it's you. Why should I meet you in the first place? I don't even think that we are close enough for us to have a need to meet and talk." Belinda quipped. She had gotten angry with Duke because of Rachel for several times. Everything was just bouncing back and turning good now. She was doing well with Duke and their wedding ceremony was about to be held in two days. Thus, she wondered what on earth did they need to talk about.

"Why not? Are you afraid of me? That's why you don't want to see me?" Rachel scoffed. She concluded that Belinda must be born and raised up in a poor family and that she would be too restrained to talk to an elegant woman like her.

"Afraid of you? I don't think so. It's not necessary for me. Don't irritate me with your dares. It won't work on me." Belinda pressed her palm against her brow. Her wedding ceremony was on the horizon and she really did not want any unexpected problems.

"Ms. Shangguan, are you really not curious about the thing between Duke and me? We fell in love so much." Duke was wary of her. So Rachel's original plan was to break Duke's wariness step by step so she could capture his heart gradually. All her efforts were put in vain though in spite of her many attempts. Then she realized that the mission was impossible. Another trick came to her mind though after obtaining Belinda's number. She decided to call, irritate, and hopefully, disappoint her. This way, Belinda would feel hurt and be disappointed at Duke. At that time, she would have a chance to comfort Duke.

"Miss Qin, are you trying to sow discords between me and Duke?" She and Duke might not love each other, but a third party was still definitely not welcome between them. A Rachel Qin would never be a threat.

"Trying to sow discords? Can't you feel it?" Rachel snorted from her nose. She could not believe that Duke fell in love with Belinda. All the superiorities she had all this while would worth to none if he really did. She refused to accept that fact and would go insane.

"As I see it, yes, you are sowing discords. I should be polite at least since you are insisting on talking to me. Tell me where is it?" Belinda disliked this kind of invitation but found herself with no other option. She was also curious. She wanted to know what kind of breaking news she would tell her. After all, it was normal for her to be curious about the other woman her husband might have treated as a wife.

"Let's meet at the Revolving Restaurant. 7 pm. I'll see you in room 203." Rachel hung the phone up immediately after she finished her words. A scornful smile appeared on her face which made her look flirtatious.

Belinda took a look at her phone and she shook her head helplessly. She then threw the phone aside and continued with her files. The work to manage was just endless.

Belinda walked into the Revolving Restaurant that night wearing her well-fit and elegant business wear. The tailored suit showed her figure perfectly. Her naturally wavy hair was spread over her shoulders and back which made her look sexy, capable and experienced. She was the kind who could enjoy her life and work at the same time. Rachel arrived at the restaurant in advance. She sighed in relief as soon as she saw Belinda. She was worried that Belinda had backed out.

"Sorry, I'm late." Belinda sat down boldly. Something unexpected happened before she got off her work. She had to stay to take care of it. It was too late to go home and change when she finished it. Thus, she came there in her formal business wear.

"It's ok. I'm always patient with those who are not punctual." Rachel obviously dressed up carefully and did herself a delicate makeup. She wanted to stand out when faced with Belinda. It was understandable for a woman who was about to meet her rival to do her best and make herself look more beautiful.

"Order something, please! I'll pay for the dinner to show my apology." Belinda could sense the insult on Rachel's words but chose to ignore it. She did not want to be too stingy. She would spend too much time on that nonsense if she responded to her seriously. Generally, she liked to deal with a problem as quickly as possible. Her time was precious and she did not want to waste her time on people like Rachel Qin.

"Oh, no. It's on me! It's just a small amount of money for me. I don't want to increase your burden. It's going to cost a lot for you! Oh! No. I forget that you are the wife of Leng Group's president. This money is no big deal for you too. But anyhow, the money you will spend is not your own money. You must feel sorry and uncomfortable in your mind about that."

Rachel had always felt superior to other women and everyone else. She had been the wife of a rich family and she seemed to totally forget about her original family. She was from a normal well-off family. How dared she show off?

"Why'd you say that the money I'll spend is not my own? In my eyes, your wage as a middle-level employee is not even that high. If I am guessing it right, this dinner will cost you half your monthly salary at least!" As the president of YS Group, Belinda could not know better about the salaries of different positions. Indeed, Leng Group had the strength to offer a high wage to those capable employees but it would not be much higher than that of YS Group. She did not think that Rachel could afford the dinner in this Revolving Restaurant without any pressure. It was a classy and expensive restaurant after all.

"Hum! So what? Money is never a problem for me." Rachel smiled coldly. She gained a great amount of maintenance payment when she divorced. Otherwise, she would not be driving a Porsche sports car. Therefore, she really did not care about this money. She could afford it. The large amount of maintenance money she had received was enough for her to live a comfortable life. People always turned to be greedy though. She could have a nice life with the money indeed but it was not enough at all if she intended to live a luxurious life. Duke Leng became her object of attention because he was rich enough to give her everything she wanted. She came back this time mainly for Duke. She had the ambition to be the wife of Leng Group's president.

"Well, fine, if you insist. I am wondering what's your main purpose for inviting me to dinner though? Merely chatting? I don't think so." Belinda asked straight to the point. She was a very direct person and hated being given the runaround.

What if I want you to leave Duke? What would you do?" Rachel did not conceal her purpose and asked directly. Wow, what an aggressive woman! She was confident about herself. Belinda and Duke were already married officially and had the marriage certificates issued by the government in their hands. As for her? She was just a third party. Oh, no. She was even not qualified to be called a third party because Duke Leng did not have an affair with her at all. Poor Rachel, she did not even realize that fact. How blind she was!