Chapter 788: Enchantingly Handsome Little Boy (part two)

"Do you really want to sleep next to me?" Edward stopped and asked, confused. Justin almost did everything with a clear aim. What was his purpose this time? Sometimes, Edward felt Justin was too intelligent to be from this era; he must have come from a later age or from another planet.

Yes. Can I? Please..." Justin begged. He gave himself goosebumps as he realized the sweetness in his tone. He didn't think he was up to act like a spoiled child. It was not his style. Girls must be cuter when they did it. Therefore, years later, Justin pampered his little sister with utmost love.

Okay then, but no bed-wetting." Edward put him on the bed and turned on the air-conditioner.

Daddy, since when do I wet the bed? Wait. I guess it was you that you were talking about. Did you wet the bed when you were a child?" Justin acted as if something had dawned on him and sized up Edward.

"Nonsense. I'm not you. Be quiet and go to sleep. Do you want me to tell you a bedtime story?" Knowing Justin wouldn't like it, Edward gave a sly smile. He suddenly became evil. "No, I don't. Bedtime stories are for kids. I'm not that childish." Justin moved aside as if he was afraid that Edward would really tell him a story. He wanted to stay far away from him.

Don't forget that you are a kid too. Stop acting like a grown-up. It's not cute at all." Justin had a distinctive personality. Sometimes Edward felt that although he had a son, he couldn't act like a father around him. As a child, Justin was supposed to be naive and innocent, but instead, he talked and acted like an adult. When he did that, Edward felt a little ruffled. He felt that a lot of fun between father and son had been taken away from him.

Cute is for girls. I am not a girl. Another expression suits me better." Justin giggled.

"What expression?" Edward wondered. He felt he couldn't keep up with Justin's thinking anymore. Was he getting old?

Enchantingly handsome!" Justin grinned widely. He was indeed as handsome as Edward. He got his appearance from his Daddy.

"Ugh! You are absolutely narcissistic. Handsome is enough to make your point. Why did you have to say enchantingly handsome?" Edward had to ask again. Obviously, there was a huge generation gap between him and Justin.

"Enchantingly is about attitude. Handsome is the key word in this expression. Daddy, don't you think Uncle Rain is handsome and looks enchanting at the same time? That's why people call him Sissy." In Justin's eyes, Rain was enchanting and Edward was striking. When people saw the former, they wished time would stop. The moment they set their eyes on him, they were afraid that the slightest movement would disturb his beauty. On the other hand, people got greedy at the sight of Edward, unwilling to avert their gazes and hoping to get one more glance at him - and another and another.

Edward furrowed his brows. He couldn't believe these words had come from the mouth of a six-year-old kid, whose observation was so thorough in capturing Rain's nature. This was just too insightful to be a kid's perception. Edward was lost in his thoughts. Now he understood why Jessica had been tricked by this little guy.

"Daddy, what are you thinking about?" Justin asked, worried he had said something wrong.

Oh. It's nothing. Go to sleep." Edward tucked him in and patted his back lightly. It was a sweet moment, yet his mind wandered. As if able to read his thoughts, his phone rang at the exact moment. Looking at Justin apologetically, Edward picked up his phone and walked outside.

"Hello, Duke. What's up?"" Edward walked into the study and sank into the sofa, wondering what the call was about. Duke and Belinda's wedding was set the day after tomorrow. Duke was supposed to be busy.

Are you free now? How about coming out to have a drink with me?" Duke had been feeling down since he encountered Rachel this morning. The gloomy expression had rested on his face all day, even after work.

"Really? Is this what I think it is? Are you throwing a bachelor's party?" Edward joked.

"No. I just feel like drinking. Are you coming or not?" Duke stood on the balcony, his eyes intense and brooding.

"What's the matter? Is everything okay?" Edward was hesitant. Justin was still sleeping. He was a father now. He couldn't simply say yes to Duke and leave the house.

"Everything is okay. I just feel a little depressed. Are you worried that Daisy might not let you go out? Give her the phone and let me talk to her." A beam of headlight appeared. A car was coming closer to Duke's house. The expression on his face grew complicated.

"What are you talking about? Daisy is not home. She's in the middle of survival training with the soldiers in some mountain." Edward got upset thinking about it. He had been expecting Daisy's call all day, but hadn't heard from her at all. He had considered calling her himself. However, he was afraid he might interrupt her work. Anger simmered in his heart. Duke's words prodded at his anger.

"Then why are you so hesitant? It doesn't sound like you at all," Duke said as his eyes closely followed the beam of light. He didn't feel relieved until he saw the familiar figure get out of the car.

"Justin is sleeping in my bedroom. I can't leave him alone. You are getting married the day after tomorrow. What are you depressed about? Are you nervous?" Speaking of weddings, Edward felt regretful. He had never had that nervous and eager feeling before a wedding. It was a pity to him. He had suggested to Daisy that they have a second wedding ceremony, but Daisy had turned him down, saying that she didn't want to have one. She had sounded determined, so he had to give up.

"Ha! It's just a wedding. What's there to be nervous about?" Duke opposed. Actually he was a little nervous. But he was looking forward to seeing Belinda in a wedding dress. Picturing that, he didn't feel so miserable anymore. However, there were certain things that had been bothering him.

"If you are not nervous, don't be bothered by meaningless stuff. Stay away from trouble. Just look forward to your wedding day. Relax. Let nature take its own course." Edward didn't know what Duke was upset about, but nothing could be more important than the wedding.

"Never mind. The depression was just a spur-of-the-moment feeling. I am fine. All right. I've taken too much of your time. Go back to Justin." Duke smiled wryly. It had been silly of him to call Edward.

Okay then. Take it easy. Good night." Edward hung up the phone and shook his head. He was curious. Duke had been said to be the most stately man among his friends. Tonight, it didn't seem so.

Edward was about to put his phone aside when it rang once again. Looking at the caller ID, he was so thrilled that he grinned from ear to ear.

"Hello, " he said. It was the simplest word, but all his affections were infused into it. His blue eyes reflected tenderness. One could tell that the person on the call meant the world to him.

"Edward, whom were you talking to on the phone? It was a long call. Was it a woman?" Daisy asked with a faint smile. The breeze blew gently against her face. Standing all alone in the dark of a secluded place, she didn't feel a trace of fear.